7.8.1 (2025.03.03) - ASE Free and Pro
- [IMPROVED in Pro] Security >> CAPTCHA Protection: when CAPTCHA Protection is enabled on WooCommerce login form, also enable on the login form in WooCommerce checkout page. Ensure that after successful login, the customer/user is redirected back to the checkout page. This will override the settings added to the Redirect After Login module. Props to @betaplus for prompting this improvement.
- [IMPROVED in Free and Pro] Disable Components >> Disable REST API:
- ASE Pro: CAPTCHA Protection >> ALTCHA widget now works properly when Disable REST API is turned on. Props to Ivan C.d.A. for reporting the issue.
- ASE Free and Pro: Contact Form 7 now works properlywhen Disable REST API is turned on. Props to Ivan C.d.A. for reporting the issue.
- ASE Pro: Added an option to exclude certain routes from being disabled.
- [IMPROVED in Pro] Log In/Out | Register >> Login Page Customizer:
- Added a link to the haikei app when choosing 'Pattern' as the login page background. This is where you can generate your own pattern with a color scheme that match the branding of the site you are working on. Props to Wence W. for prompting this improvement.
- The link to the privacy policy page will now have the same color as registration and password reset links. Props to Wence W. for prompting this improvement.
- Added an option to choose login button color. Button hover color and button text color will automatically adjust to the chosen color. You can always customize in detail with the Custom CSS option. Props to Wence W. for prompting this improvement.
- [FIXED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Columns Manager: fix PHP warning in a certain scenario. Props to Dave C. for reporting the issue in detail and even suggesting the code fix as well, which has been tested and implemented.
- [FIXED in Pro] Content Management >> Content Order: fix an issue where custom order is not being applied on taxonomy term archive page using the (WP) core Query Loop block. Props to Greg F. for reporting the issue in detail and working together to find a fix for it. Much appreciated!
- [FIXED and IMPROVED in Pro] Utilities >> Form Builder:
- Add a Plain email template (no header image). Props to Mathijs v.d.B. for suggesting this.
- Made default field input background color white
- Email notifications and auto-responder: ensure field tags work, i.e. properly replaced with the corresponding field value on email delivery. This also fixes the issue where auto-responder were not being delivered properly.
- Email notifications and auto-responder: make sure line breaks are properly saved in form settings and are reflexted in the email content.
- Choice field presets: update to options for the Importance preset for better clarity / less ambiguity
- Dropdown field: fixed builder preview for dropdown field becoming empty when adding a new option
- Address field: change zip subfield to be of the type text (previously it was number) to accomodate for various types of zip codes around the world
- Website / URL field: improve URL validation method
- Upload field: modification to frontend styles
- Matrix of Uniform Dropdown field: fix an issue where the first option is not being shown in the dropddown.
- Choice and Matrix fields: the options are now immediately draggable upon adding the field.
- Textarea field: line breaks are now preserved in email notification and entry preview
- [TRANSLATION in Free and Pro] ASE is now being translated into 31 languages:
- Added new/improved translationfor:
- ASE Free: updated Vietnamese, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazil), Polish, Norwegian, German, Dutch, Chinese (Taiwan)
- ASE Pro: added Turkish (partial). Updated Czech, Vietnamese, Romanian, Portuguese (Brazil).
7.7.0 (2025.02.24) - ASE Free and Pro
- [ADDED in Pro] Security >> CAPTCHA Protection: add CAPTCHA protection to WordPress default login, password reset, registration and comment forms and WooCommerce login, password reset and registration forms. Support ALTCHA self-hosted version (GDPR-compliant, open source, free), Google reCaptcha v2 and v3, and Cloudflare Turnstile.
- [IMPROVED in Free and Pro] Admin Interface >> Hide Admin Notices: fix for notices still showing on Hash Form form builder screen.
- [IMPROVED in Pro] Utilities >> Maintenance Mode: added an option to exclude certain URLs from the maintenance mode. This could be useful if you have a custom login page created outside of ASE. Props to Miriam M. and Julian S. for prompting this improvement.
- [IMPROVED amd FIXED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Columns Manager:
- improved mechanism to load original column title when an applicable column is set as such.
- fixed a conflict with PublishPress Revisions plugin causing fatal error when viewing the revisions queue page. Props to Adam for reporting the issue with a screenshot and the error stack trace, which helped in quickly resolving the issue.
- [IMPROVED in Pro] Log In/Out | Register >> Login Page Customizer:
- Changed logo image options to site icon, media library (image) or external (image) URL. Should work with your existing settings.
- Added automatic image dimension detection and image ratio preserver when using media library image. Props to Max Z. for prompting this improvement.
- Added links to external tools to get image dimension and calculate smaller dimension when using external image URL.
- [IMPROVED in Pro] Optimizations >> Image Upload Control: add an option to set the JPG quality during conversion/upload of BMP, PNG and JPG files. Props to John D. for prompting this improvement.
- [FIXED in Free and Pro] Security >> Limit Login Attempts: fix IPv6 addresses not being properly detected. Props to Mathijs v.d.B. and Jon B. for reporting the issue.
- [FIXED in Pro] Content Management >> Content Order: fixed an issue where adjacent posts navigation (Previous / Next) is not being displayed when the Content Order module is enabled for post types that does not include the post type where such navigation is added to. Props to Glenn W. for reporting the issue in detail and facilitated the troubleshooting process.
- [FIXED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Logo: fix admin bar logo link not linking to the homepage as it should when viewed in the backend / wp-admin. Props to Max Z. for reporting the issue.
- [TRANSLATION in Free and Pro]ASE is now being translated into 31 languages:
- Added new/improved translationfor:
- Free: Added Bosnian, Croatian. Updated Romanian, Polish, Vietnamese, Portuguese (Brazil), Serbian
- Pro: Updated Romanian, Hungarian, Portuguese (Brazil)
### 7.6.11 (2025.02.17) - ASE Free and Pro
* **[IMPROVED in Free and Pro] Admin Interface >> Hide Admin Notices**: the notices counter in the admin bar will now be updated as you clear notices from inside the notices drawer. There will be a slight delay, about 2 seconds, to compensate for the various ways different plugins clear their notices and how long that might take. Props to Elmira T. for prompting this improvement.
* **[IMPROVED and FIXED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Columns Manager**:
* add an option to **use a column as the default sort (ascending / descending)**, so that when visiting the View All Posts/Pages/CPT posts, the list table will be sorted accordingly. Props to Justin B., Matt B., Lynette C. and Patrick K. for prompting this improvement. Your patience is also appreciated.
* add an option to **disable horizontal scrolling**, which might be useful in certain scnearios where another plugin is not expecting the `.wp-list-table` to be wrapped in a `div`. Props to Klemen T. for reporting a related issue that prompted this improvement.
* enable **custom date time format for the default 'Date' column**. Props to Julian W. for prompting this improvement.
* fixed **WPML's language column not showing the correct language flag** when switching language in the admin bar. Props to S. H. for reporting the issue in detail and facilitating the troubleshooting process.
* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Admin Interface >> Various Admin UI Enhancements >> Display Active Plugins First**: fix a PHP error in a certain scenario. Props to betaplus for reporting the issue along with the error call stack, which helps with troubleshooting.
* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Disable Components >> Disable Gutenberg**: fix for frontend block styles / CSS files not being properly disabled. Props to Stijn V. for reporting the issue and facilitating the troubleshooting process.
* **[FIXED in Pro] Utilities >> Email Delivery**: fix an issue that may cause fatal error in some scenario when trying to log email deliveries. Props to Martin H. for reporting the issue in details (with an error stack trace).
* **[FIXED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Menu Organizer**: fix an issue where in Gravity Forms main dashboard, menu item(s) that are set to always be hidden for all user roles are not being properly hidden. Props to Robert D. for reporting the issue in detail and facilitating the troubleshooting process.
### 7.6.10 (2025.02.10) - ASE Free and Pro
* **[IMPROVED in Free and Pro] Content Management >> Content Order**:
* **when WPML plugin is active**, the content ordering page will now only show posts from the chosen language. Props to Stijn V. for prompting this improvement.
* **added 'Order' button in posts list tables** of post types where Content Order module is enabled for. Useful for when the 'Order' submenu can not be added to the parent menu that contains the link to the post type list table, e.g. LearnDash courses.
* **[IMPROVED in Pro] Security >> Email Address Obfuscator**: added a 'text' parameter to the obfuscator shortcode that allows for showing a custom text instead of the human-readable email address. This, combined with the 'link' and 'class' parameter, allows for showing the obfuscated and linked email address as, for example, a "Contact Us" button. Props to Antoine L. for suggesting this improvement.
* **[IMPROVED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Columns Manager**: improv rendering of the post list table when this module is enabled. Props to Jake K. for prompting this improvement.
* **[FIXED in Pro] Custom Code >> Code Snippets Manager**: fix styling issues when select2 JS and CSS files are also loaded by LearnDash and Hash Form plugins on the snippet creation and editing screens.
* **[SECURITY FIX in Free and Pro]:
* **Security >> Limit Login Attempts**: fix Bypass via IP Spoofing vulnerability as responsibly disclosed by Bob, a security researcher for WPScan and Jetpack.
* **Utilities >> Password Protection**: fix Password Protection Bypass vulnerability as responsibly disclosed by Bob, a security researcher for WPScan and Jetpack.
* **[CHANGED in Free] Security >> Limit Login Attempts**: IP detection from a preferred header, e.g. `HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR`, is now also available in the free version of ASE.
* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Content Management >> External Permalinks**: fixed a compatibility issue that causes BeTheme template builder failing to load on singular template of post types that has External Permalinks enabled for. Props to PJ for reporting the issue and facilitating the troubleshooting process.
* **[CHANGED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Logo**: Admin bar logo link will no longer open in new browser tab by default. Props to Henry R. for suggesting this change.
* **[FIXED in Pro] Custom Code >> Code Snippets Manager**: fix an issue where in a particular scenario, code snippets are not being properly stored as files to load/execute from. Props to Jhay B. for reporting the issue and facilitating the troubleshooting.
7.6.9 (2025.02.03) - ASE Free and Pro
- [IMPROVED in Free and Pro] Security >> Disable XML-RPC: added additional things being disabled related to XML-RPC, namely, the 'X-Pingback' header in HTTP response headers, closing pings and pre-emptively remove several XML-RPC methods. Props to David M. for prompting this improvement.
- [IMPROVED in Pro] Custom Code >> Code Snippets Manager: added the missing Pages as part of selection in the "Single Page/Post/CPT" conditional for loading CSS/JS/HTML snippets on the frontend. Props to Killian H. for reporting the issue.
- [FIXED in Free and Pro] Utilities >> View Admin as Role: fix PHP fatal error in a certain scenario. Props to Dale R. for reporting the issue in detail along with the error log entry.
- [FIXED in Free and Pro] Content Management >> Media Replacement:
- Free and Pro: added mechanism to prevent browser cache busting URL parameter being added twice when performing replacements.
- Pro: fix an issue where in the grid view, media replacement is not working properly in Firefox / Zen browsers. Props to Justin for reporting the issue in detail and facilitating the troubleshooting process.
- [FIXED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Columns Manager: fix date column showing 1 day difference with frontend displayed date. Props to Jonathan J. for reporting the issue and facilitating the troubleshooting process.
- [FIXED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Menu Organizer: fix an issue where submenu item's Hide / Options is not toggling the sub-options when clicked. This is caused by a conflict with the Float Menu plugin. Props to Christian for reporting the issue and facilitating the troubleshooting process.
- [FIXED in Pro] Content Management >> Content Order: fix an issue with LearnDash where enabling content ordering for Courses will not add the 'Order' submenu item. Props to Bas B. for reporting the issue and facilitating the troubleshooting process.
- [TRANSLATION in Free and Pro]ASE is now being translated into 29 languages:
- Added new/improved translationfor:
- Free: update Norwegian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil) and Slovak
- Pro: updated Slovak
### 7.6.8 (2025.01.27) - ASE Free and Pro
* **[IMPROVED in Pro] Email Delivery >> Email Log**: make sure info on attachments in email delivery is properly logged, and also displayed when viewing the details of entries in the email log.
* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Optimizations >> Image Upload Control**: fix PHP warning/error that occurs in a certain scenario. Props to [DJABHipHop](https://wordpress.org/support/users/pressthemes1/) for [reporting this](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/undefined-variable-converted_to_jpgplugin-admin-and-site-enhancements-ase/) with the error log entry.
* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Admin Interface >> Various Admin UI Enhancements >> Display Active Plugins First**: fix PHP warnings in PHP 8.3. Props to Bjorn S. for reporting this.
* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Security >> Email Address Obfuscator**: fix an issue where the obfuscated email address where there are hyphens in the domain name, will show a word in the domain name being reversed when viewed in iOS Safari browser. Props to Thorsten S. for reporting the issue.
* **[FIXED in Pro] Custom Code >> Code Snippets Manager**:
* **fix layout issue** on frontend conditional's select2 input when a second select2 CSS is loaded by another plugin.
* **fix for missing Code Snippets menu** in a certain scenario (roots.io Trellis setup). Props to Tim P. for reporting the issue in detail and facilitating the troubleshooting process.
* **fix for "Single page/post/CPT" conditional** not properly loading the searchable list and allowing for selection of post(s). Props to Kilian H. for reporting the issue.
* **[FIXED in Pro] Pro version activation** when the free version is still active will now correctly show a message with a link back to the plugins page on a sub-folder WP install. Props to Florian G. for reporting the issue, where the link was missing the /sub-folder/ in the link.
Changelog (Latest) - Admin and Site Enhancements (ASE) for WordPress
7.6.11 (2025.02.17) - ASE Free and Pro [IMPROVED in Free and Pro] Admin Interface >> Hide Admin Notices : the notices counter in the admin bar will now bewww.wpase.com
### 7.6.5 (2025.01.06) - ASE Free and Pro
* **[CHANGED in Pro] ASE Settings >> Import | Export** is now **available on all Pro plans** (SOLO, TEAM, AGENCY).
* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Utilities >> View Admin as Role**: fixed PHP warning that occurs in a certain scnenario.
* **[FIXED and IMPROVED in Pro] Custom Code >> Code Snippets Manager**:
* add option to **execute PHP snippets on page load (always) or on demand (manually)**. Props to Theo v.d.S. for the prompting this improvement.
* add option to **execute PHP snippets everywhere, only in the admin or only on the frontend**. Props to Gergo F. for prompting this improvement.
* add option to **execute PHP snippets via shortcode**. Also add the shortcode in the snippets list's "Options" column.
* **fixed PHP warning** introduced in v7.6.4. Props to Yoshihiro T., Mark K. and jman for reporting the issue with the relevant error/debug log entries.
* **[FIXED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Columns Manager**: fix an issue where if ACF select and radio fields are set to return an array, the admin columns for them are not showing any value. Props to A. Remut for reporting the issue.
* **[FIXED in Pro] Content Management >> Media Categories**: fixed a fatal error that occurs in a certain scenario when opening the "Appearances >> Menus" page. Props to Ivar S. for reporting the issue along with the debug/error log entries and facilitating the troubleshooting process.
### 7.6.4 (2024.12.30) - ASE Free and Pro
* **[IMPROVED in Pro] Custom Code >> Code Snippets Manager**: add an option for PHP snippets to choose which hook to execute each snippet at. You can choose between `plugins_loaded` (default), `after_setup_theme`, `init`, `wp_loaded` or `wp`. Props to Morten P. and Lee B. for prompting this improvement.
* **[CHANGED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Columns Manager**: terms list in a taxonomy columns now links to the filtered list of posts with that term, just like clicking a category on the Posts list. Props to Stijn V. for prompting this change.
* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Admin Interface >> SVG Upload**: fix fatal error and deprecation notice when the [Enhanced Responsive Images](https://wordpress.org/plugins/auto-sizes/) plugin is active. Props to [Mike B.] for [reporting this](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/fatal-error-svg-with-7-6-2/) and to [Sunny](https://wordpress.org/support/users/frdmsun/) for providing a critical piece of info that led to this fix.
* **[FIXED in Pro] Custom Code >> Code Snippets Manager**: fixed an issue where the Snippet Categories column is blank. Props to Stijn V. for reporting the issue.