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Astra Pro Addon – Perfect Theme for WordPress

Astra Pro Addon – Perfect Theme for WordPress 4.9.1 NULLED

2025-03-07 - 4.9.1
* Fix: Resolved critical error which was introduced in previous version (v4.9.0).
2025-03-06 - 4.9.0
* New: Astra New color palette compatibility with Astra Addon features - (Beta Feature) (https://wpastra.com/docs/dark-colour-palette/)
* Fix: Resolved an issue where the inside spacing of responsive blog posts was not applied correctly.
* Fix: Resolved an issue where Social widget Alignment option not working properly when Stack option is used.
* Fix: Gracefully handled `astra_get_post_type` undefined function error caused by theme and addon version mismatch.
2025-02-26- version 4.8.14
* Fix: Resolved an issue where product gallery thumbnails appeared blurry by ensuring the correct image size is used.
* Fix: Resolved a UI issue where the "Re-enter New Password" field was displaying incorrectly.
* Fix: Resolved a CSS conflict where the Stripe Checkout payment button affected the Astra Modern Checkout layout.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Resolved UI issue in Astra Pro's Quick View feature where landscape images distorted the layout for variable products.
* Fix: Resolved an issue where the WooCommerce Product Variation Switcher displayed the featured image instead of the selected variation’s image in Astra Pro's Gallery Layouts.
* Fix: Resolved an issue causing double search icons to appear for some existing users.
* Fix: Resolved an issue where custom layouts created using Theme Builder did not render on empty category archives.
* Fix: Resolved an issue where extra field data on single product page was not being submitted when adding the product to the cart.
2025-02-11 - version 4.8.13
* New: Search Widget - Added support to search icon from the icon library or using a custom SVG code.
* Improvement: Enhanced coupon field in Modern Cart Layout to display error notices for invalid or empty coupon submissions.
2025-01-28 - version 4.8.12
* Improvement: Enhanced accessibility of the Search Widget by addressing form label issues flagged by the WAVE tool.
* Improvement: Enhanced Astra Real-Time Add to Cart functionality to make it compatible with WooCommerce Subscription's Proration feature.
* Improvement: Added hash-based URL functionality to toggle between login and registration forms.
* Improvement: Enhanced Search Widget markup rendering to occur only when the widget is present in the Header Builder with Header Cover and Full-Screen Search options.
* Fix: String Translations not working correctly for Astra Customizer settings.
* Fix: Resolved layout breakage in Astra Mega Menu to ensure proper display for both normal and custom width.
2025-01-07 - version 4.8.11
* Fix: Resolved fatal error introduced in v4.8.10.
2025-01-07 - version 4.8.10
* Fix: Resolved an issue where the query loop block wasn't displaying dynamic content correctly in Site Builder with Archive Template.
* Fix: White label is not working for the Astra menu panel strings.
* Fix: Resolved undefined array key warnings for 'tablet' and 'mobile' in dynamic CSS PHP files when the blog Reveal effect is enabled.
* Fix: Resolved color inheritance issues between Account widget menu, and transparent header.
2024-12-16 - version 4.8.8
* Improvement: Automatically enable the 'Site Builder' module when Astra Pro is activated on new installations.
* Fix: There is a gap between the above and below header when the sticky header is active with a custom width set to the site logo.
* Fix: Resolved translation issues with Site Builder and Mega Menu strings.
2024-11-15 - version 4.8.6
* Fix: Resolved an issue with duplicated content appearing due to Site Builder layouts.
* Fix: Inconsistent spacing in WooCommerce variation product classes by updating class name concatenation for cleaner HTML markup.