### 7.6.3 (2024.12.16) - ASE Free and Pro
* **[SECURITY FIX in Free and Pro]**:
* **Utilities >> Email Delivery**: fix Broken Access Control vulnerability related to the process of sending a test email. Props to Rafie Muhammad (Patchstack) for the responsible disclosure.
* **Utilities >> View Admin as Role**: fix Privilege Escalation vulnerability that happens on a rare scenario. Props to Rafie Muhammad (Patchstack) for the responsible disclosure.
* **[IMPROVED in Free and Pro] Admin Interface >> Clean Up Admin Bar**: add an option to remove the home icon and site name. Props to Max Z. for prompting this improvement.
* **[IMPROVED and FIXED in Fre and Pro] Utilities >> Email Delivery**:
* Free: fix an issue where failed delivery during a send test just continues to show the spinning "Sending test email..." message. It should now properly update to "Oops, something went wrong" message.
* Pro: fix an issue where failed delivery were not properly logged as such in the email log in certain scenarios.
* Pro: add an option to disable authentication which is needed in some scenarios, e.g. delivery via Google Workspace's without 2FA and using the `smtp-relay.gmail.com` host without credentials. Props to @boomerangz for suggesting this improvement.
* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Content Management >> Media Replacement**: fix an issue where replacing non-image attachments, e.g. MP4 videos, might cause display issue on the attachment edit screen or when editing/viewing posts using displaying that attachment. Props to [@alriksson](https://wordpress.org/support/users/alriksson/) for [reporting the issue](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/media-replacement-query-string/).
* **[FIXED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Logo**: fix misformatted CSS for styling the admin bar logo. Props to @nassukesso for reporting this.
* **[FIXED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Columns Manager**: fix an issue where the left-most, default checkbox column is displayed wider than it should when Simple Custom Post Order plugin is active. Props to Valentin J. for reporting the issue and collaborating with a thorough investigation on their part as well.
* **[FIXED in Pro] Content Management >> Content Order**:
* fix an issue where querying and displaying the posts on the ordering page produces a fatal error in some scenarios. Props to Valentin J. for reporting the issue with great detail (error log entry + screenshot), which helped with the troubleshooting process.
* exclude CPTs from WordPres core, ASE, WooCommerce, Breakdance, Bricks and Elementor from the list of non-hierarchical CPTs to enable content ordering for.