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EazyDocs Pro (Premium)

EazyDocs Pro (Premium) 2.0.2 NULLED

= v2.0.2 (31 July 2024) =
New: Added instant display of articles inside the assistant (Implemented a new feature that allows the assistant to fetch and display full articles directly within the assistant interface.)
New: Added "Who Can Check Analytics?" in settings
New: Enabled cookie to the selected comment switcher
Fixed: Edit and Add doc button 404 issue resolved
Tweaked: Improved login form
Tweaked: compatibility with EazyDocs Free v2.5.1
Updated: Freemius SDK updated to 2.7.3
= v2.0.0 (09 April 2024) =
New: Book chapter Elementor widget (unlocked in the Pro plan)
New: Subscription feature integrated. Users can subscribe to any document, When creating a new document within a subscription, users will receive notifications via email. (unlocked in the Pro-MAX plan)
New: Doc Root URL format option added in the 'Settings > Docs General' page. Now user can select custom slug or remove the 'docs' slug
New: Unique views option added in the "EazyDocs > Settings > Doc Single > General" page to stop counting views from page reload.
New: Feedback on Selected Text feature added in the "EazyDocs > Settings > Doc Single > Feedback Area" page (unlocked in the Pro-MAX plan)
Fixed: Doc assistant search field issue on pages
Tweaked: Footnotes Improved. Now, you can add footnotes in the Gutenberg editor toolbar.
Tweaked: Conditional content feature improved. Now, you can add/apply conditional content in the Gutenberg editor toolbar.
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Reactions: MarkDragon
= v1.3.9 (21 September 2023) =
New: Tooltip feature added for the Glossary Doc Elementor widget
Updated: Freemius SDK to the latest version 2.5.12
Fixed: feedback_mail function php error
Fixed: Multidocs Elementor widget's Collaborative docs layout's contributor list wasn't showing properly
Fixed: Multisite license activation mechanism where it would not include inactive sites in some cases
Fixed: Properly acknowledge the use of the constant WP_SITEURL so that the clone resolution mechanism can work thoroughly in the necessary edge cases