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Easy Import Products From CSV, EXCEL, XML, JSON, TXT

PrestaShop Easy Import Products From CSV, EXCEL, XML, JSON, TXT 7.7.0


This is the most advanced import/export module in Prestashop. It allows to import/export products and combinations from CSV, XLS, XLSX, XML, JSON, TXT files easily. The process can be fully automated by CRON. It supports files from URL/FTP/SFTP/Path.

ATTENTION: It is very important to try the module with your file on the demo until you are confident about it. Especially if you want to import products from XML/JSON files, you must check your file on the demo in order to make sure it will work as you expected, because XML/JSON files don't have specific structure as it has unlimited depth of nesting and extreme flexibility of structure.

  • Easily import products and combinations from CSV, EXCEL ( XLS/XLSX), XML, JSON, TXT files.
  • Just upload your import file and match columns with the right product properties and enjoy flawless bulk import of your data.
  • Regardless of the size of your import file, the module will import all data without any timeout issues.
  • Server timeout problem is resolved by using AJAX and importing data in portions.
  • You can configure CRON Job to import data from any accessible location, for example, URL, File Path, FTP, SFTP.
  • You can update products by Reference, ID, EAN, Supplier Reference, MPN.
  • The module provides many options to configure it according to your needs.
  • You can see progress of import by CRON right in the module page.
  • You can track import history in the “Import Logs” page which provides many useful information about your imports.
Step 1: Import Rule Settings

When you start a new import, you will have a list of settings to select for your import. These settings are called "Import Rule" and they are saved so that you will not have to select them every time you want to import.

Step 2: Mapping
In this second step, you will match the columns of the import file with the corresponding properties of products/combinations. You can choose the option “Ignore this column” if you want to skip it.
The first row of your import file is usually a header which displays column names. If it is different in your file, you can select the header row on this page at the top-right corner. For example, if you do not have header titles in your file, you should make this “header row” 0.
There is a select box on the left which is used to select columns from your import file. Also, there is an input field next to each select box. In these input fields, you can enter custom values that will be applied to all products. It will be used if the value is missing in the import file or if it is empty.

Step 3: Import
After you finish matching the columns, you can start the actual import process. It may take from several minutes to several hours to finish the process, depending on how large your import file is. Data is imported in portions so you will not have timeout issues from the server. If you have enabled CRON for the import rule in the first step, you will see instructions for configuring CRON in this 3rd step.

Export functionality works in a similar way to import functionality. You will need to create export rules and setup CRON to make export automatically.
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. Easy Import Products From CSV, EXCEL, XML, JSON, TXT 7.7.0

    Version 7.7.0 - 1/22/2025 PrestaShop compatibility: - 9.0.0 Functional improvements and...
  2. Easy Import Products From CSV, EXCEL, XML, JSON, TXT 7.6.8

    Version 7.6.8 - 8/7/2024 PrestaShop compatibility: - 8.1.7 Functional improvements and...
  3. Easy Import Products From CSV, EXCEL, XML, JSON, TXT v7.5.7

    Version 7.5.7 - 7/27/2023 PrestaShop compatibility: - 8.1.1 Functional improvements and...

Latest reviews

working fine, amazing job thanks !

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