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Swift Performance Premium

Swift Performance Premium NULLED


Swift Performance NULLED is WordPress plugin from Codecanyon for Cache & Performance Booster.

Download Swift Performance AI:

Main features:
Eliminate render blocking assets.
Swift Performance not just minify and combine the CSS and JavaScript files, but it can create critical CSS on the fly for your pages.

Innovative, super fast cache. Swift Performance provide intelligent caching, you can cache AJAX requests and dynamic requests as well.

Image Optimizer. Swift Performance comes with a built-in image optimizer. You can lossless compress your JPEG and PNG images, and improve your site’s performance.

CDN Support. Swift Performance provides CDN support. You can specify a hostname what will be used for static resources. You can also set 3 different hosts for CSS, JS and for media files.

Lazy Load. Enable if you would like lazy load for images. Lazy load will work for every uploaded images.

Merge Scripts. With this option you can merge all JavaScript files to reduce number of HTML requests, and move them to footer to avoid "Render Blocking Script" issue.

Minify JavaScript. Enable this function if you would like to minify the merged JS file.

Proxy 3rd Party Assets. Proxy 3rd party JavaScript and CSS files which created by JavaScript (eg: Google Analytics). It can be useful if you would like to override the expiry headers for 3rd party assets.

Exclude 3rd Party Assets. Exclude scripts from being proxied if one of these strings is found in the match.

Merge Styles. Merge CSS files to reduce number of HTML requests

Print critical CSS inline. Enable if you would like to print the critical CSS into the header, instead of a separated CSS file (recommended).

Print full CSS inline. Enable if you would like to print the merged CSS into the footer, instead of a separated CSS file.

Minify CSS. Enable this function if you would like to minify the merged and critical CSS file.

Exclude 3rd Party CSS. Exclude 3rd party CSS files (eg: Google Fonts CSS) from merged styles

Exclude Styles. Exclude style from being merged if one of these strings is found in the match.

Merge Assets for Logged in Users. Enable if you would like to merge styles and scripts for logged in users as well. You should enable this option only if the content won't be changed frequently, and/or you have small CSS. Otherwise it can affect the user experience.

Merge Assets in Background. In some cases the generating the critical CSS takes some time. If you enable this option the plugin will generate it in the background. This option is available only if caching is enabled.

Caching Mode. Disk cache with rewrites is faster, however sometimes you can't edit the .htaccess file or the Nginx config so Disk cache with PHP is also available as a fallback.

Cache Path. You can specify a cache path. It will be wp-content/cache by default.

Resource saving mode. This option will reduce intelligent cache check requests. Recommended for limited resource servers. You also should use this option if there are dynamic generated parts (eg tokens) in the source.

Enable Mobile Device Support. You can create separate cache for mobile devices, it can be useful if your site not just responsive, but it has a separate mobile theme/layout. NULLEDVersion
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  1. Swift Performance Premium NULLED – 03/12/2024 [FIX] Improve security
  2. Swift Performance NULLED

  3. Changelog Swift Performance Premium 2.3.7 NULLED


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