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Information: Safety & Support
Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use. Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.
Note: One enhancement below is marked as “check for unforeseen/unintended consequences” for a small percentage of users. Please review that enhancement before updating and avoid bulk updating until you’ve confirmed that it is not a change that impacts your typical development workflow/practices.
Add Etch support
Next-gen global SCSS/CSS processing
Icon Framework: Granular control over icon "theme"
Icon Framework: Granular control over icon "style"
Icon Framework: Granular control over icon size
Detect Cloudflare errors during plugin activation
Load the color palette for all post types in Gutenberg
Separate button padding properties into block and inline for improved value handling
Text area inputs don't calc/var parse anymore, allowing for fallback values for variables
Improve handling of max-width property on text--{size} classes (Check for UC!)
Fix for header height for xs and xxl not appearing when activated
Fix "auto-fill" class in context menu
Fix the output of max-width for h1 styles
Normalize the max-width of blocks for all post types in Gutenberg
Fix add element badge layout due to latest Bricks changes
MANUAL: Change default link exclusion target to fix linked images getting indicated
In this patch release, we addressed a missing style in .form–light for WS Form that was overlooked in version 3.2.6. Now, your forms will look as sleek and stylish as intended!
Forms: fix missing style for WS Form in .form--light
Small update to address the lingering “save changes” notice. Expect one more minor release early next week to fix a small dashboard pinning position glitch. With the complete refactoring of pinning, we’re having to go back through and handle the same edge cases with various builders and contexts as we did with the initial dashboard release.
Fix the browser-triggered save changes notice when changes are already saved.
.center--self classes no longer apply any flex properties other than align-self: center