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MightySites 5.0.1


MightySites. Joomla! multisites manager allows you to have multiple sites running in a single hosting account and share database data between different Joomla! sites. Single login/logout on websites.

No hacks of core files are required and no Joomla! core files are patched.*

Ability to use database content, users (with Community Builder and JomSocial support) from other sites.

You can have many Joomla! websites using a single hosting account, with same users and JomSocial contents but with different template style etc.

You can easily replicate your current website into other website without building new hosting account!

MightySites is used for 2 main tasks:
  • Run multiple Joomla websites from single hosting account (all sites use same files and same database tables or few separated tables).
  • Sharing of database contents (multiple sites can use same database tables, so these database data are always same across all sites).
We strongly recommend to contact us before purchase and explain what do you want to achieve with MightySites, especially if you don't know what is database table and how Joomla uses database!

Please note that depending on websites configuration you may need to understand how a webserver works, what are the database tables and how Joomla uses them. If you don't have enough knowledge - please ask for free installation and configuration using sample case study, it will save your time and our nerves :)

MightySites will NOT help you to run hundreds and thousands of sites, please don't contact us with such requests.
  • Using parked domains (also known as "domain aliases") as separate websites hosted on same Joomla installation.
  • Ability to create virtual sites in 1st-level subfolders of a master site (http://mastersite.com/subfolder) hosted on same Joomla installation.
  • Cloning databases for new sites from existing sites.
  • Sharing database data of core Joomla! components for:
    Extensions, Permissions, Users, Templates, Categories, Content, Languages, Menus, Modules, Newsfeeds, Weblinks, Banners, Contacts, Smart Search, Fields.
  • Single frontend/backend login/logout in specified Joomla! https:// websites if login/logout on website with the extension installed (requires the installation of plugins to all sites).
  • Single frontend/backend login/logout in https:// domains with same top-level domain (https://master.com and https://xxx.master.com) via session sharing.
  • Per-site separation of selected plugin and component settings (except permissions).
  • Per-site auto-addition and auto-removal of access level and/or user group.
  • Per-site components removal.
  • Per-site filter of frontend languages.
  • No hacks to Joomla! are required*.
  • Overrides for sites running with single database and files: custom CSS files, custom homepage menu item selection, custom frontend and backend template style selection, ability to hide menu items and modules, leave only certain menu items and modules, disable certain plugins, custom Favicon image, custom language file loading, custom 'File Path' and 'Image Path' settings of Media Manager, 'New User Registration Group' and 'Guest User Group' of User Manager, custom javascript code.
  • Overrides for allowed/denied frontend/backend login usergroups.
  • Override of default YooTheme template's style/profile (native Joomla styles are not supported by YooTheme but we can separate default template style in Warp 7 or default template profile in Warp 6 per site if sites use same files). Warp 6+ is required.
  • Detailed installation instructions in English.
  • Free installation on request (up to 5 slave sites).
  • The price includes 1 year none-recurrent subscription. Support, downloads of product add-ons and new versions will be available within this subscription period.
  • Sharing database data of 3rd-party extensions from different websites.
Currently supported extensions (you can share database data of these extensions between sites with different tables, all other extensions work as usual, special support is not required if websites use same database tables):
JomSocial, JomSocial (except config), Community Builder, Mosets Tree, Sobi2, SobiPro, GridIron, UddeIM, Zoo, DT Register, EasyBlog, JoomSport, RSForm!, RSFiles!, AcyMailing, JCE editor, Adsmanager, JoomShopping, Kunena, K2, ProjectFork, Community Polls, En Masse, Phoca Gallery, Phoca Download, JReviews, Virtuemart (all data), Virtuemart (all data except configuration), JEvents, HWDMediaShare (optionally without config), Akeeba Backup Pro, Akeeba Subscriptions, Feedgator, Easy Image Gallery (JoomlaXTC), Invitex, jbolo, Appointment Book (JoomlaXTC), Artist Showcase (JoomlaXTC), GeoCodingSuite (Socialables), PowerTabs (JoomlaXTC), PayPlans, Reading List (JoomlaXTC), SocialAds (Techjoomla), Locator, Social Pin Board, Hikashop, swMenuPro & swMenuFree, VMUpload, DJ-Classifieds, ChronoForms < v6, EventList, Frontpage Slideshow (by JoomlaWorks), JSN ImageShow, JSN UniForm, Widgetkit (1.5.x, not 2.x), RedShop, JV-LinkExchanger, Brute Force Stop, Komento (optionally without config), JSN PowerAdmin, Securitycheck, EXP Autos Pro, MijoSearch, Advanced Module Manager, JCK editor, ReReplacer, MageBridge, Preach it, OS Membership, MijoSEF, OSE Membershop, EasyDiscuss, HS Users, JoomlaQuiz Deluxe, MusCol, All Video Share, Frontend User Access, Joaktree, RSTickets! Pro, AceSEF, AlphaUserPoints, Vip Quotes, Freestyle FAQs, Spider Calendar, JComments, Memorials, PaidSystem, HikaMarket, RSMembership!, JFBConnect, AdAgency, FW Real Estate, FW Real Estate Pro, IProperty, NoNumber Snippets, Zh GoogleMap, JomDirectory, AJAX Register, JSitemap (ex JMap), Emerald, RSEvents! Pro, JoomBri Freelance, XMap, J2Store, Love Factory, MijoShop (since 2.2.0, MijoShop store ID is supported per site), EasySocial (optionally without config), Auction Factory, HDW Player, Jom Classifieds, RegReminder, FlexiContact, CComment, XTDir for SobiPro, Improved AJAX Login Register, JobsFactory, VMVendor, EShop, FLEXIcontent, CMGroupBuying, JoomGallery, JoomGalaxy, jDownloads, Easy Profile & JSN Social Network, iCagenda, ARTIOBooking, Cobalt, VikAppointments, JoomCareer, Quick2Cart (optionally without config), TJFields, Guru & Guru Pro, OnePage Checkout, BreezingForms, VikBooking, Kandanda, Flickr Suite, Fields Attach, JMapMyLDAP, sh404SEF, Matukio, LMS King, JU Download, JGive, Form2Content, Jticketing, Youtube Gallery, DPCalendar, Engage Box, Contentbuilder, Community Answers, CM Live Deal, Creative Contact Form, Freestyle Testimonials, Freestyle FAQs Pro, JCalPro, Lifestream (Pro), Event Booking, Convert Forms, My Testimonials, My Maps location, CoalaWeb Traffic, Sellacious, SP Page Builder, J-BusinessDirectory, VikRestaurants, Affiliate Tracker, Invoices, JoomCRM, OS Services Booking.

Known extensions which can't be shared across few sites with different database tables (a site can't load extension data from other site but data can be shared in sites use same tables):
Listbingo, Ohanah, Fabrik, Falang, JDictionary, JoomFish, RokGallery, RokSprocket, Docman, Logman and other Koowa-related extensions.

Falang, JDictionary and JoomFish extensions don't allow to load any external database data on a site where installed, so custom sharing of database data is not possible, but you can run multiple slave sites with minor customizations (like separate default menu item, separate default language, hide menu items and/or modules per site etc.)

* Only configuration.php file is auto-changed by the component.
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Latest updates

  1. MightySites v5.0.1

    11 Sep 2023 - ver. 5.0.1: Fix: saving site settings empties password in global configuration file.
  2. MightySites v4.6.0

    06 June 2023 - ver. 4.6.0: Feature: filter Hikashop categories and manufacturers per site...