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Advanced Flat Rate Shipping For WooCommerce Pro

Advanced Flat Rate Shipping For WooCommerce Pro 4.7.6

2022-12-21 - version 4.7.6
* [Bug Fix] Minor fixes related to the load variable products list.
* [Bug Fix] Minor fixes related to the search products by SKU.
* [Bug Fix] Minor fixes related to the drag and drop shipping rules.
* [Bug Fix] Minor fixes related to the load city based shipping zones.
* [Bug Fix] Minor fixes related to the (===) condition with product specific shipping rule.
* [Bug Fix] Minor fixes related to the allow free shipping with minimum order amount.
* [Bug Fix] Compatible with PHPCS coding standard and PHP8.
* [Enhancement] Improvise the UI to hide "Want to force customers to select a shipping method?" option once the "Allow to customer choose" option is selected.
* Compatible with WooCommerce 7.2.x
* Compatible with WordPress 6.1.x