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LearnDash LMS - The Most Trusted WordPress LMS

LearnDash LMS - The Most Trusted WordPress LMS 4.20.0 NULLED

= [4.12.0] =
* Feature - Blended Learning.
* Fix - Stripe cancellation processing for finite subscriptions with no trial.
* Security - Tightened security around LearnDash Log.
* Security - Tightened security around quizzes.
* Performance - Course dashboard.
* Performance - Groups listing/editing page when there are many groups.
* Performance - Profile block when there are a lot of courses.
* Performance - Optimized functions: `learndash_get_certificate_count`, `learndash_get_groups_administrator_ids`, `learndash_get_groups_user_ids`, `learndash_get_user_stats`.
* Tweak - Fixed PHP 8.2 deprecation notices.
* Tweak - Improved the invoice PDF in the purchase email for subscriptions with no trial.
* Tweak - Make shared course steps option enabled by default.
* Tweak - Set minimum required PHP version to 7.4.
* Tweak - Updated constants: LEARNDASH_MIN_PHP_VERSION.
* Tweak - Updated the Stripe PHP library to version 13.
* Tweak - Added filters: `learndash_stripe_api_version`, `learndash_stripe_max_network_retries`.
* Tweak - Added functions: `learndash_course_steps_get_external_type`, `learndash_course_steps_is_external_attendance_required`, `learndash_course_steps_is_external`, `learndash_course_steps_map_external_type_to_label`, `learndash_process_password_reset_redirect`.
* Tweak - Updated functions: `learndash_course_get_step_completion_url`, `learndash_create_nonce`, `learndash_get_certificate_count`, `learndash_get_groups_administrator_ids`, `learndash_get_groups_user_ids`, `learndash_get_user_stats`, `learndash_mark_complete`, `learndash_process_mark_complete`, `learndash_reset_password_output`, `learndash_reset_password_set_user_new_password`, `learndash_stripe_api_version`, `learndash_stripe_max_network_retries`.
* Tweak - Updated templates: `ld30/templates/modules/course-steps.php`, `ld30/includes/helpers.php`, `ld30/templates/lesson/partials/row.php`, `themes/ld30/templates/topic/partials/row.php`, `ld30/templates/widgets/navigation/lesson-row.php`, `ld30/templates/widgets/navigation/topic-row.php`, `ld30/templates/quiz.php`.
= [4.11.0] =

* Feature - Add course completion page.
* Tweak - Updated course progression to flow as expected between steps in a course.
* Fix - Lesson not marking as complete when "Not Graded, full points awarded" option set in quiz essay type.
* Fix - Added additional validation for shortcodes and blocks.
* Tweak - Added filters: `learndash_course_completion_page_redirect_enabled`, `learndash_course_linear_step_ids`, `learndash_course_next_step_default_value`, `learndash_course_next_step_id`, `learndash_course_next_step_url`, `learndash_course_previous_step_default_value`, `learndash_course_previous_step_id`, `learndash_course_previous_step_url`, `learndash_course_step_completion_url`.
* Tweak - Updated filters: `learndash_course_completion_url`, `learndash_next_post_link`, `learndash_previous_post_link`.
* Tweak - Deprecated filters: `learndash_completion_redirect`, `learndash_show_parent_next_link`, `learndash_show_parent_previous_link`.
* Tweak - Added functions: `learndash_course_get_completion_url`, `learndash_course_get_linear_step_ids`, `learndash_course_get_step_completion_url`, `learndash_course_steps_requires_watching_video_after_sub_steps`.
* Tweak - Updated functions: `learndash_approve_assignment`, `learndash_get_step_post_statuses`, `learndash_mark_complete_process`, `learndash_next_post_link`, `learndash_previous_post_link`, `learndash_process_mark_complete`, `learndash_quiz_continue_link`, `learndash_quiz_redirect`, `learndash_upload_assignment_init`.
* Tweak - Deprecated functions: `learndash_ajax_mark_complete`, `learndash_course_progress_widget`, `learndash_get_next_lesson_redirect`, `learndash_next_global_quiz`, `learndash_next_lesson_quiz`, `learndash_update_completion`.
* Tweak - Updated templates: `ld30/templates/modules/course-steps.php`.
= [4.10.1] =

* Fix - Stripe Conflict with multiple plugins.
* Fix - Incompatibility with other plugins using psr/container.
= [4.10.0] =
* Feature - Add an option to import demo content in the onboarding wizard.
* Fix - Quiz AI existing quiz steps resetting on new quiz creation.
* Fix - Course outline AI resetting existing course section headings.
* Fix - Fatal error on WooCommerce Subscriptions order pages.
* Tweak - Some Telemetry data was mapped incorrectly.
* Tweak - Fixed Stripe related PHP 8.2 deprecation notices.
* Tweak - Updated functions: `learndash_course_add_child_to_parent`.
= [] =
* Fix - Parameters compatibility for the get_edit_post_link filter.
= [4.9.0] =

* Feature - Add new course dashboard with course performance metrics and data.
* Fix - Course 'Mark Complete' button validations.
* Fix - Sidebar hiding does not work in tabs.
* Tweak - Added Course-Presell support for the Student and Visitor shortcodes.
* Tweak - Set default course access mode to Free.
* Tweak - Support non /wp-admin URLs in the course video playlist.
* Tweak - Added actions: `learndash_dashboard_widget_before_loading`, `learndash_dashboard_widget_after_loading`, `learndash_template_before_include`, `learndash_template_before_include:{template_name}`, `learndash_template_after_include`, `learndash_template_after_include:{template_name}`, `learndash_template_entry_point:{template_name}`, `learndash_template_entry_point:{template_name}:{entry_point_name}`.
* Tweak - Added filters: `learndash_template_after_include_html:{$template_name}`, `learndash_template_after_include_html`, `learndash_template_args:{$template_name}`, `learndash_template_args`, `learndash_template_filepath`, `learndash_template_before_include_html:{$template_name}`, `learndash_template_before_include_html`, `learndash_template_entry_point_html:{template_name}:{entry_point_name}`, `learndash_template_entry_point_html:{template_name}`, `learndash_template_entry_point_is_enabled`, `learndash_template_html:{template_name}`, `learndash_template_html`, `learndash_template_include_html:{template_name}`, `learndash_template_include_html`, `learndash_template_pre_html:{$template_name}`, `learndash_template_pre_html`, `learndash_template_skip_rendering`, `learndash_template_admin_template_paths`, `learndash_dashboard_tab_is_default`, `learndash_dashboard_widget_course_lifetime_sales_transactions_chunk_size`, `learndash_dashboard_widget_course_latest_enrollees_users_limit`, `learndash_dashboard_widget_course_latest_transactions_limit`, `learndash_dashboard_is_enabled`, `learndash_dashboard_post_is_enabled`, `learndash_dashboard_section_hint_supported_html_tags`, `learndash_dashboard_sections`, `learndash_dashboard_sections_course`, `learndash_dashboard_widget_view_path`.
* Tweak - Updated filters: `learndash_template_filename`.
* Tweak - Updated functions: `learndash_mark_complete_process`.
= [] =
* Fix - Error on Settings Support page when no .po file is available.
* Fix - Incompatibility of binary selectors (group courses and course groups) with the classic editor.
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Reactions: Oxybutirate
= [4.7.0] =

* Feature - Course pre-selling.
* Feature - Course student limit.
* Feature - Course start and end dates.
* Fix - Add left padding to content area in Focus Mode when using right sidebar on mobile screens.
* Fix - Prevent group_leader role being removed from users on profile update.
* Fix - Undefined array key warning in `ld_profile` shortcode when displaying a quiz with no title.
* Tweak - Added actions: `learndash_metabox_updated_field`.
* Tweak - Added filters: `learndash_payment_button_disabled`, `learndash_model_product_can_be_purchased`, `learndash_model_product_has_started`, `learndash_model_product_has_ended`, `learndash_model_product_start_date`, `learndash_model_product_end_date`, `learndash_model_product_pre_ordered`, `learndash_model_product_seats_limit`, `learndash_model_product_seats_used`, `learndash_model_product_seats_available`.
* Tweak - Updated functions: `sfwd_lms_has_access_fn`, `ld_update_course_access`.
= [4.6.0] =
* Feature - Course Outline AI module.
* Fix - Display free trial in course/group infobar if trial price set to 0 or empty.
* Fix - learndash_process_user_course_progress_update function was not processing the progress correctly in some cases.
* Fix - Prevent duplicate password reset email after password reset.
* Fix - Set product name as description for Stripe Connect buy now products.
* Fix - Undefined FS_CHMOD_FILE error.
* Fix - Updated method to required files in helpers.php file.
* Tweak - Added actions: `learndash_focus_mode_head`, `learndash_files_included`.
* Tweak - Added filters: `learndash_payment_button_classes`, `learndash_model_product_display_price`, `learndash_model_product_display_trial_price`.
* Tweak - Added functions: `learndash_register_provider`, `learndash_extra_autoloading`.
* Tweak - AI Integrations settings page under advanced settings tab.
* Tweak - Deprecated functions: `learndash_the_breadcrumbs`.
* Tweak - Deprecated models classes (replaced with LearnDash\Core\Models): `Learndash_Model`, `Learndash_Product_Model`, `Learndash_Transaction_Model`.
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Reactions: Oxybutirate