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Unlimited Elements for Elementor Pro (Premium)

Unlimited Elements for Elementor Pro (Premium) 1.5.142 NULLED

version 1.5.142 - 2025-03-05 =

Plugin Changes:

* Change: cleared some not needed php code
* Fix: updated twig engine, fixed some deprecated messages of php 8.4
* Fix: fixed some pagination with avoid duplicates issues
* Fix: removed eval() funciton from unite gallery js
* Fix: fixed some rss issues
* Fix: improved the debug for rss feed
* Fix: improved some security issues for images links and attributes

Widgets Changes:

* Feature: Justified Image Carousel (Pro) - Added Item BG Color
* Feature: Loop Accordion (Pro) - Added Remote Connection options for enhanced remote connectivity, allowing users to configure and secure remote access with Remote wigets.
* Feature: Repeater Grid (Pro) - Activated a dynamic tag for the Number of Columns option, enabling the use of dynamic values.
* Feature: Masonry & Justified Gallery (Pro) - Added native pagination functionality for items when the Source is not set to Posts or Products.
* Feature: Event List (Pro) - Enhanced badge customization by adding a badge width option, offering improved sizing control and layout precision.
* Feature: Event List (Pro) - Improved badge customization by adding a padding option, allowing for precise spacing adjustments and a more polished design.
* Feature: Event List (Pro) - Enhanced badge functionality by incorporating horizontal and vertical offset options, enabling more precise layout customization.
* Feature: Swipe Carousel (Pro) - Added Button CSS ID option, enabling users to assign custom IDs to buttons for easier styling and targeting with CSS or JavaScript.
* Feature: Snow Flakes Background (Free) - Added new Snowflake Style options, Snow Direction, and Snowflake Size option for enhanced customization.
* Feature: Mega Menu (Pro) - Fixed issue related to positioning the dropdown element on the x-axis when a horizontal scroll appeared in certain cases.
* Feature: Border Hero (Free) - Added basic styling options for all text elements of the widget: color, typography, text-stroke, margins, text-shadow. This change also allowed to resolv vulnerability where scripts could be injected under certain widget attributes.
* Feature: Justified Image Carousel (Pro) - Added Image Grow On Hover
* Feature: Justified Image Carousel (Pro) - Added Image Opacity On Hover
* Fix: Mega Menu (Pro) - Fixed issue related to the overlay height value in some cases when it was increasing each time the user hovered over a menu item.
* Fix: Repeater Carousel (Pro) - Fixed a bug where the carousel items were not taking the full width.
* Fix: Random Image (Free) - Resolved vulnerability where scripts could be injected under certain widget attributes. This fix ensures that scripts are properly sanitized and prevented from being inserted into widget attributes, mitigating potential security risks.
* Fix: Multi Line Button (Free) - Resolved vulnerability where scripts could be injected under certain widget attributes. This fix ensures that scripts are properly sanitized and prevented from being inserted into widget attributes, mitigating potential security risks.
* Fix: Split Hero (Free) - Resolved vulnerability where scripts could be injected under certain widget attributes. This fix ensures that scripts are properly sanitized and prevented from being inserted into widget attributes, mitigating potential security risks.
* Fix: Multi Level Sliding Menu (Pro) - Fixed issue when Menu widget was initialized twice in cases when it was added inside Elementor Template.
* Fix: Snow Flakes Background (Free) - Fixed a bug where the snow background would glitch every few seconds.
= 1.5.140 - 2025-01-27 =
* Change: Update Freemius
* Fix: Fixed pagination bug
* Feature: added rss features
  • Like
Reactions: jamxbit
= 1.5.138 - 2025-01-16 =

* Fix: fixed some php varning with $key not found
* Fix: fixed negative timestamp detection issues
* Fix: fixed s_date php function issues
= 1.5.133 - 2024-12-25 =
* Fix: fixed a small php bug that was avoid plugin activation
version 1.5.127:

* Feature: done the functionality for alphabet filter
* Fix: fixed archive pagination number of pages
* Fix: in filters disabled scroll to grid when the grid don't refreshed.
* Fix: fixed init selected multiple checkbox filters
* Fix: added some sanitize and escape to gallery fields output
* Feature: added option for rss source in multisource
* Change: set black friday deal compaign graphics
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Reactions: edgars221289
version 1.5.125:

* Feature: added some easy simple easy fields for repeater in multisource select
* Feature: added page_url placeholder to submit button
* Feature: added better explanation and extra tools to "check connectivity" troubleshooting tool
* Change: moved instagram connection to new api
* Fix: fixed hover animations php warning
* Fix: replace the post-xx.css for loop-xx.css in elementor in dynamic loop when needed
* Fix: fixed some small selected filters issue on init
* Fix: fixed elementor css output on loop items i ncase of optimized css
* Fix: fixed custom query filter ordering (put on the very end, was before the filters)
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Reactions: ViktorGugo
version 1.5.123:

* Feature: alternate template for loop builder
* Fix: make the active filters appear inside off canvas filters widget
* Fix: avoid php errors when no db installed for some reason
version 1.5.118:

* Fix: categories was invisible in elementor editor free version
* Fix: fixed pagination link click with elementor pro page transition bug