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Do you upload Remito - Online Money Transfer Solution my friend


NullCave Friend

Remito - Online Money Transfer Solution​

“Remito” is a reliable, secure and money transfer service that comes with PHP laravel.
It is a trusted script using for sending money to family and friends overseas.
Recipients pick up cash without paying a fee.

Pros of using Remito

✓ Easy to use with user-friendly online applications.
✓ No need to visit agent
✓ Those who receive money can collect their money at any bank
✓ Multiple payout options, including bank transfer, mobile wallet and cash pickup
✓ Email, sms & instant notification alerts for user and sender can track when money has been sent and received..
✓ Its website is secure, meaning you can be confident you’re transferring money securely

Item Features

✓ 25+ Automatic Payment gateways.
✓ All Dynamic Contents.
✓ Responsive Design for All Devices.
✓ Modern browser support.
✓ Cross-browser compatibility.
✓ Most Powerful Admin & User interface.
✓ Clean & Easy Code Structure
✓ 24X7 Support
✓ Easy Documentation
✓ Realtime Notification for admin and users
✓ TOS & Privacy Policy
✓ FAQ Management

User Features

✓ User Notification System.
✓ 25+ Automated Payment for transfer payment
✓ Manual/ Bank Payment for transfer payment
✓ Transfer History
✓ Transfer Invoice
✓ Payment History
✓ 2FA Security
✓ Support Ticket
✓ Profile & Password Update

Admin Features

✓ Most Informative Admin Dashboard.
✓ Realtime Notification For Admin.
✓ Admin can add, update Service
✓ Country Management and assignable service
✓ Service Provider Add or Update in Country Service
✓ Admin Can Define Service Charge For Every Country Service
✓ Transfer log & Informative Transfer Details
✓ Coupon Code Service For Discount
✓ Manage Sending Purpose
✓ Manage Source Of Fund
✓ 25+ Automated Payment Gateway
✓ Manual / Local Bank Payment System
✓ Payment History
✓ All Transactions Record
✓ User Management
✓ All User/ Single User Email Notification
✓ Support Ticket
✓ Website Basic Controls
✓ Website Color Management
✓ Email Configuration
✓ Email Template Management
✓ SMS Configuration
✓ SMS Template Management
✓ Logo & SEO Management
✓ All Content Management
✓ Profile & Password Update

Demo Links​

Frontend Link: https://script.bugfinder.net/remito

User Login: https://script.bugfinder.net/remito/login

Username: demouser
Password: demouser

Admin Panel : https://script.bugfinder.net/remito/admin

Username: admin
Password: admin

Version 2.0 – 03rd October , 2021​

  • [ADD] UI Upgrade
  • [Fix] Bug Fix

Version 3.0 – 09th October, 2021​

  • [ADD] KYC Added

Version 3.0.1 – 3rd Mar, 2022​

  • [PATCH] htaccess Update

Version 3.0.2 – 24th Apr, 2022​

  • [Fix] 2FA Issue