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WaSender Bulk WhatsApp Sender + Group Sender + WhatsApp Auto Reply Bot

WaSender Bulk WhatsApp Sender + Group Sender + WhatsApp Auto Reply Bot 3.6.0

Changelog - 3.6.0 ( 29 Jan. 2025)
* The buttons have stopped working - the buttons have been removed!

* Added a new feature 'WhatsApp Group Warmer' – two or more of your accounts can now talk to each other in a common group [watch -

* Added a new feature 'Bulk Group Links Verify' – check if bulk group links are valid or expired. If valid, you can retrieve additional information such as title, description, member count, etc. [watch -

* Proxy Enabled – You can now set up a separate proxy IP for each account. A 'Settings' option has been added in the 'Accounts' section [Watch -

* Contact Sender and Group Sender – Added more attachment types. You can now send location, contacts, .mp3 files as audio recordings, images as stickers, and video notes (bubble videos) - [Watch -

* WaSender is now available with "Azerbaijani" language

* CHromrdriver is updated with 132- if you are using chrome then make sure your chrome version in 132

* Run Campaign - Software not responding after PAUSE button click - Issue resolved
* Run Campaign - Multi profile message sending - If any one account ban during the sending messages, full campaign was stuck- Issue resolved
* Keep Initializing only after loading web WhatsApp on Chrome Browser - issue resolved
* Export Group Members not working - issue resolved
* Export Group list not working - issue resolved
* Get Poll Results Showing issues- Resolved

* Sending messages to community members (UIDs) is not working; this function has stopped functioning. The fix may take some time, so I haven’t resolved the issue yet. I will work on it dedicatedly and provide the solution via 'internal updates.' Join our WhatsApp channel for updates once the issue is fixed.: [https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va81vTc8F2pMLSIiM21s]

* 'Get Group Links from web' tool Improvements- Removed Chrome dependency - now it will work with own internal browser
* IMPORTENT - Internal Software Security Improvements - Recommended all users to use latest KeyGen and Latest copy of 'AndroidVersion.apk'
* Tools Grouping – We have a lot of tools, and more may be added in the future. It’s better to categorize them based on their behavior

* Google Map Data Extractor - now supports New Google Map UI, It will be 10X faster than previous, By default Gm Extractor will scrap data from latest UI
it has some pros and cons
1) Faster data extraction
2) It works in Built-in browser, No more need to update chromedriver
Cons -
1) This method unable to get instagram profile,Facebook profile, linkedin profile and Twitter profile data
2) Images Will not able to download with this method
You can switch it back as previous from General Settings, Change 'Google Map UI' to 'Old Classic' and SAVE
  • Like
Reactions: raz0r
Changelog - 3.5.0 ( 16 Sept. 2024)
* Added Call to Action Buttons
(Please go through 'How to Send Call to Action Buttons?' section in UserDoc file)
* Social Media Data Extractor not working - issue resolved
WASender - 3.4.0 ( 19 Aug 2024) - Major Update
* Contact Sender - Issues while sending Messages - Issue Resolved

* Sending Speed Improvement - Removed the 'Don't Check Number Status Before Sending Message' option from Settings and added 'Filter Numbers Before Sending Messages'. By default, this option will be OFF, meaning that while sending a message, the software will not check the number status—whether it is available on WhatsApp or not. If you want to filter it, turn this option ON, and the software will quickly filter all numbers just before sending messages. Previously, the software was filtering numbers one by one while sending messages, which was a very time-consuming process. But now, it will filter all numbers first before sending messages, then send messages one by one to the available numbers.

* Group Sender - Showing 'Failed-CantSend_Group_Admin_Only_Or_Removed' for Open Groups- Issue Resolved. Export fresh Group List from Contact List Grabber with this Latest Version again then Import it in Group Sender

* Autoreply Bot performance in Built in Browser is increased , now its 10X faster and quick

* For the 'Google Map Data Extractor' and 'Grab Group Links from Web' tools: these tools will now use Google Chrome as the browser. Previously, if you used the 'Built-in Browser', those tools were using Edge as the browser, so we needed to maintain both Chrome and Edge drivers up to date. Because of this change, we now only need to keep Chrome drivers updated. As a result, the 'Update Edge Driver' option is no longer needed and has been removed from Settings.

* Now you can add NAME as built in variable in message as [NAME]. this variable only works for the number which already present in your chat list or contact list (See Latest UserDoc file for more details)
* Now You can able to add 'Read More' (SPOILER) in message with adding
in main message. (See Latest UserDoc file for more details)
* Contact Sender + Group Sender - Now You can Select Multiple files while choosing an atachment.

* Group List Export - Now it will export Group Links (Only if you are admin of the Group) along with Group Name and Ids
* Google Map Extractor - Review Count and Ratings are not captured for some searches - Issue Resolved
* Google Map Extractor - Images are now scrapping - Issue Resolved
* ChromeDriver updated to version 127 - Make sure your chrome is up to date with 127
* Autoreply Bot - Issue with the rule with CONTAINS condition - Issue Resolved
* Group Member Extractor - Now It can extract members with Country Short Code
* Bug Fixes while sending messages
* Number Filter - Business Profile Extractor Not working - Issue resolved
* Arabic Chinese, English and Italian Language corrections
* SafeMode not working - Issue Resolved
* Software is now available with Farsi language
* Bug Fixes
Changelog - 3.3.0 ( 22 May 2024) - Major Update
For All ->
* Added Ability to extract member Id from any community you joined and send message to them.
(See updated UserDoc file)
* Added Message Scheduler - Now you can Schedule your Campaign (Option Available on Launcher window)
(See updated UserDoc file)
* Added 'Friendly List' function as part of ani-ban setting (Option Available on Launcher window)
* Added tiktok in Social Media data extractor
* Bulk Group Member Invite - Now System will send Actual WhatsApp Invite to user if he is not in your contact list
(See updated UserDoc file)
* Google Map Data Extractor - Website and Email not capturing issue - resolved
* Warmer - Dataset changed because previous dataset has some abusive and offensive texts
* Warmer - Added Warming Method , Now you can choose type of warming - 'One to One' or 'One to Many'
Previously it was only to many as default
* Google Map Extractor - Images not grabbing issue - resolved
* Google Map Extractor - Address not grabbing issue - resolved
* WaSender is now available in Tamil,Bengali,Telugu and Malaya Languages
* Added 'Ignore Link Preview' Option in Setting , You can enable it if you facing any issues while sending message if message contains any link
* ContactNotFound error for the first number in Built in Browser Issue - Resolved
* Software will take Auto Internal Updates if required
* Russian language corrections
* for 'Côte d'Ivoire' Country - Numbers issue resolved
* Fixed Missing Translations
* ChromeDriver and EdgeDrivers are updated to version 125, Please update your chrome browser and edge browser to version 125, its available now.
* Bug Fixes

For Rebranders->
* The rebranding process involves slight changes in terms of software name. Please go through the updated DeveloperDoc file.

decryption key:
Changelog - 3.2.0 ( 12 December 2023) - Major Update
For All ->
* Added New Tool 'Get Poll Report' - it allows you to generate detailed report of poll which you sent to bulk numbers (for details go through updated UserDoc file)
* Added New Tool 'Social Media Data Extractor' (for details go through updated UserDoc file)
* Number filter - Added new field in results 'Is Business Account' or not.
* Number filter - Added 'Business Profile Extractor' to extract Business details if any numbers is using Business WhatsApp Account.
* Grab Chat List : Now you can Grab Your chat list based on Labels (Only for Business WhatsApp)
* Attachment filename was not same as original file name - Issue Fixed
* Manage Account- Not able to Delete Profile1 - Issue Fixed
* Google Map Data Extractor - Bug fixes
* Autoreply Bot - In Some cases Message Sending Delay - Issue fixed.
* ChromeDriver Updated to 120 - Please Update your chrome version to 120
* EdgeDriver Updated to 120 - Please Update your Edge version to 120

For Rebranders->
* Now you can disable any tool from TOOLS section (i.e. Warmer) follow updated DeveloperDoc file.

Changelog - 3.1.0 ( 18 Sept. 2023)
* Added new tool - 'WhatsApp warmer' (For Built in Browser only)
* Added new tool - 'Website EMail Mobile Extractor'
* Android Version of KeyGen is Provided - Find 'AndroidVersion.APK' file in KeyGen folder
* Polls are enabled in 'Single Sender' & 'Group Sender'
* Polls are enabled in BOT as quick reply (Available only for Built In Browser)
* Enabled Message Rotation option in 'Single Sender' & 'Group Sender'
* Added Safe and UnSafe Sending Mode options while before start campaign.
* Audio (.ogg) file sending to iPhone, Icon is not showing - Issue Resolved
* Random and KeyMarker issue resoved
* Code Simplification
* Group Finder Improved
* AutoReply Bot - Message sending twice - issue fixed
* General Settings- Updating chrome driver is more easy and user friendly
* Added BlockList in General settings to avoid sending message who are not interested in your campaigns
* Default Browser will be 'Built in Browser' if you not selected any. Previous it was Chrome.
You can switch to chrome anytime if you want from SETTINGS.
* Google Map - Now you can copy your searches and paste it in big text area.
* Russian Language Improvement
* Added New Language - 'Ukrainian'

No Version Change - (25 August 2023) - silent Update
* ChromeDriver updated to 116 - Uninstall Previous version of wasender and download again and install it if you facing any type of chromedriver issues
* Make sure your chrome and Microsoft version is 116

Changelog - 3.0.0 ( 10 August 2023)
* Added Multi Account feature in Built-in Browser
* Activation Process changed - From version WaSender 3.0.0 You need to provide your codecanyon Purchase code in KeyGen while generating License for any client
Old Keygen will not work from version WaSender 3.0.0 and above versions

How to Activate ? -> https://bit.ly/3DNZ9M9
Why this Change ? -> https://bit.ly/3KvoIFM

* As Old KeyGens will not work for latest(3.0.0) version APK file also no longer working, We will create new APK file and provide it very soon
* Rebranding Process - Logo changing Process is more smooth and less steps from now.
* Group Finder improvements - Now able to find group from Brazil
* Added 'De-Activate' License button in ABOUT section.
* G Map Extractor - Export Button no visible- Issue resolved
* Rebranding - Now you can set Any available Language as Default Language apart from Activation Process.
* Rebranding - Now no need to set Icon to each form (process updated)

Changelog - 2.7.8 ( 22 July. 2023)
* Added Built in Web Browser for Multi account feature - To Switch Chrome to 'Built in Browser' go to settings (top right corner icon) and New Option is added as 'Browser' change select 'Built in Web Browser'. Please prefer to use this Built in Web Browser, Once it get stable we are happy to launch multi account feature . because with google chrome hard to launch multi account feature. If you facing any issues , report it on our on WhatsApp.
(Estimates Date of Multi Account feature emabled - Next month first week)
* Added New Feature - Google Contacts CSV Generator - to convert number excel to 'google contacts CSV' and import them into your google contacts to add Group Members
* Parameters in Caption, sending first parameter value to all numbers - Issue Resolved
* Turkish language improvements
* Tools - Layout change
* Bug fixes
* Decided to not provide Without_Activation_Process setup file to avoide its missuse.
