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Invision Community Books 1.2.6


This resource uses Google Books API to grab data from any book to your site, as long the data is available on Google Books. This resource supports both 10 and 13 digit ISBN format.

All you have to do is type the ISBN, the API will add for you*:
  • Title
  • Subtitle (if there's any)
  • Description
  • Author
  • Publisher
  • Year of Publication
  • Number of pages
  • And most important: it will upload the book cover automatically for you
(*) Data will be retrieved if the book is found in Google Books.

Per book features
  • Readers & Rating: set book read date and provide a rating
  • Bookshelves the book is added
  • Comments
  • Reviews
  • You can create your bookshelf
  • Follow bookShelves
  • You can add books that you own/already read to your bookshelf
  • People can comment
  • People can review
Other features:
  • Fully integrated to the framework: Rest API, categories, extra fields, notifications, search, tags, follow, reactions, promote, etc.
  • Settings to control the app behaviour in several places/situations
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Latest updates

  1. Download IPS Books v1.2.6

    Released 10/12/2022 12:20 PM IPS 4.7.3+ compatible.
  2. Download Books v1.2.5.1

    Released September 17 Fix incompatibility with IPS