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WP Timeline – Vertical and Horizontal timeline plugin

WP Timeline – Vertical and Horizontal timeline plugin 3.6.3


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raz0r submitted a new resource:

WP Timeline – Vertical and Horizontal timeline plugin - WordPress timeline plugin (Codecanyon Item ID: 17664690)

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The Best WordPress Timeline plugin

If you want to create stories , timeline, history, roadmap … WP Timeline is a must-have plugin. Designed to create timeline easy and hassle-free, WP Timeline is the simplest way for your business to display timeline/stories/history… With the WP Timeline plugin, you can manage everything from create to showing timeline, you can create timeline with BC/AD date or any date and display...

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Hello everyone!

I recently installed the WP Timeline plugin on my WordPress website to create timeline content. The frontend display of the plugin is working fine, but I've encountered an issue with the backend settings.

Specifically, when I try to access the plugin's backend settings page, clicking the "Settings" link seems to have no response. This means I can't customize my timeline or perform other backend configurations. I've ensured that the plugin is up-to-date and compatible with my WordPress version.

I wanted to ask if anyone in the community has also faced this issue or if anyone knows how to resolve it. I've tried reinstalling the plugin, but the problem persists.

Any suggestions or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, everyone!