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One Page Checkout PS (Easy, Fast & Intuitive)

PrestaShop One Page Checkout PS (Easy, Fast & Intuitive) 4.3.0 NULLED

Version 4.3.0 - 7/31/2024​

PrestaShop compatibility: - 8.1.7
  • OPC 4: slmshipping - v1.0.3 - by Skroutz
  • OPC 5: Fixed issues with purchasing virtual products.
  • OPC 5: Corrected the issue where the email confirmation was still required during registration even when it was disabled.
  • OPC 5: Fixed the issue where the "dni" field, when disabled, was still required by the country.
  • OPC 5: Resolved issues with the integrated Captcha v3 functionality.
  • OPC 5: Fixed the issue where custom field values were not being displayed or saved.
  • OPC 5: Custom fields no longer show in the native checkout when test mode is active.
  • OPC 5: [IMPORTANT] Security enhancements.
  • OPC 5: Improved user experience in the login and customer registration steps.
  • OPC 5: It is now possible to hide the shipping and billing addresses by options or by disabling all fields.
  • OPC 5: New option to display the shipping comments box within the payment step.
  • OPC 5: New option to control whether the cart is displayed on mobile devices.
  • OPC 5: New option to have the guest checkout checkbox selected

Version 4.2.1 - 12/21/2023​

PrestaShop compatibility: - 8.1.5
  • OPC 5: [IMPORTANT] Fixed an issue with the RegistrationController override in PrestaShop 8, which was causing problems in the native customer registration.
  • OPC 5: Se solucionó un problema por el que se realizaban demasiadas llamadas AJAX innecesarias al usar los nuevos campos personalizados en distintas ubicaciones.
  • OPC 5: Se corrigió la etiqueta del campo de confirmación de contraseña que estaba incorrecta.
  • OPC 5: Incorporación de un nuevo tipo de control "time" para los campos personalizados.
  • OPC 5: Uso del datepicker nativo para campos de fecha, solucionando problemas de compatibilidad con módulos de terceros.
  • OPC 5: Para evitar el autocompletado automático de contraseñas por los navegadores, los campos de contraseña se iniciarán vacíos, previniendo errores al guardar.
  • OPC 5: Mejora en la compatibilidad con campos de dirección añadidos por módulos de terceros.
  • OPC 5: Adición de una opción para establecer por defecto una selección en los campos personalizados de tipo select y
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Reactions: GrSHZ
v.4.1.8 (08/17/2023)
New Features and Enhancements
- Resolved: Removed top scroll when loading popups on mobile devices to enhance user experience.
- Now, clicking on a radio button label automatically selects it.
- Optimization: Include override.js and override.css only if they contain saved information.
Bugs Fixed
- Issue when trying to purchase virtual products.
- Error with the 'Allow changing password at checkout' option.
- Added support for the 'getnet' payment module.
- Added support for version 3 of the Stripe Official module (v3.1.1) by Stripe.
- Added support for pts_stripe (v4.0.7) by PresTeamShop.
- Added support for klarnapayment (v1.0.4) by Invertus.
Checkout 5.0
Bugs Fixed
- IMPORTANT: Now compatible with PrestaShop 8.1.X.
- Resolved: Issue with selecting two-word provinces using Google autocomplete.
- Fixed: Custom fields in addresses were always required.
- Resolved missing error messages in customer form fields.
- Fields from other modules in Customer and Address sections now validate properly using 'validateCustomerFormFields' and 'validateCustomerAddressFormFields'.
- Resolved: New payment module image not displayed after change.
- Fixed popup display for CMS popups built with Elementor.
- Solved issue with virtual products and the option to show shipping address.
- Corrected loss of state and city after Geonames autocomplete as a visitor.
- Fixed visual error with quantity button in the cart.
- Solved issue with Geonames results popup preventing selection in some cases.
- Corrected Google autocomplete when the country field is disabled.
- Customer data now automatically updates after changes without requiring page reload.
New Features and Enhancements
- IMPORTANT: Visitors can now choose to register or continue as guests; guest purchase is no longer forced.
- IMPORTANT: New 3-column v1 design.
- Improvement: Clicking payment radio buttons to avoid issues with payment module events.
- Enhanced display of errors in the 'actionOpcValidatePayment' hook.
- New 'actionOpcValidateShipping' hook implemented to validate shipping prior.
- Prioritize search by iso code before name with Google autocomplete.
- BR language update provided by a customer.
- Registered visitors can view transport and payment options in read-only mode.
- Changed position of 'displayShoppingCart' hook.
- Added support for version 3 of the Stripe Official module (v3.1.1) by Stripe.
- Fixed compatibility with the 'paypalwithfee' module (v5.3.0) by 4webs.es.
- New emit 'opc-cart-updateCartActionPsAndMore' for compatibility with 'psandmore'.
- Added support for ets_advancedcaptcha (v1.2.8) by PrestaHero.
- Corrected compatibility with 'idxrvalidatinguser' in professional registration.
- New 'actionOpcValidateDni' hook for compatibility with the 'dniverificator' module by Liewebs.
- Added 'js-checkout-summary' div for compatibility with some modules.
- Fixed JS error with 'advancedvatmanager' when addresses are absent.
- Added support for orderfees_payment (v44.8) by motionSeed.
- Fixed issue with 'securitypro' captcha and native footer.
- Added support for klarnapayment (v1.0.4) by Invertus.
- Added support for Fmmgiftwrapping (v1.1.1) by FMM Modules.
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Reactions: abuji and Motchanyy