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WhatSender - Whatsapp server and bulk sender (SAAS)

NULLED WhatSender - Whatsapp server and bulk sender (SAAS) 4.6 NULLED

Integrate API with OpenCart for Instant Order Notifications​

From the link everyone can test site features all are working https://shorturl.at/6pYIT

Notification Types:
  1. New Order Created
  2. Order Status Updated
  3. Product Purchased
  4. Abandoned Cart Reminder
  5. New User Registration
  6. Forgot Password
  7. New Address Added
  8. Address Edited
  9. Address Deleted
  10. New Return Request
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Hello.How you installed wawoo module? Upload direct to module folder not working. im Getting errors. How bypass purchase code ? Can you please help with this. Installcontroller replaced.
Kindly share the module too.

Edit: It has been attached!


  • Wawoo.zip
    12.9 KB · Views: 28
upal 's signature
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Dear @raz0r @hack4devil @iranthavan can you please update to the latest Version

script dependencies updated (need manual update)

template edit error fix for v4.5

missing menu item added

It is on the latest.
upal 's signature
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أين توجد جداول قاعدة البيانات؟

You do not need one. Just go through the normal installation process.
upal 's signature
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raz0r 's signature
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Reactions: teachisland and dwdye89wy8f
Was the chatbot fixed? is it now working? share the solution please. thank you

Chatbox was never an issue to begin with.

And that URL is using the same files that was uploaded by me and it works out of the box even on a localhost.
upal 's signature
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Reactions: brightworld
Chatbox was never an issue to begin with.

And that URL is using the same files that was uploaded by me and it works out of the box even on a localhost.
wen I use the {name} or even {{name}} it doesn't call the contact name in the message, the will be received with {name} tag. About the chatbot its an issue with me, can you help?
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