Change Log for Garage Master v4.2.0 21-10-2024
[Improvement] Translate MOT module strings in other language.
[Improvement] Open specific module on "Open In Garage" button click in email
[Improvement] Add modal popup - select brand label add
[Improvement] Add modal popup - add validation to select branch or auto select 1st brand
[Bug] Stripe key field limit issue fixed
[Bug] Update branch issue fixed.
[Bug] Other branch should have different location address in invoice - fixed.
[Bug] if we add part from service invoice should be less from inventory - fixed.
[Bug] cant view stock report & system allows to sell while there is no stock quantity available -fixed.
[Bug] service charge adds to the observation points but will not count towards total amount in create invoice - fixed.
[Bug] in pay payment when add amount greater than 1000, it will display error-fixed.
[Bug] Model dropdown is empty even after adding data-fixed
[Bug] Service->observation -> amount count bug -fixed
[Bug] Invoice Pdf-amount count bug fixed