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WooCommerce Ajax Cart & Added To Cart Popup.jpg

Ultimate WooCommerce Ajax Cart – Floating, Slide-in, Popup Cart Plugin For WordPress

Ultimate WooCommerce Ajax Cart is a premium extension for WooCommerce that displays fancy Carts in different locations of your eCommerce store. It will allow your customers to quickly view the products that they have added to their cart list. This can make your WooCommerce powered online store more effective as your customers will be able to update or remove any products that they have selected without having a cart page. Moreover, the extension also automatically calculates the total amount of price for the products that you have entered on your cart along with the currently running coupon codes on your webshop.

The most interesting feature of Ultimate WooCommerce Ajax Cart is that you can display the Checkout Form in the same window without your user having to go to the checkout page. This will reduce the checkout time and increase the conversion rate of your store. You can configure either to display the Checkout Form on the same slide/floating/popup window or redirect to the checkout page. On clicking the checkout button, the checkout form will load on the same window or redirect to another page according to the configured setting. Moreover, you can set the font size, the color of the labels, and the border/background color of the input fields.

Ultimate WooCommerce Cart is a highly customizable add-on packed with tons of features and functionalities to personalize the mini cart. You will be able to create an unlimited number of carts and display the cart items in 3 different layouts i.e. as a Slide In, Floating, or Popup. You can display or hide the created cart on selective pages only. Apart from that, you can selectively display different carts on different pages. Moreover, the extension provides you endless possibilities to design your mini shopping cart and display it on your online store in a stunning way.

Pagebuilders are becoming very popular these days. Nevertheless, Ultimate WooCommerce Ajax Cart is also compatible with the most popular plugin “ Elementor”. You can seamlessly create a custom designed Cart Panel using Elementor. The plugin has 8 built-in elements required for building an Ajax cart. Just combine them, play with the colors, backgrounds, fonts, and spacing, and create a unique looking cart that looks different from others. The built-in Elementor Elements are Ajax powered and will change without having to reload the page on adding or removing any items from the cart.
  • Version 1.6.6
  • Downloads 52
  • Views 620
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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