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Stackposts - Social Marketing Tool stackcode

NULLED Stackposts - Social Marketing Tool stackcode 8.2.0 NULLED Extended

Olá, tenho a versão 8.1.2 mas quando instalo nada vai a lugar nenhum...
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Olá, tenho a versão 8.1.2 mas quando instalo nada vai a lugar nenhum, olha se alguém quiser baixar e torná-lo instalável por favor me avise
Eu instalo se quiser e corrijo alguns erros para torná-lo funcional, preciso dos módulos e da última versão, me mande uma mensagem e podemos trocar
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Tell me please. I install this script from this site, I prescribe everything according to the instructions, but when I go to the site, some file is downloaded and that's it. what to do? maybe someone had this? How was it decided?
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This user BANNED
please update to the last version v9.12
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i am trying to install online, this is what is displaying. how can i solve this issue

$installation = false;
header("Location: ./install/index.php");

// Path to the front controller (this file)
define('DEMO', FALSE);

* This process sets up the path constants, loads and registers
* our autoloader, along with Composer's, loads our constants
* and fires up an environment-specific bootstrapping.

// Ensure the current directory is pointing to the front controller's directory

// Load our paths config file
// This is the line that might need to be changed, depending on your folder structure.
$pathsConfig = FCPATH . 'app/Config/Paths.php';
// ^^^ Change this if you move your application folder
require realpath($pathsConfig) ?: $pathsConfig;

$paths = new Config\Paths();

// Location of the framework bootstrap file.
$bootstrap = rtrim($paths->systemDirectory, '\\/ ') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'bootstrap.php';
$app = require realpath($bootstrap) ?: $bootstrap;

* Now that everything is setup, it's time to actually fire
* up the engines and make this app do its thang.
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i am trying to install online, this is what is displaying. how can i solve this issue

$installation = false;
header("Location: ./install/index.php");

// Path to the front controller (this file)
define('DEMO', FALSE);

* This process sets up the path constants, loads and registers
* our autoloader, along with Composer's, loads our constants
* and fires up an environment-specific bootstrapping.

// Ensure the current directory is pointing to the front controller's directory

// Load our paths config file
// This is the line that might need to be changed, depending on your folder structure.
$pathsConfig = FCPATH . 'app/Config/Paths.php';
// ^^^ Change this if you move your application folder
require realpath($pathsConfig) ?: $pathsConfig;

$paths = new Config\Paths();

// Location of the framework bootstrap file.
$bootstrap = rtrim($paths->systemDirectory, '\\/ ') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'bootstrap.php';
$app = require realpath($bootstrap) ?: $bootstrap;

* Now that everything is setup, it's time to actually fire
* up the engines and make this app do its thang.
yoou need to use PHP for your Webhosting, activate it and it should work.
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Many thanks for this tool! Really appreciate it. But I have a problem.

When trying to add any account (Telegram for example) and click «Submit» I get «Success» popup, but in a few seconds it gives an «Whoops!» error. VK and other TG options also fail to. be added.

All the configs match the requirements:

• CI_ENVIRONMENT = production
• ini_set('display_errors', '1');
• defined('CI_DEBUG') || define('CI_DEBUG', true);

But it doesn't show any error codes except the general «Whoops!» message. What problem may cause such behaviour?
Server config is Ubuntu 22.04, Apache, PHP-8.1. PHP is also configured according to the instructions.

Thanks in advance!
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