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Foodomaa NULLED is a Progressive Web Application (PWA). A PWA is a website with looks and feels like a native Android or iOS application, but it is website based. Being a web-based app has a massive advantage, the user does not have to download the app from the play store or the app store. When your customers visit the website, they are shown a pop-up "Add to Homescreen" Taping on this pop-up compiles the website and installs it on the device. So, there is no Android or iOS code-base for this application.

Foodomaa comprises of 4 Applications​

  • Customer Application Built on React (PWA)
  • Delivery Application Built on React (PWA)
  • Powerful Admin Dashboard built on Laravel
  • Intuitive Restaurant Dashboard built on Laravel
Add-ons inside package:
Order Schedule Module for Foodomaa
Call And Order Module for Foodomaa
Thermal Printer Module for Foodomaa
Delivery Area Pro Module for Foodomaa
SuperCache Module for Foodomaa
3.5 NULLEDVersion
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings
Last update

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