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We Courier - Courier and logistics management CMS with Merchant,Delivery app

We Courier - Courier and logistics management CMS with Merchant,Delivery app 1.4

Not Nulled
Please upload nulled
Edit file


//purchase code verification
$purchaseVerify = $this->PurchaseVerification($request->purchase_code);
if($purchaseVerify != 200):
return redirect()->back()->withErrors(['purchase_code'=> $purchaseVerify])->withInput($request->all());
//end purchase code verification

The weCourierDeliveryApp
Need add Podfile to build ios
# Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project
platform :ios, '13.0'

I'm use codemagic build completed
App run perfectly
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This user BANNED
Edit file


//purchase code verification
$purchaseVerify = $this->PurchaseVerification($request->purchase_code);
if($purchaseVerify != 200):
return redirect()->back()->withErrors(['purchase_code'=> $purchaseVerify])->withInput($request->all());
//end purchase code verification

The weCourierDeliveryApp
Need add Podfile to build ios
# Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project
platform :ios, '13.0'

I'm use codemagic build completed
App run perfectly
Hey mate, What am I to edit in the install handler exactly?
Everything you wrote here looks identical with what's inside...
What line am I removing?
Thanks in advance
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Hey mate, What am I to edit in the install handler exactly?
Everything you wrote here looks identical with what's inside...
What line am I removing?
Thanks in advance

Look the code that I Red Bold

//purchase code verification
$purchaseVerify = $this->PurchaseVerification($request->purchase_code);
if($purchaseVerify != 200):
return redirect()->back()->withErrors(['purchase_code'=> $purchaseVerify])->withInput($request->all());
//end purchase code verification
alex2k 's signature
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Look the code that I Red Bold

//purchase code verification
$purchaseVerify = $this->PurchaseVerification($request->purchase_code);
if($purchaseVerify != 200):
return redirect()->back()->withErrors(['purchase_code'=> $purchaseVerify])->withInput($request->all());
//end purchase code verification
Don't understand, it's same thing in the code, can you please post difference of changes
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