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Joom Donation.png

Joom Donation is powerful, features rich, easy to use Joomla donation extension. It allows you to collect donors information and get donation (onetime and recurring) from them via online payment gateways such as Paypal, Authorize.net, Mollie, SquareUp, Stripe Checkout.etc

If you need a donation solution for your site, look no further. Main features:
✔ Support both one-time and recurring donation

✔ Unlimited Donation Campaigns Supported

★ This feature is optional. You don't need to use it if you only want to have simple donation form.
★ You can set GOAL, START DATE, END DATE and description for each campaign.
★ You can track how much money each campaign has received.
★ There is also nice thermometer to show the progress of each campaign
★ Each campaign can have it own pre-defined amounts
★ Each campaign can have it own Paypal account
★ For each campaign, you can set the donation type which it accepts: One-time, recurring or Both (default is Both)

✔ Flexible Custom fields on Donation Form
★ Integrate Joomla account registration (optional)
★ Show/hide, change ordering any fields on donation form
★ You can change, translate the message and the title of the fields on donation form to meet your need.
★ Create custom fields (Text, Textarea, Radio, Dropdown, Checkboxes list, Datetime....) to collect more information of donors if needed
★ Each campaign can has it's own set of custom fields
★ Allow donors to donate by choosing from one of pre-defined amounts or enter any donation amount they want.
★ Allow anonymous donation.
★ Allow donors to choose the currency they want for their donation

✔ Multilingual support: If your site is a multilingual website, you can translate campaigns, donation form fields, email messages... to all languages use on your site

✔ Nice, Clean, Responsive Layout based on twitter bootstrap

✔ Powerful Emails Notification System

★ Notification Emails sent to administrator when someone make a donation (the emails which receives notification is configurable, multiple emails is possible - seperated by comma)
★ Confirmation Emails sent to users when he completes donation
★ All email messages can be configurable from back-end of Joom Donation.

✔ Support 40+ payment gateways
★The most popular payment gateways: Paypal, Authoroize.net, Offline payment plugins come with the extension by default.
★Other payment gateways such as 2Checkout, Authorize.net SIM (Server integration method) ,Google Checkout, First Data, iDEAL Mollie, Stripe, PayU Latam .etc are released as separate payment plugins. See Payment Plugins tab to see list of available payment plugins. See supported payment plugins here: https://www.joomdonation.com/payment-plugins/joom-donation-payment-plugins.html
★Using Omnipay payment library.
★If you need a payment plugin which is not supported, you can contact us and we will give you quotation for the development.

✔ Embed Donation form (of a campaign) into Joomla article

✔ Export Donors into CSV file

✔ Built-in translation tool

✔ Integration with Joomla core Profile, Community Builder, EasySocial, Easy Profile and Jomsocial

✔ Captcha & SSL integration

✔ Multiple modules
: Donation module, Campaigns module, Thermometer module, Donors list module (Latest donors, Top Donors, Random donors)

✔ Other features
★ Donation History page which display donation history of a donors
★ Donors page which display list of donors (from selected campaigns, in the order selected by admin)
★ Other Third party extensions integration: CC Newsletter, AcyMailing
★ CB plugin which display donation history of the user in his Community Builder Profile
★ Jomsocial plugin which display donation history of the user in his Jomsocial Profile
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Latest updates

  1. Joom Donation 5.10.9

    Joom Donation - Version 5.10.9 - Released on January 2025 Improve Donation layout (Pre-defined...
  2. Changelog Joom Donation 5.10.6

  3. OS Joom Donation v5.10.1

    (Latest version: 5.10.1, released on 17th October 2023)