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WooCommerce Smart Coupons

WooCommerce Smart Coupons 9.29.0

raz0r 's signature
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WooCommerce Smart Coupons 9.9.0 (Untouched)​

2024.09.10 - version 9.9.0
* Fix: Store Credit with product category restrictions does not respect the 'Apply before tax' setting
* Fix: The applied store credit amount is also included under 'Coupons' on the order admin page
* Fix: Undefined array key 'no_of_coupons_to_generate'
* Fix: Not using WooCommerce's setting for decimal during the price calculations for a 100 percent discount
* Fix: Coupons are not re-validating, and cart totals are not updating when the billing email changes during checkout
* Update: Translations


  • woocommerce-smart-coupons_9.9.0_zn.zip
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WooCommerce Smart Coupons 9.9.0 (Untouched)​

2024.09.10 - version 9.9.0
* Fix: Store Credit with product category restrictions does not respect the 'Apply before tax' setting
* Fix: The applied store credit amount is also included under 'Coupons' on the order admin page
* Fix: Undefined array key 'no_of_coupons_to_generate'
* Fix: Not using WooCommerce's setting for decimal during the price calculations for a 100 percent discount
* Fix: Coupons are not re-validating, and cart totals are not updating when the billing email changes during checkout
* Update: Translations
do you have 9.10.0 version please?
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raz0r updated WooCommerce Smart Coupons with a new update entry:

WooCommerce Smart Coupons 9.10.0

2024.09.16 - version 9.10.0
* Fix: Coupon Taxonomy restrictions to work with the AND condition
* Fix: Email not sent when bulk generating email-restricted coupons with 0 discount and defined coupon actions
* Fix: Refund store credit compatibility with Aelia Currency Switcher for WooCommerce
* Fix: Error WC_Coupon::set_error_message(): Argument 1 must be of type string
* Update: Translations

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raz0r updated WooCommerce Smart Coupons with a new update entry:

WooCommerce Smart Coupons 9.11.0

2024.09.30 - version 9.11.0
* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 9.3.2
* Fix: NULL value is getting set in Smart Coupons custom table where only boolean value is allowed
* Fix: In some cases, discounts are applying twice [WC Blocks]
* Update: Removed cart & checkout block info from WooCommerce > Status as it's already available under WooCommerce > Status > WooCommerce Pages
* Update: URL cleanup by removing un-required parameter
* Update: Translations

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raz0r updated WooCommerce Smart Coupons with a new update entry:

WooCommerce Smart Coupons 9.12.0

2024.10.07 - version 9.12.0
* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 9.3.3
* Fix: Added validation to prevent new coupon application if 'individual use' coupons are already applied in the classic cart
* Fix: The coupon with the 'For New User Only' and 'Auto Apply' features was being incorrectly applied to all users, instead of being limited to new customers only
* Fix: Coupon applied by 1-click was not reflecting immediately
* Fix: The wpdb::prepare function was called incorrectly during the...

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raz0r updated WooCommerce Smart Coupons with a new update entry:

WooCommerce Smart Coupons 9.13.0

2024.10.15 - version 9.13.0
* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 9.3.3
* Fix: Removing a product from an order in the admin panel results in an incorrect coupon value calculation
* Fix: Ensure appropriate data type being used when transposing data to Smart Coupons custom table
* Fix: Replaced the dollar sign with 'jQuery' to prevent conflicts
* Update: Translations

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raz0r updated WooCommerce Smart Coupons with a new update entry:

WooCommerce Smart Coupons 9.15.0

2024.10.30 - version 9.15.0
* New: Setting to allow selection of product when multiple products are set in the 'Actions' tab > 'Add products to cart' [WC Blocks]
* New: Introducing 'Use case tours'. Added a few use case tours.
* Fix: Smart Coupons is ignoring discounts applied by WPC Product Bundles
* Fix: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: int + string
* Update: Improved UX for Smart Coupons fields & its description for better understanding
* Update...

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raz0r updated WooCommerce Smart Coupons with a new update entry:

WooCommerce Smart Coupons 9.20.0

2024.12.18 - version 9.20.0
* New: Tested up to WordPress 6.7.1
* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 9.4.3
* New: Added holiday season based themes for storewide notice for coupons
* New: Added more palettes of colors for coupons
* New: Added button to generate more combinations from the palettes of colors for coupons
* Fix: Consider variation parent product as well for validating auto-apply coupons
* Fix: Subject of the emails generated by the plugin are showing HTML codes
* Fix: Added...

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raz0r updated WooCommerce Smart Coupons with a new update entry:

*** WooCommerce Smart Coupons Changelog ***

2024.12.30 - version 9.21.0
* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 9.5.1
* New: Added Polylang compatibility for coupon restrictions with a filter 'enable_wc_sc_polylang_compatibility' to toggle integration (disabled by default)
* Fix: Auto generate coupons does not respect the settings for WooCommerce Subscriptions [WC Blocks]
* Fix: Auto-apply coupon not removing for WooCommerce Subscriptions product
* Fix: Auto-apply not working for coupons with attribute restrictions by ensuring accurate...

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