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Deactivate Plugins Per Page - Improve WordPress Performance

Deactivate Plugins Per Page - Improve WordPress Performance 1.17.0

1.17.0 – 3 January 2025

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ADDED: An option to add an additional URL parameter to links to editing a post. The parameter holds the post type. This helps to target back-end edit post pages with rules based on post type.

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ADDED: A message showing the number of deactivated plugins by rules on the current page in the debug box.

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IMPROVED: Better compatibility with WP-Optimize. WP-Optimize is detecting the database table of this plugin as belonging to another free plugin that has copied code and the table name from this plugin. Now we hide this detection so users don’t delete the table by mistake.

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FIXED: Incorrect form validation and error message on adding a rule in some situations after switching to custom URI type, choosing regex condition, and switching back to page URI type.

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FIXED: The admin menu cache time setting was not set correctly in the recreate cache script.

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UPDATED: Language files.

1.16.0 – 19 June 2023

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ADDED: Regular expressions can now be used as a custom URI condition. This allows for more advanced URI targeting that was impossible in previous versions. For example now it is possible to make a rule that only affects URIs that contain multiple separate keywords at the same time.

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ADDED: An option to ignore only chosen URI parameters for page rules, for better compatibility with plugins that add URI parameters to pages. This is now the default setting.

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ADDED: An option to change the admin menu cache expiration time (only used if back-end deactivation is enabled along with admin menu cache).

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IMPROVED: Moved some settings in a separate section called Advanced Settings. For most users they will not need to be changed.

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IMPROVED: Set some of the plugin settings to not be auto-loaded in the memory by WordPress, to slightly reduce server memory usage.

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IMPROVED: Added the “v” parameter to be a chosen URI parameter by default so it is ignored by the rules. This parameter is added by WooCommerce if geolocation is enabled, and we don’t want the rules to consider it a different page when it changes.

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FIXED: Incorrect admin menu links in certain cases when the cache is enabled and a conflicting plugin is back-end deactivated.

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FIXED: We show an error when invalid custom condition value is entered, instead of just removing the invalid characters.

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FIXED: Added higher priority styling rules for the title of the debug box in order to avoid styling bugs caused by some theme styles.

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UPDATED: Language and documentation files.