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Admin and Site Enhancements (ASE) Pro

Admin and Site Enhancements (ASE) Pro NULLED

### (2024.12.09) - ASE Pro

* **[FIXED in Pro]** fixed a fatal error introduced in v7.6.2 in certain scenarios. Props to Marco M.J. for reporting the issue.
### 7.6.0 (2024.11.18) - ASE Free and Pro

* **[ADDED in Free and Pro] Log In/Out | Register >> Registration Date Column**: implement the ability to show registration date column in the users list table. Pro version makes the column sortable. Props to Bas B. for suggesting this feature.

* **[CHANGED in Free and Pro] ASE Settings**: the "Log In | Log Out" category has been renamed to "Log In/Out | Register".

* **[IMPROVED in Free and Pro] Custom Code >> Manage robots.txt**:
* Update robots.txt online validation tools. Now uses websiteplanet.com and seositecheckup.tools. Props to David S. for reporting that one of the previous validators was no longer available.
* Make sure robots.txt content being set in ASE is honored in the actual output on certain scenarios
### 7.5.3 (2024.11.18) - ASE Free and Pro

* **[IMPROVED in Free and Pro] Utilities >> Maintenance Mode**: make sure the site icon is included in the maintenance page. This should ensure browser tabs also displays the site icon. Props to [@tanasi](https://wordpress.org/support/users/tanasi/) for [reporting](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/favicon-missing-when-plugin-active/#post-18017882) the issue.

* **[FIXED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Columns Manager**:
* Fixed fatal error in a certain scenario. Props to Francois G. for reporting the issue.
* Fixed number of views being duplicated in the Views column of posts listing tables from Independent Analytics plugin. Props to Andreas K. for reporting the issue.

* **[FIXED in Pro] Content Management >> Custom Content Types >> Custom Field Group**:
* **Fixed Oxygen builder integration** issue where the ASE Field selection button is not shown, or it's shown but not all ASE fields were listed upon clicking it.
* **Add grid view option for gallery field** in Oxygen builder.
### 7.5.2 (2024.11.11) - ASE Free and Pro

* **[IMPROVED in Free] Log In | Log Out >> Change Login URL**: failed login on non-default login form, e.g. WooCommerce account login page, will now redirect back to that custom login form / page and no longer redirect to the custom login URL set in ASE. Props to [@vanektomas](https://wordpress.org/support/users/vanektomas/) for [reporting this](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/i-found-a-bug-11/).

* **[IMPROVED and FIXED in Pro] Content Management >> Custom Content Types >> Custom Field Groups**:
* [IMPROVED] The gallery field type now has an option to **display the gallery in grid mode** using the native [gallery] shortcode. Props to Han L. for suggesting this and providing the code snippet to base it upon.
* [FIXED] Display of **WSYIWYG field on the frontend will now properly render paragraph breaks** via get_cf() and also in Oxygen and Breakdance. Props to Gabriel A. and Matija Z. for reporting the issue and facilitating the troubleshooting process.

* **[SECURITY/FIXED in Free and Pro] Content Management >> SVG Upload**: fixed a Stored XSS security issue responsiblly disclosed by Francesco Carlucci via Wordfence. This allowed adding/uploading malicious SVG image via the /media endpoint in the REST API. Sanitization has now been added in that upload route.

* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Admin Interface >> Hide Admin Notices**: fixed an issue where notices are not hidden on WS Form edit screen. Props to Solomon A. for reporting the issue.

* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Optimizations >> Image Upload Control**: fixed fatal error in a rare scenario. Props to Darren L. for reporting the issue and helping with the troubleshooting process.

* **[FIXED in Pro] Utilities >> Email Delivery**: fixed entries order and sorting issue in the email delivery log. Props to Mathijs V.D.B for reporting the issue.
### 7.5.1 (2024.10.28) - ASE Free and Pro

* **[IMPROVED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Various Admin UI Enhancements**: added an option to add username to the body class. Useful for when you need to modify the admin area only for certain user(s).

* **[IMPROVED in Pro] Content Management >> Public Preview for Drafts**: added public preview button/link in gutenberg editor.

* **[IMPROVED in Pro] Log In | Log Out >> Login Page Customizer**: added an option to load an external CSS using the full URL of the CSS file. Props to Yann S. for prompting this improvement.

* **[IMPROVED in Free and Pro] ASE Settings**: number input fields now has appropriate min / max values. e.g. Revisions Control module's revision limit has a minimum value of 1 and maximum value of 100.

* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Utilities >> Multiple User Roles**: fix PHP warning. Props to Bob G. for reporting the issue.

* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Admin Interface >> Disable Dashboard Widgets**: fix PHP warning. Props to Richard E. for reporting the issue.
### 7.4.8 (2024.10.21) - ASE Free and Pro

* **[IMPROVED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Various Admin UI Enhancements**: added a module to add user role slug(s) to admin <body> classes. Useful for when you need to modify the admin area only for certain user roles. Props to Henry R. for prompting this improvement.

* **[IMPROVED in Pro] Content Management >> Custom Content Types >> Custom Field Groups**: added a couple of layout field types to more flexibly organize fields in a field group for data entry. Props to Christian G. for suggesting this improvement.
* **Heading field**: useful for grouping together several fields. Props to Christian G. for suggesting this improvement.
* **Line break field**: useful for breaking the flow of fields in a custom field group. The next field after the line break, will move to a new line.

* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Admin Interface >> Hide Admin Notices**: fix an issue where notices are not hidden on [WP All Import](https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-all-import/) admin page. Props to [@tomislo](https://wordpress.org/support/users/tomislo/) for [reporting the issue](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/hide-admin-notices-2/).

* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Disable Components >> Disable Gutenberg**: fix a layout issue on the classic editor UI due to a bug in Safari 18. Props to [@pressthemes1](https://wordpress.org/support/users/pressthemes1/) and Gabriel A. for reporting this.

* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Disable Components >> Disable Smaller Components >> Disable plugin and theme editor**: fix PHP warninng. Props to [@pressthemes1](https://wordpress.org/support/users/pressthemes1/) and [@dsnger](https://wordpress.org/support/users/dsnger/) for [reporting the issue](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/undefined-array-key-disallow_file_edit/).

* **[FIXED in Pree and Pro] ASE Settings**: fixed an issue where the settings page has a JS error rendering it unusable when WPML and WMPL String Translation plugins are active. Props to Stijn V. for reporting the issue and facilitating troubleshooting.

* **[FIXED in ASE Pro] Content Management >> Custom Content Types >> Custom Field Groups**: fix PHP warning.
### 7.4.6 (2024.10.07) - ASE Free and Pro

* **[IMPROVED in PRO] Log In | Log Out >> Change Login URL**: now respects the recently added feature to Redirect After Login module which allows for separate redirection URL for each user role. With this improvement, if a user role is already logged-in, going to the custom login URL will properly redirect to the URL set in Redirect After Login module for that role, no longer redirecting to /wp-admin/ (the Dashboard). An improvement was also implemented to handle the scenario where the user has multiple user roles. Props to Wence W. for reporting the issue and facilitating the troubleshooting.

* **[FIXED in PRO] Admin Interface >> Admin Columns Manager**: improved mechanism to detect and categorize custom fields in a post type, ensuring they are handled properly based on their handler (ASE, ACF, Meta Box or plain custom field). Props to Stanislaw R. for reporting the issue and facilitating the troubleshooting process.

* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Admin Interface >> Disable Dashboard Widgets**: fix for certain dashboard widgets not being listed by this module, thus not possible to disable them, e.g. HappyAddons for Elementor. Props to MIRAJA Design for reporting this.

* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Menu Organizer**: fix admin menu scrolling issue when opening WPIDE plugin's admin page. Props to Francois G. for reporting the issue.

* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Disable Components >> Disable Smaller Components >> Disable Plugin and Theme Editor**: add a mechanism to check if wp-config.php is writeable. If wp-config.php is not writeable, a warning message will now be displayed in the module description. This will also prevent fatal error on sites where wp-config.php is not writeable. Props to @cvladan, @aguilar1181, @pressthemes1 for [reporting this](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/fatal-error-crash/).
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Reactions: vab33
### 7.4.4 (2024.09.23) - ASE Free and Pro

* **[IMPROVED in Free and Pro] Optimization >> Image Upload Control**:
* ASE Free and Pro: improved handling of PNG with transparency
* ASE Pro: fix for WebP conversion for certain type of PNG with transparency. Props to Aleš S. for reporting the issue.

* **[IMPROVED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Columns Manager**: add an option to set custom formatting for number and date-time columns. This is applicable to default columns and custom field columns, including those by ASE, ACF, Meta Box.

* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Log In | Log Out >> Last Login Column**: fix login time not being properly logged. Props to [@pcamoz](https://wordpress.org/support/users/pcamoz/) for [reporting the issue](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/log-last-login-for-users/).

* **[FIXED in Pro] Admin Interface >> Admin Menu Organizer**: fix PHP warning. Props to Simon K. for reporting the issue.

* **[FIXED in Pro] Content Management >> Media Categories**: fix CSS issue causing the search box position to shift leftward. Props to Mike D. for reporting the issue.
### 7.4.2 (2024.09.16) - ASE Free and Pro

* **[IMPROVED in Pro] Content Management >> Content Order**: adjacent posts (next and previous posts) are now correctly reflecting the custom order. Props to Antoine L. for suggesting this improvement.

* **[FIXED in Free and Pro] Log In | Log Out >> Change Login URL**: fix an issue where visiting the custom login URL while logged-in returns a 404 Not Found error. Props to Nadja v.M. for reporting the issue.