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This is our November maintenance release.
Key changes include:
New Feature: Moderating with Personal Alerts
New Feature: Moderator approval queue now includes a reason why
Updated: Events update includes additional streaming platforms
Invision Community now requires a minimum of PHP 8.0
Additional Information
Increased minimum PHP version to 8.0.
Added Moderation Alerts.
Adds the ability to see the number of replies to an alert, and view all replies to an alert in messenger.
Reduced the Cloudflare warning on the support page to note issues may arise from specific Cloudflare features only.
Fixed an issue where an alert reply button was shown to those without access to the messenger via module permissions.
Fixed an issue where viewing a theme's differences may not show all changes correctly.
Fixed an issue where some applications presented content for the 'Similar Content' ElasticSearch widget that wasn't suitable.
Fixed an issue where pre-upgrade resource check may ask you to check a default language pack for compatibility.
Fixed an issue that may cause slow AdminCP logins if there are a lot of email send failures.
Fixed an issue where attachments may download with an extra file extension when using Amazon S3 to store files.
Fixed an issue where some moderators may see template errors in the userbar at the top of the page.
Fixed an issue with PHP 8 and the UT8 converter used for legacy upgrades.
Fixed issue where reporting content on a site with restricted moderators generated an error.
Fixed issue where users could receive notifications for content that had been hidden.
Mobile navigation links are no longer duplicated when configured as a dropdown menu.
Removed any placed widgets from the login and register page.
Added support for TikTok, Twitch, Vimeo and SpotMe online events.
Fixed a MySQL query error when using locales with a comma decimal separator.
Fixed RSVP stats report not working.
Fixed the broken event cover image on the overview page.
Fixed an issue where the timezone selector would only be correct if adjusted by an author in the same timezone.
Fixed an issue where the create event button may show to members with no permissions for any calendar.
Fixed an issue where searching for events may not work correctly.
Fixed some untranslated phrases.
Fixed an issue where markers may not show on Google Maps when using events near me.
Fixed a potential slow query when working with solved topics.
Fixed an issue where a future published topic has a different start date than the first post date.
Improved image loading speed in albums or categories with a large amount of images.
Fixed an issue where Gallery Results could break Stream Subscriptions.
Fixed issue where switching between plain-text and rich editor on image upload lost text content.
Fixed an issue where users could not download attachments from Album Comments.
Fixed the missing record status icons in the record feed widget.
Fixed an error when viewing a record in a database that is not searchable.
Fixed an issue where the pages media center didn't support svg files while replacing an existing svg file.
Fixed an issue where hidden linked records were displayed to users with no permission to see them.
Fixed merging members inadvertently re-assigning group blogs.
Fixed an issue when upgrading from legacy versions.
Fixed the wrong webhook documentation reference to the blog class.
Changed the RebuildScreenshotWatermarks task to use the REBUILD_INTENSE constant for the rebuild cycle.
Changes affecting third-party developers and designers
Changed the order of the autogenerated hook method signature.
Added a new class parameter public $similarContent = TRUE|FALSE; to each /extension/core/ContentRouter class to control whether it should show in similar content.
Fixed saving the Blog add / edit form while IN_DEV.
Downgraded PHP 8 scanner logging to debug only.
Deprecations and Removal Announcements
Completed in this release
Facebook Promotional Tools removed (Facebook no longer allows API posting to groups and pages) - No action required
VigLink removed (VigLink API no longer working as intended) - No action required
Ability to choose which apps to upgrade removed (this is no longer a necessary option) - No action required
Guest Page Cache removed (this is a legacy way to cache pages that replicates how a CDN works) - No action required
Added application filters for new reports in the Moderator Control Panel's report center.
Added prune task for core_item_member_map table.
Added a setting to prune conversations after x days without a reply.
Added a copy to clipboard button to the oAuth Client Client Identifier fields.
Added an option to not show oAuth login handler settings in user settings.
Content that requires approval will now show the reason it moderated.
Fixed some potential MySQL query errors showing featured items.
Fixed an issue where duplicate Who's Viewing boxes are displayed.
Fixed an issue where the related content sidebar block may not correctly account for permissions.
Changed the default search option to 'Everywhere' for the default app otherwise it's app specific.
Fixed an issue where quote attributes could trigger the profanity filters.
Wrapped ElasticSearch calls into a try-catch block to avoid that a broken ES install stops upgrades.
Fixed an issue where clubs would show both items and comments in recent activity.
Fixed an issue where the editor would get stuck after a guest post.
Fixed an issue where the queue task may become locked by deleting orphan comments.
Fixed an issue where forum specific moderators received notification of reported content outside those forums.
Fixed an issue where forum specific moderators could see reports for forums they do not moderate.
Fixed an issue where promote custom date would throw an error when empty.
Fixed an issue where deleting a member would try to delete data from a not existing table.
Fixed an issue with queue tasks stalling if an application is uninstalled during achievement rebuilds.
Fixed an PHP8 issue in the GD class where processing the transparent colors thrown now an exception instead of returning FALSE.
Fixed an issue where clicking in an AdminCP editor may fire a request to the backend that isn't needed.
Removed some verbose logging from the PHP 8 scanner.
Fixed some grammar issues on the Marketplace pre-upgrade page.
Fixed an issue where the "Allow new registrations" setting would be missing a value.
Fixed an issue where the image scanner would not work in the EU region.
Fixed an issue where the custom header and footer templates wouldn't appear.
Fixed an issue where featuring a guest authored item may cause an error.
Fixed an issue where EXIF data would not be removed if the image is smaller than max allowed size.
Fixed an issue where posts imported via the RSS task may have an incorrect IP address.
Fixed an issue where deleting a comment does not reset best answers.
Fixed an issue preventing upgrades from really old versions.
Fixed an issue where editing a topic and setting a future publish date may not alter state.
Fixed an issue where rebuilding the solved statistics could fail.
Fixed solved re-engagement notifications inadvertently being sent when the feature is disabled in a forum.
Fixed an issue where searching in the AdminCP for "solved" would show a result without a language string.
Fixed an issue where the combined "fluid" forum view did not show the mobile friendly filter link.
Improved various AdminCP areas to return you to the page you were on after performing an action on a payment/transaction.
Fixed an issue where guest referrals may not be correctly applied.
Fixed a template error that can show during Multi-Factor Validation when viewing account credits in Commerce.
Fixed an issue where a failure to communicate with the EC VAT validation service doesn't show the appropriate error message.
Fixed an issue validating VAT numbers.
Fixed an issue where invoice renewal warnings may not show the proper currency symbol.
Fixed an issue where the ACP - Anti Fraud rules would throw a DB exception.
Fixed an issue where carousel image blocks may break the layout.
Fixed an issue where the create/edit record form would break.
Fixed attachments not showing when uploaded to the editor when searching is disabled on a database.
Fixed an issue where images in descriptions would show ahead of screenshots in RSS exports.
Fixed possible duplicate notifications for new version updates.
Fixed an issue with contextual search when viewing a file.
REST, Webhooks and Zapier
The reactions notification returned always anonymous users when accessed via REST.
Fixed an issue where the forums pagination response returned all forums.
Fixed an issue where the image scanner may cause content items to be inadvertently flagged as pending approval if a user used a word in the word filters.
Fixed an issue where the realtime "users here" was not showing on snippet view, or fliud view modes.
Changes affecting third-party developers and designers
Updated Graphql library to 14.11.6
New $location variable added to getItemsWithPermission() method signature.
`\IPS\Member::loggedIn()' will return a guest object when called from CLI.
Fixed an issue in the Number Form field where the prefix would appear twice.
Deprecations and Removal Announcements
Completed in this release
Removed ability to show member birthdays on the Calendar/Events App
Upcoming Deprecations and Removals
(Next release) Facebook Promotional Tools removed (Facebook no longer allows API posting to groups and pages) - No action required
(Next release) VigLink removed (VigLink API no longer working as intended) - No action required
(Next release) Ability to choose which apps to upgrade removed (this is no longer a necessary option) - No action required
(Next release) Guest Page Cache removed (this is a legacy way to cache pages that replicates how a CDN works) - No action required
Improved the license check to bypass the members timezone setting.
Added ACP Tool to scan all hooks to identify PHP8 fatal errors related to method overloading.
Added AdminCP new search terms to guide admins to the new areas.
Added a pre-upgrade Marketplace compatibility check.
Added the ability to disable the frontend login handler.
Fixed an issue where a large number of profile field options can break the page layout on the member stats overview page.
Fixed an issue where members following an item may not be following the remaining item after a merge.
Fixed an issue where word filters could cause an item to be held for approval even if the author had more than the required number of posts to bypass.
Fixed an issue with hCaptcha where an incorrect language override could be requested.
Fixed an issue where it was possible to create an alert with forced reply from a moderator/admin account with a disabled messenger.
Fixed an issue where editing the ACP => System => Postings page with disabled registrations would throw an exception while the submission.
Fixed an issue where some alerts were not shown if they had an end date.
Fixed an issue where post to Twitter could potentially result in an uncaught exception
Fixed an issue where the oauth configuration page was missing the required css files.
Fixed an issue where a report title may appear in trending content (does not expose any sensitive data).
Fixed an issue where removing a manually added badge would not remove the badge
Fixed an issue where the rank progression chart may not work when non-default ranks are used.
Fixed an issue where the achievements rebuild may fail.
Fixed an issue where content tags from content created by the RSS Import feature could be associated with a guest account.
Fixed an issue where alerts could not be dismissed if they had long titles.
Fixed an issue where image alt tags would always use the AI image scanner value even if manually adjusted.
Fixed an issue where search options may break on profiles when status updates were disabled.
Fixed an issue where quick search was broken on the hooked files admin control panel page.
Fixed an issue where the PHP8 incompatibilty tool failed when developing on a Windows server.
Updated CKEditor to 4.19.1.
Fixed an issue where soft deleted items can appear in recommended posts.
Fixed multimoderation not working in some cases.
Fixed an issue where rebuilding record topics would fail.
Fixed an issue where orphaned categories could break syncing from topics.
Fixed an issue when using the REST API to fetch records where fields may not have the image lazyload removed.
Added multiple improvements to "Mark as solution" including a re-engagement email, new UI to prompt authors to mark a reply as the solution and new stats.
Fixed an issue where the default forum views may not be used for guests.
Fixed an issue where soft deleted items may be archived and then subsequently deleted leaving orphaned reports.
Fixed an issue where a malformed findComment link caused a 404 error instead of loading the topic from the start.
Fixed some missing translations for future publish moderator permissions.
Fixed an issue where per-forum fluid view mode may not intially check filters correctly.
Donations can now only be made by registered members.
Fixed a typo on the invoice settings page.
Fixed an issue on the credits page.
Fixed an issue where the business name field did not correctly toggle on the registration page.
Fixed an issue where deleting a subscription package would leave some orphaned data in the database.
Fixed Realtime features showing even when disabled.
Changes affecting third-party developers and designers
Fixed an issue where plugin index.html files may get included as CSS causing a browser rendering issue.