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MultiLoca - WooCommerce Multi Locations Inventory Management

MultiLoca - WooCommerce Multi Locations Inventory Management 4.1.9 NULLED

WooCommerce Multi Locations Inventory Management.jpg

WooCommerce Multi Locations Inventory Management Plugin NULLED provides option to manage Product Stock from Multiple Locations for your WooCommerce Store.

Our plugin is designed to help WooCommerce based eCommerce store that ships products to its customers around the globe from multiple warehouses or a company that sells products from its stores in different locations. The plugin automatically detects the nearest Product Location. It also shows Availability and Pricing of Product based on the location of a product.

Features of #1 Multi Locations for WooCommerce Plugin:​

40+ FEATURES. INCREDIBLE VALUE. Multi Locations Stock / Inventory Management WooCommerce Plugin is a simple to use, yet incredibly powerful plugin, with richest feature set.

Manage Products stock across multiple locations, Warehouses, or Stores.

Visitors can find and choose a Location near them on Product Pages or Globally on the website.

Option to Automatically choose nearest product location based on users address. (Requires Google Map API key )

Displays product Quantity or Availability based on the location.

Supports Muliti Locations for Simple as well as Variable product type

Option to add Location-wise Price

✔ Ajax add to cart
with Selected Location. Ajax add to cart allows users to include location info of simple products or variable products in the cart without page reload. It also works on shop pages to speed up the buying process.

✔ Rules based Order Fulfillment Flow.
Fulfillment from Most / Lowest inventory in stock
Fulfillment from Closest location to shipping address
Fulfillment as per Location Priority
✔ Product Central. Easy way to Bulk edit and Manage Products from all locations on one screen.

✔ Store Locator on Google Maps, Allows your users to find stores nearby or close to their location using map. Filter Stores on map by products or radius.

✔ Backend only mode. Allows admins to assign fulfillment locations to order from backend, customer won’t have to choose locations while ordering.

✔ Set Locations as Local Pickup Locations for the customer to display or choose a pickup location at checkout.

✔ Location Shop Page. Separate page which lists product available at particular Location.

✔ Lists only Selected Locations products. WooCommerce shop page shows only filtered products from globally selected Locations. Hide Locations from our website’s frontend pages using this option

✔ SubLocation for more granular level inventory control. Sublocations can be rack, bin number, shelf number, sub-area of a warehouse, floor, building etc.

✔ Location Groups to club your various locations into one group. It can represent City, Region, District, State or Country etc. It’s very useful to aggregate inventory availability across multiple locations.

Option to assign Shop Managers to locations

✔ Notify Location Managers or Employees. Admin Order notification emails are also sent to the Locations email ID and WooCommerce locations Managers.

Assign Specific Payment Methods to locations

Automatically detect user’s geolocation from browser and allocate Woocommerce Location based on geolocation.

When visitors revisit the website, the site will show the same location visitor had chosen on their previous visit.

Adds each location’s Inventory to your default Woocommerce inventory

Plugin Increase Conversion by Suggesting another nearest location availability of product when its out of stock at selected location

Visitors can see selected warehouse / location on checkout and cart page.

Restrict customer to specific locations from WordPress Backend

✔ REST API to get and update product stock for locations

Show Distance to Selected WooCommerce Location in Kilometer or Miles

Add Unlimited Warehouse or Stock Locations for WooCommerce easily without any extra cost
4.1.9 NULLEDVersion
1.00 star(s) 1 ratings
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. MultiLoca - WooCommerce Multi Locations Inventory Management 4.1.9 NULLED

    =Version 4.1.9= November 06, 2024 Fix : Shortcode warning removal & js console errors fixes Fix...
  2. WooCommerce Multi Locations Inventory Management 4.1.3 NULLED

    =Version 4.1.3= July 15, 2024 [Fix] In Display settings, the label of Available on back order is...
  3. WooCommerce Multi Locations Inventory Management 4.0.20 NULLED

    =Version 4.0.20 Fix :- Detect location on page load + group location > remove the extra test...

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