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Happyforms Pro

Happyforms Pro 1.38.6 NULLED

= February 21, 2025 =
Version 1.38.6 changelog:

* Updated: Compatibility with WordPress 6.7.2
Version 1.38.4 changelog:
* Fixed: Logic to enable dorpdown value as email subject
* Fixed: Security issue on form submission allowing scripts to run
* Added: Fcuntionality to use tags in email content
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Reactions: edgars221289
= August 22, 2024 =
Version 1.38.2 changelog:

* Fixed: Security issue on XSS scripting
* Fixed: Accessibility issues on Honeypot and Headings
* Tested up until verion 6.6.1 of Wordpress
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Reactions: edgars221289

March 25, 2024​

Version 1.38.1 changelog:
  • Fixed: Dynamic email subject issue.
  • Fixed: Time field validation issue.
= January 4, 2024 =
Version 1.37.10 changelog:

* Changed: Date fields from dropdowns to html date fields.
= June 1, 2023 =

Version 1.37.4 changelog:

* Added: Email testing tool.
* Changed: Submission's email resending metaboxes.
* Changed: Javascript unload event listener to pagehide event listener.
* Fixed: File Upload field not clickable on mobile when hidden by conditional logic.
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Reactions: edgars221289
= February 23, 2023 =
Version 1.37.2 changelog:

* Changed: Thrive Automator wizard's form dropdown now only shows published forms.
* Changed: Allow uppercase characters in limit character/word controls and limit choice labels.
* Fixed: Invalid HTML in the form builder interface.
* Fixed: Phone field international code input’s inconsistent height.
* Fixed: Stripe invalid value Javascript warning.
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Reactions: edgars221289
= January 13, 2023 =
Version 1.36.1 changelog:

* Fixed: Coupons weren't being correctly applied to prices controlled by conditional logic.
* Fixed: Sendinblue integration was misbehaving.
= December 15, 2022 =

Version 1.35.0 changelog:

* Changed: Submissions that contain disallowed words are now automatically trashed for easier handling of false negatives.
* Changed: Dashboard notice displayed after a new form is created has been reworded and made more informative.
* Changed: "Buttons" group in Messages tab has been split up for clearer separation of concerns.
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Reactions: tatar221