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UI.X 2

Xenforo UI.X 2


Based off the tried-and-true methodologies of its XenForo 1 predecessor, UI.X continues to push the boundaries of intelligent design. With a basis in Google’s Material Design, the framework is backed by a team well-versed in the XenForo software making UI.X a wise choice for any forum. ThemeHouse has been building products for XenForo since day one of the software’s release and we aren’t going anywhere.
  • Google's Material standard integrated
  • Setup and ready to go in minutes
  • Hundreds of new settings
  • Millions of customization possibilities
  • Optimized for big boards as well
  • Node grid customization options

This theme is powered by the UI.X Framework​

Fully Responsive
Ready for any screen or modern device, from mobile handhelds to tablets up to HD desktop with retina support.
Node Grid management
Have some nodes better off in 3 or 4 columns? Some that you want full-width? Complete flexibility on giving nodes special widths for a truly custom look and feel on your index.
Header and Navigation Settings
Lots of header and navigation customization tools such as background images, sticky navigation, navigation and logo styles, userbar for logged in users, and more.
Easy Customization
Just about everything stylistic can be modified in the Style Property system, to allow quick theming and customization. Get up and running in no time at all.
Awesome icons
FontAwesome by default can be added all over the places such as node status icons, logo icons, menus, and more. Material Icons and other icon sets can be added in as well.
Fluid to Fixed
Allow your users to solve the age old question: fixed or fluid? Each user can choose their own preferred browsing page width.
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Latest updates

  1. Version Released

    Changelog: Updated for XF Note: This release cannot be used on XenForo 2.2, it is...
  2. UI.X 2

    Changelog: Fixing error when viewing direct messages on mobile Various minor bugfixes Note...
  3. UI.X 2

    Changelog: Additional icon bugfixes, JS editor error fix, other misc. fixes Note: This release...