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Tweak: Removed the elementor-widget-container div from the Menu, Loop, Table of Contents, Form, and Hotspot widgets as part of the Optimized Markup experiment to improve HTML structure
Tweak: Reduced DOM size by optimizing the submit button markup in Search widget
Tweak: Moved style loading to the head instead of the footer to improve CLS
Tweak: Enabled conditional loading of Swiper.js based on widget dependencies to reduce unnecessary assets and improve page load times
Tweak: Standardized navigation elements like arrows and bullets across all carousel and slider widgets for improved accessibility
Tweak: Improved accessibility when the submit button has only an icon and no text in Search widget
Tweak: Removed load_plugin_textdomain() function from Elementor Pro
#### 3.26.2 - 2024-12-22
* Fix: Menu items are not clickable in various scenarios in Menu widget ([#29191](