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Elementor PRO - WordPress Page Builder Premium

Elementor PRO - WordPress Page Builder Premium 3.28.1 NULLED

3.28.1 - 2025-03-23​

  • Security Fix: Improved code security enforcement in Animated Headline and Form widgets

3.28.0 - 2025-03-17​

  • Tweak: Ensured File Upload field styles are overridden by global styles in Form widget (#11651, #17223)
  • Tweak: Updated Scroll Snap description to clarify incompatibility with animations and motion effects
  • Tweak: Prevented special characters from being encoded in the email subject field in Form widget
  • Tweak: Loaded module styles within the module instead of registering them in plugin.php
  • Tweak: Updated minimum required WordPress version to 6.5
  • Tweak: Improved keyboard accessibility for menus in Editor Top Bar
  • Tweak: Made the edit button accessible in the Template widget
  • Tweak: Optimized Form widget performance by caching field assets using get_style_depends() and get_script_depends() methods
  • Tweak: Added Text Shadow control in Testimonial Carousel, Call to Action and Animated Headline widgets
  • Fix: Button icon alignment breaks when Inline Font Icons feature is activated (#16077, #16511, #17692, #17922, #19253, #19370, #21236, #21844, #28080)
  • Fix: Dropdown caret color did not follow menu item color when Inline Font Icons feature is activated (#17500, #18466, #21664, #24929, #28064)
  • Fix: Page doesn't scroll up when a coupon error notice appears in Checkout widget
#### 3.27.7 - 2025-03-13

* Security Fix: Improved code security enforcement in Lottie widget
#### 3.27.6 - 2025-03-10

* Security Fix: Improved code security enforcement in Template Condition

3.27.5 - 2025-03-03​

  • Fix: The wp_trigger_error function causes the site to crash instead of triggering a warning when used with ACF text

3.27.4 - 2025-02-16​

  • Security Fix: Improved code security enforcement in Screenshots module
  • Security Fix: Improved code security enforcement in Query control
  • Fix: ACF true_false field causing a fatal error when used as a dynamic tag with third-party plugins (#30170)
#### 3.27.3 - 2025-02-06
* Security Fix: Improved code security enforcement in Stripe Button widget

3.27.2 - 2025-02-03​

  • Fix: Value type configuration issue causing errors when using ACF
  • Fix: Hide content on responsive breakpoint option is not working on WordPress Menu widget when Optimized Markup experiment is activated

3.27.1 - 2025-01-27​

  • Tweak: Increased the number of items allowed in Dynamic Tags options in Display Conditions for Elements
  • Security Fix: Improved code security enforcement in Global widget
  • Security Fix: Improved code security enforcement in Lottie widget
  • Security Fix: Improved code security enforcement in Admin settings
  • Fix: Accessible navigation in popups caused unintended scrolling of the page when triggered (#29175)
  • Fix: Empty custom fields are missing in the Dynamic Tags options in Display Conditions for Elements