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WaSender Bulk WhatsApp Sender + Group Sender + WhatsApp Auto Reply Bot

WaSender Bulk WhatsApp Sender + Group Sender + WhatsApp Auto Reply Bot 3.6.0

Contains Bug
Me gusta mucho este programa
Thank you so much. I also want source code if anyone can share so please. Regards!
Good Rated. And keep up your Honest work, Admin!
show demais
the file is passworded, is this the password?
Not password file
Please provide source code also like previous versions
Useful software but the decompression password is missing.
Very good. Just missing the file password
I need to unzip the password but it's locked, hide the text, need to have 9 reactions, I now have 0 reactions. Can you help me with 9 reactions?
Zip file locked with password
Thanks brooo