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Happyforms Pro

Happyforms Pro 1.38.4 NULLED

Version 1.33.0 changelog:

* Added: EmailOctopus email integration.
* Added: "Redirect URI" field with copy-to-clipboard button in Constant Contact section of Integrations screen for easier setup of the integration.
* Added: "Include submitter's IP address", "Include referral link" and "Include submission date and time" controls have been added to Email tab for easier and finer control of metadata appended to email messages.
* Added: Remote license checks now include a failsafe mechanism for network issues scenarios.
* Changed: Stripe's credit card inputs are now in line for a more compact layout.
* Changed: Controls in Messages tab are now all visible all the time for better usability and easier form configuration.
* Removed: Submission moderation links have been removed from email messages.
* Fixed: Concurrent submissions of limited choices in Radio, Checkbox and Dropdown fields were leading to wrong results.
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= 1.32.1 =
* Improvement: Added `happyforms_show_email_submission_links` filter for controlling display of submission management links in emails.
* Bugfix: The "Email me a copy of each submission" → "Email subject" control had wrong labeling.
* Bugfix: MailPoet wasn't showing up in "Connect with" field.
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