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zCart Multi-Vendor eCommerce Marketplace incevio

NULLED zCart Multi-Vendor eCommerce Marketplace incevio 2.17.1 NULLED

Hello guys, how to fix 500 server error on the instalation?
Thank you
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kindly see the error on the file. on the storage>logs>.log file
[2023-10-17 11:20:05] production.ERROR: symlink(): No such file or directory {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): symlink(): No such file or directory at /home/wowdhpqu/public_html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Filesystem/Filesystem.php:332)
#0 [internal function]: Illuminate\\Foundation\\Bootstrap\\HandleExceptions->handleError()
#1 /home/wowdhpqu/public_html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Filesystem/Filesystem.php(332): symlink()
#2 /home/wowdhpqu/public_html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Console/StorageLinkCommand.php(47): Illuminate\\Filesystem\\Filesystem->link()
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[2023-10-17 11:20:05] production.ERROR: symlink(): No such file or directory {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): symlink(): No such file or directory at /home/wowdhpqu/public_html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Filesystem/Filesystem.php:332)
#0 [internal function]: Illuminate\\Foundation\\Bootstrap\\HandleExceptions->handleError()
#1 /home/wowdhpqu/public_html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Filesystem/Filesystem.php(332): symlink()
#2 /home/wowdhpqu/public_html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Console/StorageLinkCommand.php(47): Illuminate\\Filesystem\\Filesystem->link()
you need to create storage:link here's the guide https://laravel.com/docs/10.x/filesystem
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Reactions: Tawfiq

I have no idea where I went wrong, but right after a successful installation, I tried loading demo data from the Admin interface and everything just died!!!

I got "Be Right Back" on the screen, and nothing more. Has anyone had this problem, and how do I solve it?

Thanks everyone.
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addons attached

not nulled

1. dynamicCommission
2. flashdeal
3. inspector


  • zCart_Addons_Packages.zip
    213.4 KB · Views: 67
iranthavan 's signature
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raz0r 's signature
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Version 2.13.0 (24 December 2023)​

+ Catalog enable/disable feature
+ Single login for seller & customer
+ Show digital products separately on merchant stock
+ Data Layer data provided for pixel
+ Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tiktok pixel base code integrated
+ Delivery confirmation using OTP on App
+ Delivery can give feedback for orders on App
+ Option to add to cart all “Frequently Bought Together” items from product page
+ Dynamic height for the mega menu
*Admin site css file mix remove issue fix
*Stock and order database responsive issue fix
*OTP login library include issue
*Dashboard cancellations page order variable not found issue fix
*Create coupon form coupon generate issue fix
*Fix a few grammatical issues on the languages
*customer order detail page translation issue fix
*Customer order cancel item issue fix
*Refund initiate issue fix
*Feedback page issue fix
*Role update issue fix on admin panel
*price filter min and max dynamic value show issue fix
*Vendor billing page responsive issue fix
*attribute duplication issue fix
*Demo reset issue fixed
*Logo show issue fix on product details quick-view modal
= Cart feature moved to cookie from session

New Plugins:
+ Mollie Payment Gateway
+ bKash Payment Gateway

Plugins Update:
+ googleAnalytics
+ zCart Wallet
* otpLogin
* TrendingKeywords - 1.2.1
* Iyzico - 1.0.1
* Mercado 1.0.2
= Search Autocomplete
= comparison - 1.0.3
= Variant edit process
= Inventory form
Reacted by:

Version 2.13.0 (24 December 2023)​

+ Catalog enable/disable feature
+ Single login for seller & customer
+ Show digital products separately on merchant stock
+ Data Layer data provided for pixel
+ Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tiktok pixel base code integrated
+ Delivery confirmation using OTP on App
+ Delivery can give feedback for orders on App
+ Option to add to cart all “Frequently Bought Together” items from product page
+ Dynamic height for the mega menu
*Admin site css file mix remove issue fix
*Stock and order database responsive issue fix
*OTP login library include issue
*Dashboard cancellations page order variable not found issue fix
*Create coupon form coupon generate issue fix
*Fix a few grammatical issues on the languages
*customer order detail page translation issue fix
*Customer order cancel item issue fix
*Refund initiate issue fix
*Feedback page issue fix
*Role update issue fix on admin panel
*price filter min and max dynamic value show issue fix
*Vendor billing page responsive issue fix
*attribute duplication issue fix
*Demo reset issue fixed
*Logo show issue fix on product details quick-view modal
= Cart feature moved to cookie from session

New Plugins:
+ Mollie Payment Gateway
+ bKash Payment Gateway

Plugins Update:
+ googleAnalytics
+ zCart Wallet
* otpLogin
* TrendingKeywords - 1.2.1
* Iyzico - 1.0.1
* Mercado 1.0.2
= Search Autocomplete
= comparison - 1.0.3
= Variant edit process
= Inventory form

@raz0r please null it
iranthavan 's signature
the version 2.13.0 is not nulled, so it cannot be used.
And the version 2.12.0 does not even start the installation, since the /install folder is missing. Useless
Last edited:
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Hello all my friends,
i see this is one of the best for shop, but i saw they have now Version 2.14.0 (26 February 2024)
is there any help to have last update @raz0r @iranthavan
Many thanks in advance :)
Tawfiq 's signature
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Version 2.13.0 (24 December 2023)​

+ Catalog enable/disable feature
+ Single login for seller & customer
+ Show digital products separately on merchant stock
+ Data Layer data provided for pixel
+ Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tiktok pixel base code integrated
+ Delivery confirmation using OTP on App
+ Delivery can give feedback for orders on App
+ Option to add to cart all “Frequently Bought Together” items from product page
+ Dynamic height for the mega menu
*Admin site css file mix remove issue fix
*Stock and order database responsive issue fix
*OTP login library include issue
*Dashboard cancellations page order variable not found issue fix
*Create coupon form coupon generate issue fix
*Fix a few grammatical issues on the languages
*customer order detail page translation issue fix
*Customer order cancel item issue fix
*Refund initiate issue fix
*Feedback page issue fix
*Role update issue fix on admin panel
*price filter min and max dynamic value show issue fix
*Vendor billing page responsive issue fix
*attribute duplication issue fix
*Demo reset issue fixed
*Logo show issue fix on product details quick-view modal
= Cart feature moved to cookie from session

New Plugins:
+ Mollie Payment Gateway
+ bKash Payment Gateway

Plugins Update:
+ googleAnalytics
+ zCart Wallet
* otpLogin
* TrendingKeywords - 1.2.1
* Iyzico - 1.0.1
* Mercado 1.0.2
= Search Autocomplete
= comparison - 1.0.3
= Variant edit process
= Inventory form

*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

@raz0r please null it
they have now Version 2.14.0 (26 February 2024) , but its very super this script
Tawfiq 's signature
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Version 2.14.0 (26th February 2024)​

+ Admin can bulk deposit money to the customer's wallet from the admin dashboard.
+ Provide your customers with live shipping rate and time estimations
+ Bulk order processing
= No need to configure the wallet plugin at code level
= No need to configure the inspector plugin at the code level
* Fixed issue where digital products didn't show when catalog mode was off
* Fixed dynamic currency issue in generated coupon
* Fixed shipping rate button not being clickable in mobile view
* Appearance of additional 'c' in group and subgroup in Nova theme fixed
* Fixed dynamic currency change issue on some pages
* Top banner delete option added. (Turns off top banner)
* Fixed default theme mobile-mega-menu scroll issue

Post automatically merged:

zCart Customer app

Version 2.6.1 (24th February 2023)
+ Showing colors for the attributes
+ Showing payment instructions
+ New Plugin: Shippo is supported
+ New Plugin: Auction is supported
* OTP Issue solved

possible to null this @raz0r
iranthavan 's signature

Version 2.14.0 (26th February 2024)​

+ Admin can bulk deposit money to the customer's wallet from the admin dashboard.
+ Provide your customers with live shipping rate and time estimations
+ Bulk order processing
= No need to configure the wallet plugin at code level
= No need to configure the inspector plugin at the code level
* Fixed issue where digital products didn't show when catalog mode was off
* Fixed dynamic currency issue in generated coupon
* Fixed shipping rate button not being clickable in mobile view
* Appearance of additional 'c' in group and subgroup in Nova theme fixed
* Fixed dynamic currency change issue on some pages
* Top banner delete option added. (Turns off top banner)
* Fixed default theme mobile-mega-menu scroll issue

*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

Post automatically merged:

zCart Customer app

Version 2.6.1 (24th February 2023)
+ Showing colors for the attributes
+ Showing payment instructions
+ New Plugin: Shippo is supported
+ New Plugin: Auction is supported
* OTP Issue solved

*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***

possible to null this @raz0r
Is this nulled or not?
Arslan10227 's signature
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Reactions: Ogeido
raz0r updated zCart Multi-Vendor eCommerce Marketplace incevio with a new update entry:

zCart 2.14.0 NULLED


Version 2.14.0 (26 February 2024)​

+ Bulk order processing
+ Admin can bulk deposit money to the customer's wallet from the admin dashboard.
+ Provide your customers with live shipping rate and time estimations
= No need to configure the wallet plugin at code level
= No need to configure the inspector plugin at the code level
* Fixed issue where digital products didn't show when...

Read the rest of this update entry...
raz0r 's signature
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Reactions: Tawfiq and Arslan10227