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Gravity Forms - The Best WordPress Form Plugin

Gravity Forms - The Best WordPress Form Plugin 2.9.2 NULLED

- Fixed an issue where the a form can have multiple submit buttons if markup is changed with the `gform_field_container` filter.
- Updated the Zapier icon to reflect their new branding.
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- Fixed a fatal error that can occur on some hosting environments when the license is validated.
- Fixed an issue where inserting a new notification routing rule will sometimes overwrite the following rule.
- Fixed an issue which prevents some {today} merge tags from displaying the correct value.
- Fixed an issue where the required field legend is not displayed if form title or description aren't enabled on a form that does not use legacy markup.
- Fixed an issue which can cause code to run multiple times on some hosting environments, leading to warnings and fatal errors.
- Fixed an issue where the default value of an email field with confirmation enabled does not display.
- Updated predefined choices lists for countries, US states, marital status, and gender as well as name prefix choices to be up-to-date and more inclusive.
- AF: Fixed a fatal error that can occur with PHP 8+ if an error occurs during background feed processing.
- API: Fixed an issue where GF_Field_Time::is_value_submission_empty() can return the wrong result.
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