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Warehouse - Prestashop theme with elementor

Warehouse - Prestashop theme with elementor 4.7.0


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raz0r submitted a new resource:

Warehouse - Prestashop 1.7 theme with elementor - Prestashop theme with elementor - themeforest ID: 3178575

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Warehouse is a clean, powerfull HTML5 responsive prestashop theme.

Extremly powerfull live theme editor​

It's fully featured easy to use editor of each part of template.
It also include backoffice editor​

With around 500 customizable options you can create unique design of your store.
It gives you the ability to customise even very small details of your store.

IQIT Elementor...​

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raz0r updated Warehouse - Prestashop 1.7 theme with elementor with a new update entry:

Warehouse v4.5.6 - Prestashop 1.7 theme with elementor

[PS 1.7.8] 4.5.6
- new options for mobile menu in thmeeditor:
- old mobile menu
- mobile menu as panel instead of accordion
- transform horizontal drag and drop menu into mobile friendly format

- iqitelementor - show section as slideshow - helpfull for creation simple html carusels
- you can use few banner widgets and show them as slideshow instead grid
- IQITEXTENDEDPRODUCT - new position options, show videos and 360 pictures directly...

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raz0r updated Warehouse - Prestashop 1.7 theme with elementor with a new update entry:

Warehouse - Prestashop 1.7 theme with elementor v4.6.3

[PS 8.1] 4.6.3 11.10.2023
- compability check with ps 8.1.2
- upgraded version of revolution slider
- iqitelementor: min-hegiht of section can now be set separatly per viewport
- iqitelementor: to add link to "links widget" title

- removal of deprecated addthis plugin
- problem with image zoom in modal with webP images enabled
- php notice related to webimages on product page
- iqitelementor: fixed section height on editor preview

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raz0r updated Warehouse - Prestashop theme with elementor with a new update entry:

Warehouse Prestashop theme 4.7.0

[PS 8.x] 4.7.0 - 19.02.2025
- Upgraded Bootstrap to version 5.3.3.
- Upgraded Swiper library.
- Upgraded Fontawesome to 6.7.2
- Added backward compatibility for Bootstrap 4 to ensure compatibility with the PS ecosystem.
- Upgraded Instagram integration to use the new Graph API token.
- Enabled auto-refresh for the Instagram token in the feed.
- New module: IQITPRODUCTVARIANTS – Associates product variants and displays them in the attributes section with an...

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