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Fancy Product Designer | jQuery Script

Fancy Product Designer | jQuery Script 5.3.1

Fancy Product Designer jquery.jpg

The Product Designer plugin for jQuery​

Our integrated plugin is the missing link for many online-only businesses and their end product offering. Print-on-demand services, for example, are a great way to operate your business and sell products without having to buy in large amounts of wholesale stock or worry about storage or drop shipping costs. However, many print-on-demand businesses lack one fundamental aspect — customization. This ultimately means limiting their product ranges. The Fancy Product Designer plugin opens up endless possibilities for the number of customizable products that you can offer your customers! This web plugin will not only simplify your online business operations and minimize the need for manual data input but will also drastically improve your customer’s online experience. Utilizing this intuitive software means that your customers can quickly and efficiently customize any of the products you offer on your website.

Advanced Colour System​

Customers can be given the freedom to apply any colour they wish to individual layers using the colour picker tool or given a pre-defined range of colours to choose from. The colour of different text and image layers can be linked, so that a change in colour for one will be mirrored for the other elements. Of course you can also disable colour choices through the customer.

Text Transformations​

Text elements can be modified with various options. You can set up an own font library using custom, system or Google fonts. You can even create curved text or apply an outline or pattern. Of course standard modification options like bold, italic, underline and alignment are also supported. The plugin event allows to limit the number of characters and lines for a text element.


Texts, images and graphics can be transformed with various options. Customers can change the position, size, rotation and opacity. For images a grayscale or two different sepia filters can be applied. You can also set bounding boxes for elements, that allows to customize the product only in a given area.
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  • Version 5.3.1
  • Downloads 58
  • Views 942
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