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Astra Pro Addon – Perfect Theme for WordPress

Astra Pro Addon – Perfect Theme for WordPress 4.8.11 NULLED

2025-01-07 - version 4.8.11
* Fix: Resolved fatal error introduced in v4.8.10.
2025-01-07 - version 4.8.10
* Fix: Resolved an issue where the query loop block wasn't displaying dynamic content correctly in Site Builder with Archive Template.
* Fix: White label is not working for the Astra menu panel strings.
* Fix: Resolved undefined array key warnings for 'tablet' and 'mobile' in dynamic CSS PHP files when the blog Reveal effect is enabled.
* Fix: Resolved color inheritance issues between Account widget menu, and transparent header.
2024-12-16 - version 4.8.8
* Improvement: Automatically enable the 'Site Builder' module when Astra Pro is activated on new installations.
* Fix: There is a gap between the above and below header when the sticky header is active with a custom width set to the site logo.
* Fix: Resolved translation issues with Site Builder and Mega Menu strings.
2024-11-15 - version 4.8.6
* Fix: Resolved an issue with duplicated content appearing due to Site Builder layouts.
* Fix: Inconsistent spacing in WooCommerce variation product classes by updating class name concatenation for cleaner HTML markup.
2024-11-11 - version 4.8.4
* New: Header Builder - Added Polylang option type to the Language Switcher widget for dynamic URLs.
* Improvement: Mega Menu - Enhanced support for uploaded Image and SVG icons, allowing them to inherit color settings seamlessly.
* Improvement: Added responsive column layout option for the blog archive page.
* Improvement: Improved product image display case on the "My Account > Orders" page to ensure correct images for variable products and updates even after order edits.
* Improvement: Added unique CSS class for each product variation button based on term slug or option value to allow independent styling.
* Improvement: Increase the specificity of Mega Menu colors to avoid inconsistency.
* Improvement: WooCommerce - Enhanced form field alignment when using the `Checkout Field Editor (Checkout Manager) for WooCommerce` plugin with Astra's Modern Checkout.
* Improvement: Moved the product image hover effect to the WooCommerce Addon from the theme.
* Improvement: WooCommerce – Display the product thumbnail image on catalog pages instead of the original image when the "Swap Image" option is enabled for Product Image Hover Style.
* Fix: Resolved a conflict with the Login Logout Menu plugin that triggered a warning on the admin menu page.
* Fix: Resolved issue where on single post autoload embeded video not appearing.
* Fix: BBPress forum layout appears squeezed when Astra Pro is activated.
* Fix: Site Builder - Vimeo embed not rendering frames when used with the Site Builder.
* Fix: Resolved issue where 'Load More' button on product archive page became unclickable after multiple AJAX requests.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Product Variation with buttons not updating the gallery image correctly.
* Fix: Performance delays and errors due to Outdated Image Processing Library.
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Reactions: Kensei1212
2024-10-07 - version 4.8.3
* New: Added option to disable quantity updater from WooCommerce mini cart.
* Improvement: Site Builder - Added a filter hook 'astra_exclude_wrapper_hooks' to allow excluding the wrapper for specific hooks in site builder content.
* Improvement: Header Builder - Language Switcher - Added Brazilian Portuguese language option.
* Fix: Solved image display issue in variation product gallery by matching image URLs more accurately.
* Fix: Site Builder: Editor width issue in the backend with Beaver Builder/Elementor for some hooks.
* Fix: Search widget incompatibility with Polylang plugin.
* Fix: Fatal error '"Uncaught Error: json_decode()' from addon classes files in some rare cases.
2024-10-01 - version 4.8.2
* Improvement: Accessibility - Improved product quick view modal & close button accessibility.
* Fix: Site Builder - Astra Hooks settings do not save when the Custom Fields option is enabled from the preferences.
* Fix: Sticky Header - Scrolling down makes menu text gets disappeared on mobile screens.
* Fix: Astra modern cart layout styling conflicts with the Elementor cart widget.
* Fix: Header Builder - Account Widget's login popup colors and font customization not working.
* Fix: Widget font title not working on customizer and frontend.
* Fix: Rendered 'vcard' classes for authors only when schema is enabled.
* Fix: Ensure compatibility with Thrive Architect by preventing query reset during Thrive Architect layout edits.
* Fix: Resolved a console error on mobile devices in the logged-out view when using the Account widget.
* Fix: Resolved warnings reported by Woo Marketplace, ensuring compliance with coding standards.
2024-09-11 - version 4.8.1
* Improvement: Added functionality to allow the translation of strings stored in Astra's settings database.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Astra Pro Quick View feature was not showing correctly at browser widths between 922px and 999px.
* Fix: Sticky Header - Hide When Scrolling Down - Menu text colors were not applying when the "Colors & Background" module was disabled.
* Fix: Sticky Header - Primary menu background color was being affected by extra menus, such as Menu 3, Menu 4, etc.
* Fix: Sticky Header - Fixed sticky header not functioning with animation even when the Site Builder header layout is disabled.
* Fix: Search widget was not functioning correctly on mobile devices for RTL (Right-to-Left) sites.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Variation buttons in quick view are not functional if the product does not have gallery images.
* Fix: Mega Menu - Disabling the submenu link causes PHP warnings if Mega Menu is not enabled.
* Fix: Left and right padding not showing with the padded site layout.
* Fix: Getting PHP warning 'Undefined array key "placeholder"' on the checkout page when WPFunnels Pro plugin is activated.
2024-08-20 - version 4.8.0
* Improvement: Introduced filter 'astra_addon_enable_modern_checkout' to enable/disable the modern checkout feature.
* Improvement: Made megamenu icon `alt` tags dynamic to ensure unique alt attributes for each image.
* Fix: Improvements as per Woo Marketplace coding standards.
* Fix: Sticky Header: Resolved an issue where the primary header would break when a custom hook layout was added using the 'before header' hook.
* Fix: Mega Menu - While selecting the default color multiple circles are visible.
* Fix: Resolved issue where Flyout width affected Full Screen layout for Off-Canvas in mobile/tablet views.
* Fix: Site Builder - Resolved an issue where the custom header hides the default header.
* Fix: Site Builder - Query Loop Block Preview Not Displaying in Block Editor of Site Builder.
* Fix: Site Builder - Resolved issue where posts/pages were not displaying under display conditions on the site builder dashboard.
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Reactions: Kensei1212