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WaSender Bulk WhatsApp Sender + Group Sender + WhatsApp Auto Reply Bot

WaSender Bulk WhatsApp Sender + Group Sender + WhatsApp Auto Reply Bot 3.6.0

Changelog - 2.7.7 ( 04 July. 2023)
* Added New Feature - Bulk Group Creator
* G Map Extractor - Added ability to grab Images
* Group Member Adder - Web WhatsApp update, you can't add unsaved members, you need to save them into your contact list first.
Made provision to invite them via group link.
this is a new WhatsApp web rule to avoid spam and we have no way of interfering with this. it's better since it prevents account blocking.
* ChromeDriver updated to version 114
* Group Finder Issue Resolved
* G Map Extractor - Website and Email Id not grabbing issue - Resolved
* Code Level errors - Resolved
* Contact List Grabber Not Working - Issue Resolved

Unlock this text! View hidden content is available for registered users!
Changelog - 2.7.6 ( 14 June. 2023)
* Contact Not found Issue - Resolved
* Group Finder not working Issue - Resolved
* Grab Active Grup members Not working Issue - Resolved

Changelog - 2.7.5 ( 25 Apr. 2023)
* Buttons - Buttons are disabled, Because of recent whatsapp update, Buttons are stopped working for all Bulk sender in market . Buttons are only available in Official WhatsApp API - Working on implementing Official WhatsApp API into WaSender.
* French language issue is resolved
* Contact Grabber - Group List grabber not working if the number of joined group is more than 200 - issue fixed
* Number Filter - 10x Performance and Speed Improved + Number Generator is Added
* General Settings - Added Second Method for 'chrome driver update'
* Grab Group Members - Now you can select multiple groups and export all selected group members.
* Grab Group Members - Added Search textbox on Select Group DialogBox .
* ContactNotFound issue - some users are facing contact not found issue - Resolved
* Group Member Adder - Always failed to adding group members - Issue Fixed

Changelog - 2.7.4 (08 Apr. 2023)
* ChromeDriver updated to V-112
* Code Level Issues while rebranding - Resolved

Changelog - 2.7.3 (04 Apr. 2023)
* BUTTONS issue partially resolved
Limitations ->
1) Working Only NORMAL BUTTONS (Call Button and Link Button will not work)
2) Buttons will not be send using WhatsApp Business Account
(Please wait for next update)

* Autoreply Bot - Issue Resolved
* Grab Chat List - Now you can get All labels along with name and number
* Contact List Grabber - Now you can get All labels along with name and number
* Contact List Grabber - Group Grabber - Now you can get Group Links along with Groups is you are admin
* Arabic and french language corrections
* Now You can send file As Audio Recording - If you select any file with .OGG extension, system will automatically send it as Audio Recording
* G Map Extractor Improvements - Added New fields -> Email Id, Category, Closing Hour, latitude, longitude ,Instagram Profile, Facebook Profile, Linkedin Profile, Twitter Profile
* G Map Extractor - Now you can use multiple keywords with multiple locations
* Brazilian Numbers issue Resolved
Changelog - 2.7.2 (10 Feb. 2023)
* Because of Web WhatsApp update 'Contact Not Found' Issue - Resolved .
* Internal Updates Are now working - Issue Resolved.

Changelog - 2.7.1 (10 Feb. 2023)
* Parameters Not working since Version 2.7.0 Issue Resolved
* ChromeDriver update Option now available in Settings, Now no need to anything after Your chrome updated
Just go to settings top right corner, Settings window will open , Find "UPDATE CHROME DRIVER" option,
Press Button and wait for it.

Changelog - 2.6.9 (15 Jan. 2023)
* Autometic Updates for - 'Web WhatsApp update' and 'Google Chrome version change' - Done
Now you can check internal updates using 'setting' button.
No need to download and insiall again and again New version of WaSender
because of web whatsapp update and chrome update

* Added PAUSE and STOP buttons in Single Sender, Group Sender, Number Filter, Group Joiner, Group Member Adder.

* Added New Language 'Laos'

* Adding Bulk Group Member was not working because of web WhatsApp update - Resolved
Changelog - 2.6.8 (05 Jan. 2023)
* One time Initialization - Done - Now you don't need to Initialize Web WhatsApp every time
* Now you can use AutoReply bot and Software at same time
* AutoReply Bot - Log not working - Resolved
Change Log - 2.6.7 (12 Dec. 2022)
* Enabled 'Buttons in Group' - You cam abe to send Button in Groups.
* Group Joiner Not Working - Issue Resolved
* Buttons are not working after web whatsapp update - issue resolved
* Now you can use AutoReply bot and Software at same time
Change Log - 2.6.6 (02 Dec. 2022) [Optional Update]
* Chrome Driver Updated to version 108
* UI Colors Related issues fixed