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Admin and Site Enhancements (ASE) Pro

Admin and Site Enhancements (ASE) Pro NULLED

### 6.7.0 (2024.02.07) - ASE Free and Pro

* **[NEW in Free and Pro] Admin Interface >> Display Active Plugins First**: new module to display active / activated plugins at the top of the Installed Plugins list. Useful when your site has many deactivated plugins for testing or development purposes.

* **[IMPROVED in Pro] Content Management >> Custom Content Types**: added **integration of ASE custom fields as Breakdance builder's dynamic data provider** with full support for the repeater field. All field types can be output using a simple text element in Breakdance, and it's also possible to output compatible field types as URLs and be used in the image and video elements for further customization. Relationship field support in Post Loop Builder requires intervention from Breakdance team, and ASE has initiated the process towards that end.

* **[IMPROVED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Columns Manager**: added a column containing list of products being ordered for WooCommerce Orders listing page. Props to Jacob E. for the suggestion.

* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Admin Interface >> Hide Admin Notices**: will now only be active in wp-admin pages and not on the frontend. Changed the hook used to load inline CSS styles that was causing the PHP warning issue of "headers already sent" when viewing the Customizer, as reported by [@socialsparkmedia](https://wordpress.org/support/users/socialsparkmedia/) and [@elonreynolds](https://wordpress.org/support/users/elonreynolds/) [here](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/php-warning-using-divi-theme-with-ase-pro-6-5-0/) and [here](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/warning-message-when-opening-customizer/). Additionally, when Breakdance builder is actively managing a post/page, a similar error was also reported and has also been fixed. Props to Val J. for reporting this issue in detail and facilitating troubleshooting.

* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Content Management >> Media Replacement**: fixed a bug that occurs when an image of a different (mime) type than the image to replace is being used for the replacement. A check has been added that will output a warning when that happens, and will disable the Perform Replacement button until an image of the same type is selected. Props to David H. and Andi P. for reporting issues related to this bug, and help with providing detailed information to help with troubleshooting.

* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Utilities >> Display System Summary**: fixed PHP warning when there's an error getting database information via mysqli_connect(). Props to Val J. for reporting the issue and helping with troubleshooting.
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Reactions: MarkDragon
### 6.5.0 (2024.01.22) - ASE Free and Pro

* **[NEW][Free][Pro] Content Management >> Media Library Infinite Scrolling**: Re-enable infinite scrolling in the grid view of the media library. Useful for scrolling through a large library. Props to [@benbaudart](https://wordpress.org/support/users/benbaudart/) for [suggesting this](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/feature-request-infinite-scroll-in-media-library/).

* **[IMPROVED][Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Columns Manager**: make WP core, ASE, ACF and Meta Box columns with values that are sortable to be automatically sortable, i.e. can be sorted ASC / DESC on clicking the column header. **To enable this, please open the admin columns manager for the post types you have, and click Save Changes**. Props to Julian S. and Uli L for suggesting a feature in this area.

* **[IMPROVED][Free][Pro] Admin Interface >> Hide Admin Notices**: will now properly handle hiding notices on GenerateBlocks settings page. Props to [@tpfoster](https://wordpress.org/support/users/tpfoster/) for [reporting this](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/hide-admin-notices-doesnt-work-on-every-page/) in great detail, which helped with troubleshooting.

* **[IMPROVED][Pro] Utilities >> Local User Avatar**: make sure local avatar is used for [get_avatar_url()](https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/get_avatar_url/). Props to Sunny T. for reporting that Cwicly Image block does not load local avatar when "Dynamic Data >> WordPress >> Author Profile Picture" is selected as the data source, @ardyan for reporting gravatar image was still loaded on their site.

* **[FIXED][Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Columns Manager**: fixed an issue where Screen Options toggle was not properly toggling RankMath's SEO Title and SEO Desc columns. Props to Sunny T. for reporting the issue.

* **[FIXED][Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Columns Manager**: fixed missing column values from EDD Orders page. Props to Deborah S. for reporting the issue and helping with troubleshooting.

* **[FIXED][Free][Pro] Optimizations >> Heartbeat Control**: fixed PHP warnign. Props to Maek M. for reporting the issue along with the error log entry.

* **[FIXED][Free][Pro] Disable Components >> Disable Comments**: fixed PHP warning issue. Props to @ken0429ng for reporting the issue.

* **[FIXED][Free][Pro] Fatal error on site migration**: fixed a fatal error that occurred after migrating a site with ASE configured. Props to Bart van O. for reporting the issue and helping with troubleshooting.
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Reactions: MarkDragon