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Astra Pro Addon – Perfect Theme for WordPress

Astra Pro Addon – Perfect Theme for WordPress 4.8.8 NULLED

2024-05-23 - version 4.6.10
* New: WooCommerce - Introduce new background color option for filter flyout.
* Fix: Changing the logo width increase the logo height inside the customizer settings.
* Fix: Site Builder - Layouts duplicating when multiple layouts are added on the page in some conditions.
* Fix: Blog archive post filter issues with title and pagination.
* Fix: Sticky Header - When UABB is activated and on window scrolling there is a glitch between site header and UABB created post grid layout.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Fixed an issue causing the page to freeze when selecting product variations and ensured smoother image updates on product pages.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Attribute button state updates automatically when switching valid variation without additional clicks.
* Fix: PHP Error with undefined function bsf_extract_product_id in some edge cases.
2024-04-25 - version 4.6.8
* Improvement: Header Builder - Language Switcher - Improved accessibility by adding aria-labels.
* Improvement: Spacing Addon - Code optimization to reduce extra conditions load & improve performance.
* Fix: Sticky Header - Transition effect of headers and Account element's Login Popup alignment issue when Shrink Effect is enabled.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Using "Use Labels as Placeholders" in the Checkout produces inconsistent results for required fields.
* Fix: Old header menu styling conflicting with new header builder's header structure.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Infinite scroll does not showing all products on the shop page.
* Fix: Site Builder - Custom Template's headings don't have bottom spacing on the frontend.
* Fix: Sticky Header - On window scrolling there is a glitch between site header and Spectra's gallery block.
* Fix: Sticky Header - On window scrolling there is glitch between site header and Spectra's gallery block.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Sticky Product Image is breaking UI on responsive devices.
2024-02-12 - version 4.6.4
* Improvement: Improved accessibility of advanced headers by removing incorrect role="img" attribute.
* Fix: Live Search - Browser autocomplete disabled when a live search is enabled to avoid search result overlapping issues.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Infinite Scroll & page is not working when Elementor template is used.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Pro addon conflicting with Essential Addon's Product Carousel transition property.
* Fix: White Label - Help link present in the theme builder even after white label is enabled.
* Fix: LifterLMS - Enable Course Meta option not working properly with the LifterLMS Blocks.
2024-01-24 - version 4.6.3
* Fix: Mega Menu - Page Builder templates looses their styling when used as mega menu content in v4.6.2.
2023-12-12 - version 4.5.2
* New: Introducing new "vw" unit support for font-size in customizer typography settings.
* Improvement: Added a new filter 'astra_fullscreen_modal_heading_tag' to change the Full-Screen search style heading tag.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Checkout - In modern checkout place order button missing a thousand separators.
* Fix: Fatal error 'Attempt to read property taxonomy & name' from addon cache files in some rare cases.
* Fix: Site Builder - Single templates get shrink due to flex-based CSS on the ast-container wrapper.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Product Catalog - Quick View Background option not working with Boxed layout.
* Fix: Site Builder - Custom layout appearing on the frontend if any hook action is set but the layout is not of 'hooks' type.
2023-11-21 - version 4.5.1
* Improvement: WooCommerce - Declared HPOS Compatibility across the plugin to avoid incompatibility notice when WooCommerce Addon Module is disabled.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Checkout - Form labels get hidden for Stripe payment method.
* Fix: Mega Menu - Mega menu heading color option is not working on frontend.
* Fix: Blog Filter - Banner visibility glitch with 'Post Filter' and 'Banner Layout 2'
* Fix: WP CLI - PHP Fatal error 'Uncaught TypeError: call_user_func()' while running WP CLI commands.
* Fix: Submenu border width of old header footer builder causing site crashing issue.
2023-10-23 - version 4.4.0
* New: Blog Pro - Blog Filter to filter categories and tags. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/post-filter/ )
* New: Header Builder - Search - Option to switch Light or Dark modal design for Full Screen style.
* New: WooCommerce - Introducing a new cart shortcode 'astra_woo_slide_in_cart', which adds support for a slide-in cart feature.
* New: Editor - Introducing Page Level Background Settings (Page Background & Content Background). ( https://wpastra.com/docs/page-level-background-settings/ )
* Improvement: Added a new filter 'astra_social_rel_attribute' to change Social Share's "rel" attribute inside the post.
* Fix: Blog - Social sharing icons were incorrectly linking to Twitter for all platforms.
* Fix: Header-Footer Builder - Social Icon - Text decoration typography style for labels not working.
* Fix: Custom Layout - Embed/YouTube block not working inside nested blocks.
* Fix: Sticky Header - Menu color gets overridden by normal header primary menu color.
* Fix: WPML conflicting with Profile language for translation.
2023-09-26 - version 4.3.3
* Fix: Custom Layout - Layouts missing on the frontend for logged-out users with update v4.3.2.
2023-09-22 - version 4.3.2

* Improved codebase for improved security. (Props - Patchstack)
* Fix: Blog - Social sharing icons were incorrectly linking to Twitter for all platforms.