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Gravity Forms - The Best WordPress Form Plugin

Gravity Forms - The Best WordPress Form Plugin 2.9.4 NULLED

### 2.9.4 | 2025-02-25
- Added the [`gform_feed_settings_before_fields`](http://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_feed_settings_before_fields/) filter to allow developers to change the content that is displayed before the feed settings.
- Fixed an issue where field-specific validation was no longer running when No Duplicates setting was enabled.
- Fixed an issue that prevents the form editor from working properly when the form doesn't have a submit button configured.
- Fixed a styling issue with the generic field map setting where the merge tag link overlaps the input.
- Fixed an issue where the Gravity Forms block is not rendering or working correctly in the site editor (iframed block editor).
- Updated the form switcher so that it stays on the same settings page when switching forms.
- Updated the minimum WordPress version to 6.5.
- Updated the minimum PHP version to 7.4.
- Updated the minimum WordPress version (for support) on the System Status page to 6.6.
- API: Added GFAPI::update_entry_feed_status(), GFAPI::get_entry_feed_status(), and GFAPI::get_entry_feed_status_key().
- AF: Added GFFeedAddOn::save_entry_feed_status(), GFFeedAddOn::post_process_feed(), and GFFeedAddOn::fulfill_entry().
- AF: Updated GFFeedAddOn::maybe_process_feed() to support saving the feed processing result for compatible add-ons. This is dependent on the value returned by the add-ons process_feed() method:
+ `void` or `null` when the feed status should not be saved.
+ `false` or a `WP_Error` when a failed status should be saved. The `code`, `message`, and `data` properties from the `WP_Error` will also be saved.
+ `true` or the `$entry` when a success status should be saved.
### 2.9.3 | 2025-02-11
- Added the [`gform_file_upload_tmp_dir`](http://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_file_upload_tmp_dir/) filter to allow developers to change the temporary directory used for file uploads.
- Fixed an issue with conditional logic for numbers formatted as date or time.
- Fixed an issue that causes the entry list to sometimes have display problems on mobile screens.
- Fixed an issue where some icons are missing in compact view in the form editor.
- Fixed an issue where Ajax submissions can abort when the field values block setting contains multiple parameters or when using a tabindex of -1.
- Fixed an issue where Ajax submissions can abort when a third-party embed method passes a string instead of a boolean as the value of the $display_title or $display_description arguments of the gravity_form function.
- Fixed an issue where calculations based on an Image Choice field only run if you click the input, not the image.
- Fixed an issue where the form list page throws a JavaScript error if the user does not have the `gravityforms_create_form` capability.
- Fixed an issue that allows the File Upload Field to bypass validation checks when using a maximum file constraint.
- Fixed an issue where the `:value` of product fields in calculations uses price upon submission.
- Fixed an issue where changing the 'gform_sticky_admin_messages' database values can cause a fatal error.
- Fixed an issue with product fields that do not update the total when the markup is updated via custom code.
- Removed "send you a birthday cake" custom validation message from template library forms.
- Updated handling of images for the Image Choice field so that thumbnail sizes are only generated for images used in the field.
- Updated the form preview to use the Orbital theme.
- API: Updated the React components to support the use of the newly created internal component icon kit.
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Reactions: Al3xanderMakunin
### 2.9.2 | 2025-01-16
- Added a screen reader announcement to the form editor when a new field is added to a form for improved accessibility.
- Added security enhancements. Credit: mikemyers via Wordfence.
- Added settings for "sort column" and "sort order" to the Screen Options settings on the form list page.
- Added the [`gform_check_empty_index_file_exists`](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_check_empty_index_file_exists) filter to allow developers to check whether an empty index file exists before creating a new one.
- Added the [`gform_value_pre_duplicate_check filter`](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_value_pre_duplicate_check) to allow filtering a field's value before checking if it has a duplicate value.
- Fixed an issue that causes `GFFormDisplay::is_last_page()` to return the wrong result when the last page has a validation error.
- Fixed an issue that causes a fatal error if an asset is enqueued incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue that causes the Survey single line text field to have an invalid `aria-describedby` attribute.
- Fixed an issue that prevents JS events from firing when an image in an Image Choice field is clicked.
- Fixed an issue that prevents the Description Placement setting from showing in the form editor before the form is saved.
- Fixed an issue that prevents the [`gform_progressbar_start_at_zero`](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_progressbar_start_at_zero) filter from working.
- Fixed an issue that prevents the page dropdown on the confirmation settings page from finding pages when the permalinks are set to plain.
- Fixed an issue where a custom progress bar implemented with the [`gform_progress_bar`](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_progress_bar) filter can throw an error in Gravity Forms 2.9.
- Fixed a fatal error that could occur when the `GFCommon::replace_variables_prepopulate()` function is called with a non-string value.
- Fixed an issue that prevents the product quantity label from matching the input field.
- Fixed an issue that causes form validation errors if a product field has a quantity of 0 and the form includes shipping and total fields.
- Fixed an issue that causes the repeater child fields to not use the [`gform_field_validation`](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_field_validation) filter custom message.
- Fixed an issue that prevents the total from being calculated in some situations, including when using a product drop down with "Enable enhanced user interface" enabled.
- Fixed an issue where Hooks.js is not being added to the header when using certain hosting environments.
- Fixed an issue that prevents styling from being applied to notifications.
- Fixed an issue where an empty error message is displayed if the theme or another plugin outputs an empty line in response to a resend notification AJAX request.
- Fixed an issue where form block theme settings are visible when the default form theme is not Orbital.
- Fixed an issue where inserting a merge tag for a field with double quotes in the label is not working properly.
- Fixed an issue where invalid data on a multiple file upload field can cause the entry export to break on PHP 8+. Credit: The GravityKit Team.
- Fixed an issue where the [`gform_allowable_tags`](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_allowable_tags) filter is not applied when using the filter without the optional `$form_id` property. Credit: The Gravity PDF team.
- Fixed an issue where the license status messages are not being displayed correctly on the System Settings Updates page.
- Fixed an issue where the note added by the custom anti-spam filter is overridden when the Akismet integration is enabled.
- Fixed an issue where the total field is not calculated correctly on certain forms with conditional logic animations enabled.
- Fixed an issue where the values of a custom generic_map settings field are not populated in the form settings page.
- Fixed an issue where unnecessary form count queries are executed outside Gravity Forms pages.
- Updated the number field to display the aria-describedby attribute when a range is defined and validation fails.
- Updated the preview of the reCAPTCHA field in the form editor.
- Removed `GFForms::filter_query()` method which was deprecated in 2.8.13.
- API: Added `GFAPI::maybe_process_feeds()`, `GFAPI::get_processed_feeds_meta()`, and `GFAPI::update_processed_feeds_meta()`.
- API: Added the [`gform_allow_async_feed_reprocessing`](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_allow_async_feed_reprocessing) filter.
- API: Fixed an issue where the entries endpoint "_labels" is not respecting admin label context for survey fields.
- API: Updated the state management JS module to return a shallow copy of objects retrieved via the get method.
- API: added an action hook to add field settings to the choice options section of the form editor sidebar.
- Fixed a bug that prevents JS events from firing when an image in an Image Choice field is clicked.
- Fixed a bug where a custom progress bar implemented with the `gform_progress_bar` filter can throw an error in Gravity Forms 2.9.
- Fixed an issue where the values of a custom generic_map settings field are not populated in the form settings page.
- Removed GFForms::filter_query() method which was deprecated in 2.8.13.
- Fixed a bug that causes GFFormDisplay::is_last_page() to return the wrong result when the last page has a validation error.
- Fixed a bug that prevents the page dropdown on the confirmation settings page from finding pages when the permalinks are set to plain.
- Fixed a bug that causes a fatal error if an asset is enqueued incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue that causes the repeater child fields to not use the `gform_field_validation` filter custom message.
- Fixed an issue where an empty error message is displayed if the theme or another plugin outputs an empty line in response to a resend notification AJAX request.
- API: Fixed an issue where the entries endpoint "_labels" is not respecting admin label context for survey fields.
- Fixed a fatal error that could occur when the GFCommon::replace_variables_prepopulate() function is called with a non-string value.
- Fixed an issue where unnecessary form count queries are executed outside Gravity Forms pages.
- Fixed an issue that prevents the total from being calculated in some situations, including when using a product drop down with "Enable enhanced user interface" enabled.
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Reactions: Al3xanderMakunin
### 2.9.1 | 2024-12-12
- Added detection of SQLite database to the system report.
- Added focus states to links in the validation summary and autofocus to the validation summary for better accessibility.
- Added screenreader support to the password strength indicator on the Password field.
- Updated number fields that are read-only to use the read-only styles.
- Updated styling of failed payment and cancelled subscription entry notes.
- Updated the currency dropdown on the plugin settings page to not use Select2 for improved accessibility.
- Updated the license validation messages to be more specific when there is a server error or API rate limit error.
- Updated the minimum WordPress version (for support) on the System Status page to 6.5.
- Fixed a PHP notice that can occur when viewing the Form Settings for a pre-existing form. Credit: The GravityKit Team.
- Fixed a fatal error that can occur when adding additional files to a multifile upload field.
- Fixed an accessibility issue with the date dropdown field by adding hidden labels to the dropdowns.
- Fixed an issue in the entry detail screen where the Notes metabox is misaligned in Safari 18.0.
- Fixed an issue that can sometimes prevent the total field from updating if some products have conditional logic rules.
- Fixed an issue that cause the form or confirmation to be unstyled when AJAX is enabled.
- Fixed an issue that causes delayed feeds to be executed twice in some cases.
- Fixed an issue that prevents [`gform_ajax_spinner_url`](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_ajax_spinner_url/) from working.
- Fixed an issue that prevents the [`gform_price_change`](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_price_change/) event from firing.
- Fixed an issue where Gravity Forms checks if a schema upgrade is needed on every page load.
- Fixed an issue where a choice with an empty label is selected by default when the field doesn't have a value.
- Fixed an issue where a console error is thrown when the next button is clicked on a multi-page form that contains a payment field.
- Fixed a fatal error that occurs on submission if modified state input value is an array.
- Fixed a fatal error that occurs when the page query argument is an array. Credit: Automattic.
- Fixed an issue where a fatal memory error can occur on the Form Settings page in some hosting environments when a large number of forms exist.
- Fixed an issue where apostrophes in page names are sanitized incorrectly in Pagination Options.
- Fixed an issue where aria attributes for the list field are not translating.
- Fixed an issue where disabled image choice inputs are still able to be selected/unselected.
- Fixed an issue where email fields in notification settings do not pass validation if merge tags are used.
- Fixed an issue that prevents some options from being removed when going through the uninstall process.
- Fixed an issue where raw HTML is displayed in the tooltip of the column selector icon on the entries page.
- Fixed an issue where strings aren't translated on the block editor.
- Fixed an issue where submit and paging buttons which include an onclick attribute with a value of `gform.submission.handleButtonClick(this)` are missing a trailing semicolon.
- Fixed an issue where the Export Personal Data tool can export entries that are not associated with the user if a form was edited with the Gravity Forms CLI Add-On.
- Fixed an issue where the Predefined Choices modal is not translated.
- Fixed an issue where the database update process can causing a fatal error when the database does not need to be updated.
- Fixed an issue where the default styles are output even when disabled from the global settings.
- Fixed an issue where the {embed_url} and {referer} merge tags output the wrong values when the form is submitted using the new AJAX submission method.
- Fixed an issue where wptexturize is causing extra curly quotes to be added to the textarea.
- Fixed an issue with conditional logic when the default currency uses a comma as the decimal separator.
- Fixed an issue on form submission that can prevent the honeypot and reCAPTCHA V3 from working correctly when the submit button has been customized.
- Fixed an issue with the conditional logic field setting where multiple rules are added even though the + button was only clicked once.
- Fixed an issue with the new AJAX functionality that causes the confirmation message to lose its styling in certain situations.
- Fixed an issue on form submission that can prevent the honeypot and reCAPTCHA V3 from working correctly when the submit button has been customized.
- AF: Fixed an issue where an undefined array key warning occurs if the [`gform_admin_pre_render`](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_admin_pre_render) filter is called in a context where a form is not available.
- AF: Updated the Payment Add-On base class so that payment add-ons such as Stripe can enable payment status rules in the confirmation conditional logic.
- AF: Updated the frontend feed data with extra relevant feed information that can be used by Payment Add-Ons.
- API: Added the [`gform_disable_dom_parser`](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_disable_dom_parser) filter that can be used to disable the DOM Parser.
- API: Removed the following form Theme Framework global CSS API properties: `--gf-ctrl-shadow-color-focus`, `--gf-ctrl-shadow-size-focus`, `--gf-ctrl-shadow-offset-color-focus`, `--gf-ctrl-shadow-offset-size-focus`, `--gf-ctrl-shadow-focus`.
- API: Updated the form Theme Framework to use box shadows instead of outlines for focus states for better accessibility.
- Fixed an issue with conditional logic when the default currency uses a comma as the decimal separator.
- Fixed an issue where a fatal memory error can occur on the Form Settings page in some hosting environments when a large number of forms exist.
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Reactions: edgars221289
### 2.9.0 | 2024-11-05
- Added a new "Multiple Choice" field.
- Added a new "Image Choice" field.
- Added new AJAX submission functionality.
- Added support for encrypting and decrypting settings fields.
- Added the ability to import images into the media library when forms are imported.
- Added screen reader only headings to the form editor for better accessibility.
- Added accessibility improvements to the "allowed file extensions" setting in the form editor.
- Added notices about the removal of Legacy Markup in 3.1.0.
- Added the ability to output config scripts by using the `gform_output_config` action.
- Added the ability to clear default choices in the choices flyout in the form editor.
- Updated the form editor to use the Orbital theme.
- Updated location of some field settings from the choices flyout to the form editor sidebar.
- Updated field configuration error messages in the form editor to be more consistent.
- Updated browser alerts in the form editor to use a dialog modal.
- Updated the markup of many settings in the form editor sidebar for better accessibility.
- Updated the "Select All" functionality on the Checkbox field so that if all choices have been selected, and then one is deselected, the button goes back to saying "Select All".
- Updated the compact view in the form editor to show icons based on the field type, not the field input type.
- Updated asset enqueuing in the front end and the admin to be more efficient.
- Fixed an issue that prevents users from closing the conditional logic flyout in the form editor.
- Fixed an issue where dynamic field population is not working for fields inside a Repeater.
- Fixed an issue where forms with multiple pages hidden by conditional logic can fail honeypot validation.
- Fixed an issue where the full screen handler performs an unnecessary database query, which impacts front-end performance for some hosting environments.
- Fixed an issue where the embed_post and custom_field merge tags return empty when used in notifications and add-on feeds that are processed asynchronously.
- Fixed an issue where canceling a confirmation dialog still applies the change on choice fields.
- Fixed an issue in the Orbital theme where ordered and unordered lists are not using the theme list-style property where expected.
- Fixed an issue where the inline styles for the Theme Framework are always being output for forms using the Orbital theme when they should be disabled.
- Fixed a bug that causes the wrong page titles on the Import Forms and Export Forms pages.
- Removed support for Internet Explorer.
- AF: Added the [`gform_entry_meta_pre_render_feed_settings`](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform-entry-meta-pre-render-feed-settings) filter, so entry meta fields can be made available to the feed conditional logic setting.
- API: Added the `source_id` column to the `gf_entry` table.
- API: Added the [`gform_field_choices_max_count_visible`](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform-field-choices-max-count-visible/) filter to allow for the setting of the maximum number of choices shown in the form editor for choice based fields.
- API: Added the [`gform_image_choice_input_visibility`](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform-image-choice-input-visibility/) filter for the default input visibility for the Image Choice field.
- API: Added the [`gform_image_choice_label_visibility_default`](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform-image-choice-label-visibility-default/) filter for the default label visibility for the Image Choice field.
- API: Added the [`gform_checkbox_limit_exact_message`](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform-checkbox-limit-exact-message/) filter to allow the customization of the message displayed on the Multiple Choice field when the field requires an exact number of selections.
- API: Added the [`gform_checkbox_limit_range_message`](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform-checkbox-limit-range-message/) filter to allow the customization of the message displayed on the Multiple Choice field when the field requires a range of selections.
- API: Added the [`gform_checkbox_limit_max_message`](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform-checkbox-limit-max-message/) filter to allow the customization of the message displayed on the Multiple Choice field when the field requires a maximum number of selections.
- API: Added the [`gform_checkbox_limit_min_message`](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform-checkbox-limit-min-message/) filter to allow the customization of the message displayed on the Multiple Choice field when the field requires a minimum number of selections.
- API: Added the [`gform_default_choice_alignment`](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform-default-choice-alignment/) filter to set the default alignment for the Multiple Choice field.
- API: Added a JS module to keep track of current product field selection.
- API: Added a JS state management module to keep track of form stata.
- API: Added the [`gform_source_id_pre_save_entry`](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_source_id_pre_save_entry/) filter, so the value to be saved to the entry source_id property can be overridden.
- API: Added a new [`gform/ajax/post_page_change`](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform-ajax-post_page_change/) JavaScript event that runs after a page change with the new AJAX functionality.
- API: Updated the config framework to support form specific config items to be added to the config object and output to the page.
- API: Updated the theme framework utility classes of `.gform-theme__disable` and `.gform-theme__disable-framework` to also disable theme framework styles for field labels and descriptions.
- API: Deprecated the `UpdateFieldChoices` function. Use `RefreshSelectedFieldPreview` instead.
- API: Removed the deprecated form Theme Framework global CSS API properties.
- API: Added the [`gform_entry_meta_pre_evaluate_conditional_logic`](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform-entry-meta-pre-evaluate-conditional-logic) filter, so the entry meta fields supported for use with conditional logic can be customized before the rules are evaluated.
- API: Added the [`gform_entries_action_links`](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform-entries-action-links) filter to allow for modification of an entry action links in the form entries page.
- API: Updated the product config logic so that it filters the form via the ['gform_pre_render'](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_pre_render/) filter.
- API: Added a new Javascript event [`gform/post_init`](https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform-post-init/) that is triggered after the form has been initialized and can be used by add-ons to load necessary scripts after all Gravity Forms scripts are loaded.
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Reactions: edgars221289
### 2.8.18 | 2024-10-01
- Fixed spacing and margin issues in the form list, help page, and settings page in RTL.
- Fixed an issue where `get_submitted_fields()` is not returning the correct field values if meta keys are not numeric.
### 2.8.17 | 2024-08-26
- Updated the form restriction logging statements to include the form ID.
- Fixed an issue where the license key is not saved for some sites in a multisite/network installation.
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Reactions: edgars221289