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LearnDash LMS - The Most Trusted WordPress LMS

LearnDash LMS - The Most Trusted WordPress LMS 4.20.5 NULLED

= [4.20.5] =

* Fix - Fixed activity widget not showing activity for cases when a user gets enrolled in a course.
* Fix - Fixed activity widget not respecting the statuses set in the filter.
* Performance - Optimized the performance of activity data queries made via the learndash_reports_get_activity() function, especially for sites with many posts and users when their activity meta is fetched.
* Performance - Optimized activity widget by not querying additional activity meta that it doesn't use.
* Performance - Optimized the progress chart widget by lowering memory consumption and improving its performance on large sites.
* Performance - Optimized functions: `learndash_reports_get_activity`.
* Tweak - Updated functions: `learndash_reports_get_activity`.
* Tweak - Added filters: `learndash_user_activity_meta_query_joins`, `learndash_user_activity_meta_query_where`, `learndash_user_activity_query_group_by`, `learndash_user_activity_results`.
= [4.20.4] =

* Fix - Fixed the Expand and Collapse button label text on course inner pages when focus mode is enabled.
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Reactions: edgars221289
= [4.20.3] =

* Fix - Resolved a fatal error for purchases through the RazorPay payment gateway.
* Fix - Resolved an issue where Tabs on Group pages would not work correctly.
* Tweak - Enhanced Stripe Webhook validation with a loading state and more detailed validation results for both test and live webhooks.
* Tweak - Updated templates: `themes/ld30/templates/modules/tabs_group.php`.
* Tweak - Deprecated classes: `LearnDash\Core\Modules\Payments\Gateways\Stripe\Webhook_Setup_Validator`.
* Tweak - Deprecated functions: `Learndash_Stripe_Gateway::create_fake_coupon_for_webhook_test`.
  • Like
Reactions: Oxybutirate
= [] =

* Fix - Resolved an issue where users could not be enrolled in a Free course after registration when the 'Modern' registration appearance is activated.
* Tweak - Added filters: `learndash_model_product_supports_coupon`.
  • Like
Reactions: Oxybutirate
= [] =

* Fix - Resolved an issue where quiz resume didn't work when the saved answer had a line break or similar characters within it.
* Tweak - Deprecated functions: `learndash_prepare_quiz_resume_data_to_js`.
= [4.20.0] =

* Feature - Added the LearnDash DocsBot widget.
* Fix - Corrected the output of some timestamps to properly match the site timezone.
* Fix - Fixed the question points field description.
* Fix - Fixed missing course titles in the activity widget.
* Tweak - Improved course settings UX.
* Tweak - Improved the course editor header.
* Tweak - Updated the block editor site icon on the LearnDash post types.
* Tweak - Added filters: `learndash_header_variant`.
* Tweak - Updated filters: `learndash_date_time_formats`.
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* Fix - Resolved a fatal error that could occur during post revision deletion or permanent post deletion.
= [] =
* Fix - Restrict calls to licensing server to relevant admin pages.
* Fix - Ensure all LearnDash add-ons can be installed properly.
= [4.16.2] =

* Fix - Resolved an issue where users registered via the Modern registration page would not have their chosen password set.
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Reactions: Oxybutirate