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FiboSearch - AJAX Search for WooCommerce (Pro)

FiboSearch - AJAX Search for WooCommerce (Pro) 1.30.1 NULLED

= 1.30.1, January 29, 2025 =
* FIXED: Errors related to index rebuilding. In some cases, the index rebuild failed, requiring a manual rebuild to complete the process
* FIXED: There was an error in the SQL syntax that occurred during the plugin uninstallation process
= 1.30.0, January 27, 2025 =
* ADDED: Ability to search in **[custom post types](https://fibosearch.com/documentation/features/searching-for-custom-post-types/)**
* ADDED: Troubleshooting – add a test for slow querying of searchable custom fields and provide the ability to disable this query
* ADDED: Search in “**[Global Unique Identifier](https://fibosearch.com/documentation/features/searching-by-gtin-upc-ean-or-isbn/)**” (GTIN, UPC, EAN or ISBN)
* ADDED: New “**meta**” field in index for taxonomy terms
* ADDED: “**Bricks theme**” integration – support for “Products” element on the search results page
* ADDED: “**Bricks theme**” integration – incorrect order of results on the search results page
* ADDED: Integration with the “**Discontinued Product Stock Status for WooCommerce**” plugin
* ADDED: The link to edit the FiboSearch bar in Customizer
* ADDED: The `x` button was added to the review request notice
* FIXED: Missing data in the “**Details Panel**” for product variations
* FIXED: Resolved an error when attempting to insert FiboSearch blocks in the block editor
* FIXED: Eliminated duplicate search results in autocomplete
* FIXED: Enabled searching for products whose variations are all out of stock but have the “**allow backorders**” status
* FIXED: **WCAG** “Links do not have a discernible name”
* FIXED: **WPML** integration – no results when option "use translation if available or fallback to default language" is used
* FIXED: **Flatsome** theme integration – can't search in mobile overlay view when search is activated from the mobile menu
* FIXED: Incorrect display of the FiboSearch form when it is embedded in the shop page description
* FIXED: Mobile search in the menu does not work when the Divi Mobile plugin is active
* FIXED: Unnecessary header “Search results for...” when there are no results for post types other than products
* FIXED: Google PageSpeed Insights – avoid non-composited animations
* FIXED: Search icon padding when the search icon is a part of the main menu
* FIXED: Index build error caused by a long SKU
* FIXED: Unable to search for a variation as a single product when searching by its attributes
* FIXED: Duplicate search results in autocomplete (active duplicate removal)
* TWEAK: Include variations with a zero price by default
* TWEAK: Navigate to the first variation from the results on submit only when exact SKU matching is active
* TWEAK: Cleaning up after refactoring of product variations indexing
* TWEAK: Theme integration is not loaded when the minimal version condition is not met
* TWEAK: Improved clearing of plugin data on uninstall
* TWEAK: Hiding unwanted banner on the settings page
* TWEAK: Remove the “**(beta)**” suffix from the “User search history” option
* REFACTOR: Remove the “**Grouped results**” option
* UPDATED: The `.pot` file
* UPDATED: Freemius SDK
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Reactions: demique
Release Date - October 29, 2024

Improved variations indexing for variable products.
Integration with the “WooCommerce Show Single Variations” plugin created by Iconic.
WCAG improvements – possibility to select and open a search icon using the keyboard.
Search icon preloader. In some rare cases, a user can wait longer to display the search icon or search bar. Instead of an empty place, a placeholder is displayed.
New troubleshooting test – warning when “Ajax Search Lite” or “Ajax Search Pro” plugins are active.
Integration with the Listeo theme.
Support for brands feature included in WooCommerce core since v9.4.
Debug page – ability to debug taxonomy terms in the search index.
Filter to change the character map when converting Greeklish to Latin.
Generatepress theme integration – incorrect mobile overlay on the checkout in the Generatepress theme.
WPML plugin integration – incorrect translations of variations.
A better way of calculating window width when the breakpoint is checked.
Skip indexing variable products (parent) if no variations are available.
MultiVendorX – missing vendors when an index is built on schedule or via WP-CLI.
Hiding the XStore theme documentation button on the settings page.
The .pot file.
Freemius SDK.
= 1.28.1, July 01, 2024 =
* FIXED: Removed the phrase “**polyfill.io**” from the JavaScript code comment. FiboSearch has never linked to this compromised library, but some security tools recognize this JavaScript comment as a potential link to malware. All reports are **false positive**.
* FIXED: PHP deprecated notice in `\DgoraWcas\Helpers::keyIsValid`
* FIXED: Unnecessary display of warning in **Troubleshooting** when products are displayed using a widget from “**JetSmarFilters**”
= 1.28.0, May 27, 2024 =
* ADDED: New search bar style - a compact version of a “Pirx” style
* ADDED: Integration with the “Cartzilla theme”
* ADDED: Integration with the “Rey theme”
* ADDED: Placeholders to display custom content for new suggestion types like taxonomy, posts, pages, and product variation
* ADDED: Multilingual - allowing longer language codes (or slugs in TranslatePress)
* ADDED: TranslatePress - possibility to skip product translation
* ADDED: Allowing indexing of variants that have zero price
* ADDED: Debugger - catalog visibility and stock status checker
* ADDED: Debugger - products visibility checker
* ADDED: Possibility to generate product data variants in the index without spaces
* FIXED: “Woodmart theme” - unable to close the mobile menu after exiting the mobile search overlay
* FIXED: “Flatsome theme” - disappearing search bar on mobile phones
* FIXED: “Flatsome” - cannot change search bar style to Pirx
* FIXED: “Divi theme” - shortcodes are not rendered in the description in the Details Panel for pages
* FIXED: “XStore theme” - the integration doesn't replace all search forms
* FIXED: Force disabling transition effect on search input to avoid unexpected layout bouncing
* FIXED: Allowing to calculate score including one and two-character words
* FIXED: Better recognition of iOS
* FIXED: Uncode theme - the search icon doesn't show on the header
* FIXED: Indexing error due to too long HTML prices of variations
* FIXED: Indexing error when product attribute is empty
* FIXED: No results with “WPML” and “WooCommerce Wholesale Prices” plugins
* FIXED: Incorrect comparison in the tokenizer. Make stopwords lowercase in the tokenizer before calling `array_diff`
* FIXED: Possibility to pass the language when debugging the product in the index
* TWEAK: Removed OPcache invalidation for the shortcode template file
* TWEAK: Reverting test in Troubleshooting module for newer versions of “HUSKY - Products Filter Professional for WooCommerce” plugin
* UPDATED: The .pot file
* UPDATED: Freemius SDK to v2.7.2
= 1.27.1, February 01, 2024 =
* FIXED: “B2BKing plugin” - better support for searching in terms
= 1.27.0, January 31, 2024 =
* ADDED: Integration with the “Betheme theme”
* ADDED: Highlight words in search results with Greek letters regardless of accent
* ADDED: Support for “Full-width Search” in the “XStore theme”
* FIXED: Multiple search containers on mobile in the “Astra theme” integration
* FIXED: No focus on search input for mobile devices in the “Astra theme” integration
* FIXED: Allow an HTML `<i>` tag in suggestion titles and headlines
* FIXED: Multilingual support is active even for one language
* FIXED: Overriding the search icon and form in the header was not working properly in the “WoodMart integration”
* FIXED: Missing filters from “Advanced AJAX Product Filters” plugin in the “Divi theme”
* FIXED: Replace `&#37` for more stable format `%%` in a `sprintf` function
* FIXED: An unwanted modal after closing the search overlay on mobile in the “Flatsome theme”
* FIXED: Missing colors after updating the “Bloksy theme” to 2.x
* FIXED: Incorrect calculation of a product's position in search results when it contains Greek letters
* FIXED: Incorrect term language detection in the WPML plugin. Replacing `term_id` with `term_taxonomy_id`
* FIXED: Unwanted ampersand entity in the product description of search results
* FIXED: No search results in Turkish when the phrase starts with a capital dotted `i`
* FIXED: No results when the search phrase contains Latin and Greek letters
* FIXED: Typo in an HTML class name related to variations
* FIXED: The search index could not be built due to a missing table in some rare cases
* FIXED: Missing vendor image in search results in the “MultivendorX plugin”
* FIXED: Disappearing filters in the “JetSmartFilters plugin”
* FIXED: PHP warning when using the Elementor widget “FiboSearch Posts Search Results”
* FIXED: Visible products and categories against the rules in the category view in the Details Panel in the “B2BKing plugin”
* FIXED: A fatal error when we return no results for a custom post using a filter
* FIXED: Don't save `html_price` in the readable index when dynamic prices are enabled
* TWEAK: Do not run the search engine on the search page when the phrase is empty
* REFACTOR: Improved index structure creation (better error detection)
* REFACTOR: Integrations related to hiding products - storing product IDs using Transient API instead of PHP sessions
* UPDATED: Requires PHP: 7.4
* UPDATED: The `.pot` file
* UPDATED: Polish translation
* UPDATED: Freemius SDK v2.6.2
= 1.26.1, October 19, 2023 =
* FIXED: Details panel - wrong HTML format of stock status element
= 1.26.0, October 16, 2023 =
* ADDED: Integration with “Bricks builder”
* ADDED: Integration with “Brizy builder”
* ADDED: Improved Greeklish support
* ADDED: Automatic disabling of the mechanism for blocking data writing to the database when it is not supported by the server
* FIXED: Calc score by comparing every word of the search phrase instead of all search phrase
* FIXED: WooCommerce Wholesale Prices plugin - invalid search results e.g. not hidden products and categories in the search results
* FIXED: Flatsome - when there are more search icons, only one is replaced
* FIXED: WPRocket - in some cases search fields/icons are not replaced immediately after the page load
* FIXED: Highlight matched words instead of the whole search phrase
* FIXED: WooCommerceB2B by Addify - remove undefined function
* FIXED: Error while viewing the index build failure report
* FIXED: Index build fails due to missing `getmypid()` function call
* FIXED: TranslatePress - excluding products by category causes the index to be empty
* FIXED: qTranslate-XT - excluding products by category causes the index to be empty
* FIXED: TranslatePress - untranslated product title when it contains a hyphen
* FIXED: B2BKing - no results when the WPML plugin is also active
* FIXED: Wrong variation URLs when WPML is active
* FIXED: The index does not build when the product image URL is in the wrong format
* FIXED: Table missing error when editing/deleting taxonomy term (multilingual sites only)
* FIXED: JetSmartFilters plugin filter values disappear on the search results page when the TranslatePress plugin is active
* TWEAK: Allowing access to the `Personalization` class via `DGWT_WCAS()` function
* TWEAK: HUSKY - Products Filter Professional for WooCommerce plugin - disable the test in the Troubleshooting module for newer versions of this plugin
* TWEAK: Search speed optimization
* TWEAK: Support for language codes like `xx_XX`
* REFACTOR: Replace `.click()` with `trigger('click')`, `.focus()` with `trigger('focus')`, `.blur()` with `trigger('blur')`
* REFACTOR: Replace `jQuery.fn.mouseup()` with `$(document).on('mouseup')`
* REFACTOR: Replace `jQuery.isFunction()` with `typeof fn === 'function'`
* UPDATED: Freemius SDK v2.5.12