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Elementor PRO - WordPress Page Builder Premium

Elementor PRO - WordPress Page Builder Premium 3.28.1 NULLED

3.25.1 - 2024-10-31​

  • Fix: Multiple Custom Add to Cart widgets on the same page are adding the same product

3.25.0 - 2024-10-28​

  • Tweak: Added pagination functionality to the Live Results in Search widget
  • Tweak: Added Anchor Offset control to allow precise positioning when scrolling to anchor links on the page
  • Tweak: Load motion effects styles only when they are in use
  • Tweak: Load sticky styles only when they are in use
  • Tweak: Load popup styles only when they are in use
  • Tweak: Load theme builder styles only when they are in use
  • Tweak: Load transition styles for Call to Action and Gallery widgets only when they are in use
  • Tweak: Load styles for Form widgets separately to enhance performance
  • Tweak: Load styles for WooCommerce widgets separately to enhance performance
  • Tweak: Load styles for Theme Elements widgets separately to enhance performance
  • Tweak: Load styles for Carousel widgets separately to enhance performance
  • Tweak: Load styles for Pricing widgets separately to enhance performance
  • Tweak: Load styles for Floating Elements separately to enhance performance
  • Tweak: Load styles for Link in Bio widgets separately to enhance performance
  • Tweak: Load minified CSS in the Loop Builder's Call to Action button in the Editor
  • Tweak: Removed "Payments" module styles
  • Tweak: Removed elementor-button-wrapper div from Payapl widget as part of the Optimized Markup experiment
  • Tweak: Removed elementor-button-wrapper div from Stripe widget as part of the Optimized Markup experiment
  • Tweak: Merged "Form Submissions" feature into the version and moved it to the Advanced tab
  • Tweak: Merged "Display Conditions" into the version
  • Fix: Missing translation string for the empty message in the Table of Contents widget (#27580)
  • Fix: Local Storage and Session Storage were being used even when popups were not in use (#7151)
  • Fix: Masonry layout is not working when pagination is set to "Load More" or "Infinite Scroll" in Loop Grid widget (#23684)
  • Fix: Extra gap between widgets on the frontend when using Off-canvas widget (#27706)
  • Fix: Pagination and custom queries did not work when the Posts Widget was saved as a Global Widget or used via shortcode
  • Fix: Lightbox videos are missing controls and displayed at the wrong size in Media Carousel widget
  • Fix: Pagination options with Individual Pagination not working as expected in Posts and Loop Grid widgets
  • Fix: Justified or Masonry layouts for the Pro Gallery would not display images on the frontend when inserted via nested tabs
  • Fix: Error issue in the Loop Grid widget when used in theme parts with the Taxonomy Filter
  • Fix: Removed the focus ring after clicking to open the Off Canvas inside the Editor
  • Fix: Background gradient colors from the dynamic color tag values are not rendering on the frontend
  • Fix: Excessive database requests generated by the Loop Grid widget
  • Fix: Colors from Dynamic Tags were not rendered on the frontend
  • Fix: Display issue in the Menu widget caused by the 'Native Intersection Observer API
  • Fix: Dropdown area not working in certain scenarios in Menu widget
  • Fix: Content Width control inside the Mega Menu is displaying an empty value

3.24.4 - 2024-10-09​

  • Security Fix: Improved code security enforcement in Media Carousel widget

3.24.3 - 2024-10-01​

  • Fix: Floating Elements template not loading when Single Page template is set with All Singular condition
  • Fix: Form field styles not loading properly in various scenarios
#### 3.24.2 - 2024-09-18
* Fix: Icons not displaying when Inline SVG Icons experiment is active in Link In Bio widgets and Floating Elements
#### 3.24.1 - 2024-09-12

* Fix: Widget styles not loading correctly on front causing alignment inconsistencies ([#28676](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/28676))
#### 3.24.0 - 2024-09-10

* New: Introducing support for Variable Fonts - allowing for more dynamic and flexible text styling ([#6703](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/6703), [#11333](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/11333), [#19277](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/19277), [#25485](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/25485))
* Tweak: Added 'Structure' indication for widgets with Display Conditions applied ([#28027](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/28027))
* Tweak: Added a new option for setting the live search results width ([#28280](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/28280))
* Tweak: Improved Honeypot field functionality in Form widget ([#28480](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/28480))
* Tweak: Added options to 'Copy', 'Paste', and 'Clear' Display Conditions in Context Menu
* Tweak: Improved performance of the Menu widget when using Dynamic Tags in the URL field
* Tweak: Improved performance when using Dynamic Tags in Nested Elements
* Tweak: Added the option for users to disable Akismet for specific Elementor forms
* Tweak: Adjusted URL structure when presenting the Search Archive page in Search widget
* Tweak: Added the 'Create Template' button in Search widget
* Tweak: Added an option to enable the 'Loader' animation while live results are loading in Search widget
* Tweak: Load share buttons compatibility styles only when they are in use
* Tweak: Load dialog styles only when they are in use
* Tweak: Load global widget styles only during Editor preview
* Tweak: Conditionally load widget styles only when the widgets are used
* Tweak: Load styles for CTA hover animations only when they are in use
* Tweak: Load notes styles only when the WordPress Toolbar is displayed
* Tweak: Split `animations.min.css` into multiple CSS files and load them conditionally
* Tweak: Promoted Display Conditions feature to Stable status
* Tweak: Merged Taxonomy Filter feature into the version
* Tweak: Merged Search feature into the version
* Tweak: Added a note to 'Current Query' explaining the impact of WordPress settings on pagination within Archives
* Tweak: Added the ability to set `aria-label` for the Off-Canvas widget
* Fix: Manual Selection option is not excluding sticky posts in Posts and Loop Grid widgets ([#18689](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/18689), [#23331](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/23331), [#28179](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/28179))
* Fix: Template ID does not change according to the imported Loop Item ([#21404](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/21404), [#22202](https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/22202))
* Fix: 'Editing Mode' for the Off-canvas was not functioning correctly in certain scenarios
* Fix: Added definition to `clear_custom_image_sizes` hook to prevent edge case issues
* Fix: Flickering issue with search result buttons when closing results using the keyboard escape key in Search widget
* Fix: Theme Style settings for buttons were overriding the text styling in Search widget
* Fix: Nesting menu inside another menu causes functionality issues in Menu widget
* Fix: Error when using array as custom fields value in Dynamic Tags

3.23.3 - 2024-08-05​

  • Fix: Dropdown area not working in certain scenarios in Menu widget (#28194)

3.23.2 - 2024-07-29​

  • Fix: Horizontal scroll bar appearing on the page when using Menu widget (#28087)
  • Fix: Dropdown area disappearing in certain scenarios in Menu widget