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WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit

WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit


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raz0r submitted a new resource:

WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit - Download WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit Codecanyon 8011417

View attachment 16750

Easily create discounts in bulk, product variations, change stock, edit attributes, change product image in your WooCommerce store. Products and variations are displayed in a spreadsheet-like table and can be edited in bulk or individual cells.

  • Filter products by title, category, attributes, regular and sale price, sku, tags, long and short descriptions, product status, stock qty and status, product type, shipping class, post...

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raz0r updated WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit with a new update entry:

WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit v5.2.1

Version 5.2.1 (July 4, 2023)
- New Feature: Added a new option in Plugin Settings to disable execution time limit. This will help the shops with lots of products.
- Upgrade: Added a link from the Columns dialog to the Find Custom/Meta Fields dialog, so it's easier to access all field types from a single place.
- Upgrade: Added compatibility with the new WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS).
- Other small general bug fixes and improvements.

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Version 5.4.1 (April 3, 2024)​

  • Fix: Search Everywhere didn't search through custom attribute fields.
  • Fix: One more fix on attributes updating routine and removing the experimental option for enabling of the fix, it's now part of the core.
  • WordPress 6.5 compatibility.
  • WooCommerce 8.7 compatibility.
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raz0r updated WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit with a new update entry:

WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit

Version (October 8, 2024)
New Feature: Added diagnostic tool for the connection with the updates server.
Fix: Issue with plugin Custom order numbers for WooCommerce Pro
Fix: Issue with plugin Solid Security Pro.
Fix: Reworked JS error notification. It should be more user friendly now.
Other small bug fixes and improvements.

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