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Xtra - Creative Website Builder + StyleKit

NULLED Xtra - Creative Website Builder + StyleKit 4.9.11 NULLED

Outdated and not working at all!
elledios 's signature
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Hello, The last version 4.9.10 did not work correctly no PRO mode activated and impossible to import demos ..
You should wait, i will fix this in next update.
raz0r 's signature
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raz0r updated Xtra - Creative Website Builder + StyleKit with a new update entry:

Xtra - Multipurpose WordPress & WooCommerce Theme + RTL 4.9.11 NULLED

v4.9.11 [25 Oct 2024]

Added Header top bar content banner
Added Header search element custom trending items
Added Japanese, Chinese, and German .po/.mo language files
Added Some StyleKits for elements and widgets in small devices
Fixed Carousel element "Slides to scroll" number conflict with multiple usage
Fixed Menu current active style conflict with custom menu links
Fixed Slider message placeholder when the slider is not installed or activated
Fixed Posts list date format conflict...

Read the rest of this update entry...
raz0r 's signature
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