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Simply Static Pro

NULLED Simply Static Pro 1.6.0 NULLED


Staff member
raz0r submitted a new resource:

Simply Static Pro - Enhances Simply Static with GitHub Integration, Forms, Comments and more.

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Simply Static Pro NULLED

Convert your WordPress site into a static one with the WordPress static site generator plugin, Simply Static. Use forms, comments, search and go multilingual with Simply Static Pro.

Generate a Static WordPress Website​

With Simply Static, you’ll be able to convert your dynamic website into a static website with just a click of a button.

Use Simply...

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Nginx, PHP MySQL 8 SS 1.4.7 does not save any configuration, randomly sculpts statics (
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raz0r updated Simply Static Pro with a new update entry:

Simply Static Pro 1.6.0 NULLED

= 1.6.0 =
* Redirection integration for automated redirects
* Complianz integration for cookie consents
* new forms integration with support WP Forms, Fluent Forms and WS Form
* improved transient handling
* added helper videos for various features
* fixed missing directory for ShortPixel integration
* refactored Fuse.js integration to move away from XMLHTTPRequests
* improved Basic Auth handling
* improved parameters for GitHub integration (decreased tree size, increased blob batch...

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