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Master Slider jQuery Slider Plugin by averta

Master Slider jQuery Slider Plugin by averta 2.85.12

Master Slider jQuery Slider Plugin.jpg

Master Slider jQuery slider plugin is a premium image and content slider with super smooth hardware accelerated transitions. It supports touch navigation with pure swipe gesture, that you have never experienced before. It’s a truly responsive and device friendly slider which works perfect in all major devices. Master Slider plugin is an awesome layer slider as well, with the ability of adding any HTML contents (texts, images, ...) in layers. It is easy to use, plus there are 80+ ready to use sample sliders for you. You have almost everything such as hotspots, thumbnails, video support, variety of effects, and many more features in this plugin. Master slider jQuery slider is the most complete among the best.

Parallax Slider​

Master Slider jQuery slider plugin provides an easy to use parallax templates that you can use them on your website. These parallax templates let you design your parallax slider in less than ten minutes, by simply using our parallax templates and free jquery visual builder. Parallax slider works smooth on all themes, with any content that you want to use for your slider.

Touch slider​

Master slider jQuery slider plugin touch navigation, offers a variety of options like touch swipe on mobile and drag and drop option for desktop. Our touch-enabled media slider allows users to drag over the items smoothly. Master Slider is one of the easiest plugins on Envato marketplace, which also greatly extends functionality into touch-support mobile devices.

Video gallery​

Video gallery is one of the most important tools for business owners to promote their service or product. Master Slider jQuery slider plugin allows users to create stunning Youtube and Vimeo sliders for their website. With Master Slider ready to use video templates, you can create elegant video gallery just in minutes.

Youtube Slider​

The best plugin on Envato marketplace to create Youtube slider, is Master Slider jQuery slider plugin. All you need is to choose one of our Youtube video slider templates and embed the link of Youtube video. Creating Master Slider Youtube Slider, is one of the most easy way to get more traffic and shares for your website.

Layered Slider​

Master Slider jQuery layered slider plugin has different layers with amazing options. They are five editable layers you can add to your slides: Text layer, image layer, video layer, button layer, and hotspot layer. You can customize each layer’s content, style, transition, and misc. Each layer can be animated, too! With animated layers, you can insert or embed HTML formatted texts, links, images, and videos directly into your slides and add unique animation parameter such as effect, duration, delay, etc.

Image and Content Slider​

You can create image and content slider with Master Slider jQuery slider plugin. Any content can be added to the slider. Master Slider awesome features help you easily add images and other content and customize them in any way you wish. You can add transition or style to the added content. However, you are able to only have an image slider. Images simply can be added to the slider, from media library. Just easily choose images one by one, or select multiple images. Also, all slides’ images can be enlarged in lightbox.

Flickr Slider​

There are different image services, and instead of uploading the same images you have already used there, it is easier to get your images automatically from these websites and show them on your website. Master Slider jQuery slider plugin integrates with Flickr and lets you create a slider by your Flickr images. Your latest Flickr images will appear on a slider, with or without author name, image title, and image description as a text layer on the slides.
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  • Version 2.85.12
  • Downloads 45
  • Views 746
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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