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The CSS Hero Team

The Live WordPress Theme Editor. No code required.​

CSS Hero NULLED is the definitive WordPress plugin to easily customize the look of your site, with an easy and intuitive point and click interface.

Add great background images to your site​

Thanks to Unsplash you can enjoy an [almost] unlimited source of amazing, royalty-free, high quality images to use in your projects.

Search by keyword, choose an image and a size, and instantly apply as a background-image of any site element.

Finding great images has never been so easy.

Live Mobile Preview​

While editing your website with CSS Hero, you can preview in real time the effects of your customization on your mobile phone, right into your hands.

There’s nothing like viewing the real thing on your physical device.

Use any Font​

Easily embed any kind of font, built-in support for Google Fonts, Typekit and now upload your custom fonts is available too (.otf,.ttf and .woff supported).

Video Backgrounds​

Video speaks louder than words and now you can bring your web pages to life with video backgrounds. A wide selection of free footage from Coverr is available at your fingertips.

On-scroll Animations​

Easily apply on-scroll animations to any element on your pages, choosing among a wide set of effects such as fade, flip, slide, zoom - and fine tune their parameters.

Animations are implemented in CSS Hero using the AOS animation library, which is solid, lightweight and versatile.

HTML \ CSS Inspector​

A built-in inspection tool, to accurately analize and target the right elements that you want to edit.
  • Version 5.1.0 NULLED
  • Downloads 96
  • Views 721
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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