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WooCommerce Advanced Ajax Layered Navigation

WooCommerce Advanced Ajax Layered Navigation 2.0.1


Ajax-Enabled, Enhanced Layered Navigation​

The Ajax-Enabled, Layered Navigation extension for WooCommerce provides a richer user experience for your customer and is particularly well suited for stores that have a lot of variable products or products with a number of attributes.

Not only does the layered navigation use Ajax calls to reload content on the page, but the extension also provides a number of additional user-interface elements for the layered navigation, such as color swatches, size selectors and checkboxes. These useful options help you create a more meaningful, interactive experience for your user.

Instead of only link filters, you can now offer customers filterable color swatches, size selectors and checkboxes. All of these used in combination create an easy-to-use layered navigation that helps customers find what they’re looking for.

No need to worry about impact to SEO because the plugin preserves the attribute links.

Coupled with an intuitive setup, this extension is a must-have for the store owner looking for a way to make their shop stand out.
  • Version 2.0.1
  • Downloads 40
  • Views 527
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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